The doctrine of the new Jerusalem concerning the Lord

발행: 1821년

분량: 224페이지


분류: 미분류


inlier ense se there are constanti both Spirit anil anget attendant on an anda they are Spirituat, o do the under-


in Micali, Thou Bethlehem Ephratali, though thoua litti among the thousandsos audati, et out os theo hali como orthone that is to e uter in Israel, hoSego ings sorti, have been froni old, from ever-lusting. ' v. 2. Also rom the word os

the Lord that he was e re Abraham; that he Ras in glory ith the ather be- re the solandation Os the world that hocame sortii rom tho ather; and the declaration o Johia, that the ord was froni the eginning it God, and that

God was the ord, and that the Same IaS


the mighty God the evertastinis ather ros the increas os his overnnient therct shallae no end upon the throne os David


horn os salvation sor iis in the ous os

th treagures os darkness, an hiddenriches os secret places that thou mayeSt


unt dehovali, and vowedinto the MightyGod of Iacob, uret Pwilliso enter into the tabernacle os my ouse, untiles findout a place sor dehovali, an habitation sor

Besides hos passages here the ordis callud God th Redoemor an Saviouros Israel, a Luke i. 47. Isaiah xlv. 15. Chap. liv. 5. Psalm xxviii. 35. Anil in many the places, Whereieci only calle dili God os Israel, as Isaiah xvii. 6. Chap. XV. 10, 17. Chap. XXiv. 15. Chap. XXiX. 23. Jer vii. . Chap. X. 15. Chap.


Chap. ix. 3, 15. Chap. xxiii. 2. Chap.

Xxiv. . Chap. XXV. 15 27. Chap. XXiX. 4, 8, 21, 25. Chap. XXX. 2. Chap. XXXi. 23. Chap. xxxii. 14, 15, 36. Chap. XXXiii. . Chap. XXXiv. 2, 13. Chap. XXXu. 13, 17, 18, 19. Chap. xxvii. T. Chap. xxxviii. 17. Chap. XXXiX. 16.

Chap. xlii. 9, 15, 18. Chap. xliii. 10. Chap. xliv. 2, 7, 11, 25. Chap. xlviii. 1. Chap. l. 18. Chap. h. 33. gehiel viii. q. Chap. X. 3. Chap. X. 19, 20 Chap. XEii. 2. Chap. xliv. 2. Zephantali ii. . Psalin xli. 13. Psalm lix. 5. Psalm lxiii. S.


solis themoly one os Israel dra nigh and

come . V Isaiah v. 19. In that da everyone hali Stay pon eliovali, the olyone os Israel, in truth. V Isaiah X. 20. Cry ut, and shout thou inhabitant os

Zion, o great is themoly one os Israel in tho id si os thee. V Isaiah, ii. 6. Thus aith ohovali homo os Israel, At that day hal a mari look o his Maher,