장음표시 사용
ille are my eopte childron iliat Wil notlie so he was thei Saviour, in his love and in his pityi redeomed them. V Chap. lxiii. 1 to . These things are spolien os the spiritua combat os the Lord against the helis : by the apparet in hichi Wasglorious, and which was red, is signified the ord that sussere violenco roni thedewish eopleri his spirituat combais against the helis, an his victories Verthem, are described by his troad in themin his anger, an trampling pon them in
his sury his figlitin against them solely
none illi me, here re mine oWn arm
meres ore his own armirought salvation O
things are also spolien concerning the spiritu a combat os the Lord against theliolis durin his abod in the worid thathe ought against them rom his own pro- per po er, is signified by this, me sawthere a no man, heres ore his OKn arm
might Ones and armies are here meant
the helis sor at there in re principied inhalred toward the Lor I his comin into the worti so the purpo se os reduc in allthings into order, is signis ed by that citis the da os dehovali os hosis, a da os
Venge an Ce, that he may aven geratum selsis his enenates. V Again, in ille Same pro
mountain in that da tho light hali notho olearior dark. Andraehovat, hali boli in ove ali the arth, an in that aythere hal be ne dehovali an his nam eone. V Xiv. 3, 4 5, 6, 9. In these places the subjectoreate os is concerning the batiles os tho Lory by that da is signi- fio his comin the ount os lives, which was e re the sace of Jerusalem, Was alSo the place here the Lord was Won to abideri se Marii, iii 3. Chap. xiv. 26. Luke XXi. 37. Chap. XXii. 39. Jolin viii. 1 besides ther places. So in David, uti cord os heli compassed moabout ille nares os de ath re vente me. Η sent ut his arrows and Scattered them, he ho lighinings, an disconisite them. I have ursiae in enemie audivertat enthem, ne ither id Ι turn again ill thuyWere consumed G have ound ei themthat the were not able to rise Thou has girde me illi strengili unt batile, thou has sub due unde me them that TOS V against me. Then dim boat homas mali a tho diast bes ore tho ind. Id id cast thom out a the diri in the stre eis. Psalm viii. 5, 14, 38 39 42. The coriis and nares os deuth that compasse and prevented, Signis temptations hicli 0-
in stomaeli, re also called the cord os heli These an ille est os the thingsiliat are containe in the whole os this Psalm, reatis the batiles an victorie osilie Lord in consequence here oscit salso sald Thou has made me th huados the euthun people homo have
ness, heres remo hath anointe thee,VPSalm lv. 3, 5, 6, 7. These things are Blso spolien os the Lord' combat with hebetis, an os thei subjugation sor the ord is reato os throughout the whole Psalm, that is in relation to his spiritualcombais to his glorifieation, and to the salvation os the laithsul by him. Agat in David, is fir goeth bes ore hina, and
quer the helis, ithout ille id os nyanget, hecis there fore calle dis Hero an a
is Iehora of the host or armies of war. His cominiis also calle the terribio clyos ehorah. ruet, a da os anger, rath, revenge, os go in sortii, os War, o the trumpet an Dalai na, and of troubleri as may beseen in the places mentione d aboV at . q. An be cause the ast udgmen that Was ac complished by the Lord, hiis heri as in the orld was effecte by com-bat with tho helis, and by thei subjugation, heres ore the ui ment that was to e accomplisliud by him is spolienis in many places, as in David, ueliovali cometh tojudg the arth, he hali judg the woridin righteousne Ss, and the eopte in trulli. VPsalm X vi. 13 also in many therplaces These things are ritiei in the prophetica paris os the ord ut in the historica paris the Same hing are represente by the wars os the children os Israel illi various nations sor has everis aliten ither in the prophetica or historica paris os themor has respectisnto the Lord, and hunc the ord is divine. Many arcana relatin to the Lordys glorification are containe in the ritual of the Israelitisti church, as in the burni-Offerings
and Sacrifices, as also in iis sabbath andi eas is, and in the riesthoodis Aaron and the Levites the sume is true in respectio Chut are culle la S, judgmenis, and Statutes in the book of Mosus, hicli salso signi stud by the word of the ordunt the discipies, That Diva nece Ssarythat he hould fulsit at things hicli,ere Written concern in him in the la os Mo- Se S. V Luke xiv. 4. AS also by Whath saidinis the de s That Mose Ru oleos him. V olin v. 6. Froni uti hichthing it appears that the Lord came into the worid io subdiae the helis, nil glorisyliis humanit and that the passionis the CroS Was the sina conflic by hicli ho Comliletet conquered the helis, nil sullyglori sed his humanity. ut moremn his subject a b Seen in the reatis COΝ-
are adduce ali ille passage in the prophetical par os the ord, hichoreat concerning the conflicis o batiles of the Lord with the helis, and of the victories gaine ove them or hat is the Samething, hichoreat concerning the lustjudgmen executed by him hils he was
Sion, and the glorificationis his humanity,
Whiclitare so numerous, that ivere the all
transgres SorS, and heiare the in os many, and ad intercession sor transgresSol S,V
are pol en Concerning the temptations
and passion os the Lord, hero b tul ingaway in and di Seases, and by laying onhim tho iniquities os ali, is signifi0 the