장음표시 사용
By the Son os God in the divisti
the la and the propheis, o the holeWordis the old Testament, reat Con- eerning the Lord; heres ore non other
25 Chap. x. 36 Chap. i. 4. 20. Forasmuch as by the Son os Godis signisio the Lord, a to the humanitywhichae assumed in the worid, and whichi tho divine humanity itience appe ars what is meant by What the Lor so ostensatis, That he was sent of the atherint the worid, and that he came sorthsrom ilio ather ' sor by ein sent of the Father into the worid, is signis exiliathe was conceived os dehovali the ather.
sent os ille ather, appears rom at those passages here it is Suid that he eam todo the wil and work of his Father, Whichwere, iliat he hould conque the helis, gloris the humanity, te acti the ord, ande Stablisti a ne church hich could notbe done, ut by a humanit conceived os dehovali, an bor os a virgin that is, unios God ha be come man. Considerwith attention hos passage of the NewTe Stament, here to end, and the sent arementione a relative to the Lord, and you ill so the truth os liat is here as-Serted a Matthe X. 40. Chap. XV. 24. Mar ix. 3T. Luke iv. 43. Chap. X. 48.
34. Chap. v. 23, 24, 36, 37, 38. Chap. vi. 29, 39 40 44 57. Chap. vii 16, 18, 28, 29. Chap. viii. 16, 18, 29 42. Chap.
they only thini of his humanity, and notat the fame time os his divinit Whenneverthelos his humanit an divinityCannot e separated so the Lord is God ani man, and God an man in the
and od are ne mari agreeable to the doctrine received throughout the whole Christian orld, hicli is alien sto in thedeterminations of the counciis, an is call-od the Athanasia creed. est theres ore any an hould here aster mentalty Sepa
andae callud his nam Jesus.' i. 18 to 25. Froni these, an also hos paSSages whicli are ritiei in Luke concerning the nativit os the Lord, and rom ha hasbeen adduce above, it is evident, iliatilio Sonis God is Jesus that Wa conceived os dehovali the Father, and bornis the Virgin Mary, concerning Whom ali the
22. He ho nows hy the Lor is callei the Son os God, and the Son os Maia, and what the signis y may noWmany arcana os the ory so the ordatine time calis himself the Son, at another time me Son os God, and again atanother time the Son os an and this always CCordin to the subjectoreatexor Spoken os. When his divinity, his unitywith the ather, his divine power, salth in him, and the lis that is rona im, aretrea ted os, e then culis himself the onos God a in Jolin v. 1 to 26, an elSe-where ut here hat relate to the paS- Sion, the judgment, his coming, an in generant redemption SalVation, res Ormation, an regeneration, are reale os, e
Creator, Former Saviour, and Redeemer; in very place accordin to the subject
other ameS, Varying accordin to thenatur os the thing that is therein realedos.
in generat Where the subject relate to redemption Salvation, resormation, o regenerations the triae round whereos is be-Cau Se the Son os an is tho Lord illi respectrio the ord Pandie, a the Word, Suffers, judges, come into the rorid, re-
an therein, ut that evi spiriis iungethenaseives into uel a State, may be Seen in tho Treati se concer in Heaven and