The doctrine of the new Jerusalem concerning the Lord

발행: 1821년

분량: 224페이지


분류: 미분류


be causea was the ors so the chiarch With the Jews was a that time lioli in state os devastation, in Consequenc os pervertinginti things contained in the ord, inso much hat here a no truth est Unperverted, and theres ore the could notacknowledg the Loi d. his is signi sied, an is to b understo od by at ille particular relatin to the passion os ille Lord. The propheis ere also reate aster the

Same manner, e Ruse the represente d


mi ght represent the church bu hima linen girdie, an put it pon his loliis, an not ut it in ater; and that hoshould id it in the hole os a rochlearthe rive Euphrates, and aster many aysho ound it rotten. V Jeremiali xiii 1 to T. The Same prophe also represente thestate os the church, in that he was notto tali a is in the placeae a in norgo into the ous os mourning neither goi lament, nor enter into the ou se osseasling. V Jeremini, vi 2, 5, 8. gehiel the prophe was commande si orderit, at he might represent the state os thechurch tali unt hi in a barber sua-Zor, and Cause trio passi his ead, and


and that he hould burn tho hiri partis it in ili midstis the ity illi re, mitea hiri partis it illi a knisu, and scaltera thir par in the win d; and that hushould tali a sei in number and inditiem in his hiris, then ake os them again and cast them in to the id si os hofire, an burn them. V geli. v. 1 to 4. The fame prophe was also Commande d to the intent that he might represent the State os ille churet, to repare hina tufi sor removing, and remove it into another

placo in the figlitis the childrenis Israel; and that he hould bring orth his tussiruesset by ay, and that he hould o rili in the evening through a hole in thowali; that he hould cove his ac that

os,hicli a callei degreel, the ther, I Willio more have mercy, and the third,ae


manduit gelitu the prophet, in ordertha hu might represent ille state Os thochurch that o hould tali a tile, and potirtra tapon it the ity Jerusalem, and lay lege against it, an bullii a sori againstit, and assa ut it, and that he hould putan iron an et een him and the city, and that he hould tu on his est fido, undaster ard on his right three hundred and n inely ay Also that he ho ut talis Wheat, artey, beatas, lentiles, millet, and siches, an malio read thereos, hi lihe hould then eat by meastare Andalso that he hould ea it a barie calles, and alio it illi tho dun os man and bucauseae prayed that it might notae so it a commanded hi in to malle it withoow' dura g. V geh. v. 1 to 15. Other

prophet also represented the Same, SZe delitati, by the horias os ron that hemade. 1 ings xxii. 11. 1id another prophei, by that he was mitten and WOUnded, and ut ashes On his sace. U


Κings x. 35 to 38. In generat, me propheis repre Sentei themor in iis ultimate sense, hicli is the sensu os theletter, by a garmentis lair See Zech. xiii. an in resere ne to this, Elias asclothe with such a coat, and was iri vitii a trille os leuther abolit his loliis. 2 ings . . So uiso dolin the Baptist, who ad his almen os camel' hair, aleather girdie abo ut his loins, an eat locust an diuid honey. Matthe iii 4. Froni ali hicli circumstances it appears, that the propheis represente the State ostii Church, and the ord; sor hoSoeV

reception in is an saltim hunc it is,

ed in both Testamenis, is signified the doctrine of the church derived rom the Vord ut by the Lord, ho is to beconsidere a the Graii Prophet, is


thy est fide, an lay the iniquit of the

hous of Israel pon it. Fores havo laidupon the the ear os their iniquity, accordin to the number os three hundredan ninet days, o hali thou bear the iniquit of the hous of Israel. And wh0nthou has accompliShed them, te again onili right fide, and thou hali ea me


prophetis boro me iniquities of thelous os Isra0 and ouso fraudati it is lain


in his armenis, an castin tot sor his VeSture, Signified that the i ad divido dand dispersed ali the trullis os illo ord

signifiex the rejectio os the residue os the humanit talien rom the mother; and


that an might e saved since Without his com in no mortat could have been resormed and regeneraled ConSequentlyno mortat could have been aved butthis bucam possibi aster that the ordhad talion Way at the power os the devit, that is, os hell, and liud glorifi0d his humanity that is, unite it to the divinit os tho Fatho : ad not thesething been esse ted, o mortat could haVe received an divino truthoo abido withaim, and much les an divine good 'sor the sevit, that is, the inferna poWerS, Who bosore ad suci a superior influence, Would havo lucked it out rom his heart.