The doctrine of the new Jerusalem concerning the Lord

발행: 1821년

분량: 224페이지


분류: 미분류


liis ins imploring heli os the Lord, and

butias it ground in ome vi lust, anda depraved ili, hi h constitute an 'sproprium, o Sels-hood, in conSequence Whereos intelligetice is perverte an de-

based into solly.


Thut the imputatio of the Lord s meritis nothin eis than a remission os sinsoster repentance. 18. I is bellovod in tho church at this day that the Lord was sent by the Father, to mali an atonementior the human race, and that this as effecto da his sulfilling the law, and suffering the passion of the rosS, and that thusae ook awa damnation, and madae satisfaction and that without Such atone ment, SatiSsa Clion, and propitiation the human race ould have


love iseis, mero iiseis, and goodnessitseis and where these are there i noth- in os vengeanee, consequently there is no vindictive justice. Nos hereas thesulsillin os the law, and the passionis thecross have heretos ore been generali Understood in no the sense, than ilia the Lord id therob mali satisfaction sor thelitam an race, an delive manliin stomsoreSeen or appotnte damnation and whereas it e carne an stablished princi-ple, sollowin by Seemin ConneXion, that man a Saved by a mere bellos that tho Lorda ad done ali his henco has ollowed the received tenet concerning the imputation os the ord' merit, in ConSequenoe os considering those two things asa means os satisfaction, hicli ad relation oni to that merit. Hut his tono salis to the round rom a right attention to What was sal above concerning the ml-silingis the la by the Lord, and his paS-sion os the oros and by suci, attentionit a b se en that an imputationis mctiti an expression ithout ense or Sub- Stanee, Unle S ita understo od o denoto the remission os sin aster repentanee sorthere is nothin belongin to the Lord, that can possibi be imputexto mans ut


salvation rom thoior may bo ascribe das ter that unaath done the wor os repentance, that is, aster that he has seenthe natur os his Sins, achnowledged hem, an sor the suture desist frona them, Unde a persuasio that the power sono dois iuen him rom the Lord. In his casesalvation is ascribe t man in Such a Sori, that he aclinowledges that tris notin account os his own merit O righteoUSneSSthat he is aved, ut by the Lord, hosolely ough and conquere the helis, and

Who also, at this present time, oes sol elysgh sor man, and conque the helis sorhim. Thes things O properi constitute the merit an righteousnes of the Lord, and these an neve be imputedo man; sor in suci, case the merit an righteous-

since in o doin the hinkin principiewould beraxed in the Lord, and the ill


Who domo the wor os repentanee, an d


Luk iii. 3. Marti . . y baptism is signifie spirituat Washing, hicli is a

Washing rom in S, an is calle regeneration. Repentane and the remission ossin are thus describe by the Lor in John: me amo uni his own, ut hisown received in not; ut a many as received him, to them aveae power tobecome the Son Os Od even to themthat bellove in his name, hicli ere born, notis bioods, noris the wil of th flesh, noris the wil os man, butis God. V i. 11, 12, 13. B his own re here signifieditiose ho ere then os the church, and in possession os the or&; by the fons os God that bellove in hi name, are Sig-.nified moso ho belleve in the Lord, and in the ord by blood are signised salsifications os the ord, and the confirmations os salsit stom heiace. Tho illissilie est, is man's pini proprium, hicli in


s nises manys intellectual proprium, hic ii iiset is mero salsity the ornis Godare those Wh are regeneraled by the Lord. Hereb it appears that thOSe are Saved, who are in the good os heavent love, and in the trullis os aith rom the Lord; ut notoliose ho abi de in their Wn carnalproprium.

That the Lord, it respecto his divine humani , is called the Son os of and the Son os an it respecto the


os the ous os David; and the virgin suame a Mary And the ange carne inunt her, an said, ait, thou that art


are to the Same purpOrt. O in the Psalms,

d wil mali declaration concerning the decree; eliovali faid Thou artis Son, this da have Ι egoiten thee. is the Son test heae angry, and y peristi in theway.V Psalm ii. 7, 12. In hicli is notmeant a Son that was roni eterni , but a Son that was to b born in the woris sorahe passage is prophetica concerning the comin os the Lord, and theres oro it is calle a decree, concerning hieli Jeho-vali made declaration uiato David: thoeXpression this day, oes no mean rometernity but in time. Again in the Psalms,