Opera quaedam inedita

발행: 1859년

분량: 703페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


tion or these subjecta, an reduce illem into amethod. e successsuli Sought the nequaintanee fali scholars of an eminene in Latin Christendom

most preci ous and abstruse resulis of his inquiries, but neve more congratulated himself than whon hosel in illi ny one ho ad genius and inclinationto recolve his instructiones. Hi lectures ere agerlyattonded by tho member of the Universi ty, speciallyon physical subjecis acknoWledges, OWeVer, that Some studenis, speciali tho Spaniariis, recoived them Willi ridicul ; und that res speciali the ense honti lecture froin the sauit Latin translations of Aristoti and tho Arabic philosophers. Among his more illustrious upiis a Jolin os London, o hom nature ad been a prodigal asfortune a uni in i Structi illi ho genius that dawned in his countenatice, Bacon took the ad under his protection, ieing then isteen ear illi, in ciu-



In manibulo ad Opus Majus et Minus. In prima etiam parte Operis Majoris ad Clem. IV. cap. xlx. et in opere Tertio, cap. i X. ΓTho si s and tho las of these a lis ure ne and the Same under disserent illes.J


' o philosophy, although he has nos produced tho

cap. X. There is no uel pasSagei cap. xiX. a that mentione by

et in opere Tertio, cap. XX.


Insuper ars magica per totum Orbem inValeSeenS, Occu-

Tanne attributes to im momorks at least: I. De trigonio circinoque analogico. 2. De Speculis comburentibus. Both preservedin tho Cotton Libra . Vitellius, c. Vii. Ome authors have endea-

par of the pus Majus, p. 20.J


pans homines in omni superstitione et fraude reli- gionis, quamvis fuerat milosophis odiosa et ab μ omnibus sebellata, ut certiscabitur suo loco, tamen sancti primitivi invenientes mundum oecupatum in utraque pro eodem artifiei utramque reputabant, quoniam ambae fidei fructum impedisebant multis modis. Nam sicut Magi haraonis Moysi resistobant et populum AE pti mandato Dei inobedientem facie- aut, sic fuit in principio ecclesiae per artis magicae Violentiam. Quae cum in exinde effectum, scilicet contra opus fidei, cum philosophia concordabat, totum ' ejus vituperium in philosophiam redundabat. Some, in aut imagined that Bacon a in allianee

th th Evil otio, and that by tho id os spiritual

ortis ingenio metalla mugiunt, Diomedes in aere gra- ius buccinatur, seneus angui insibilat, me Simu-μ latae sunt; et quae Vocem propriam nesciunt habere dulcedinem tantilens, probantur emittere.=V MoW-

Cent. Isted. I 548. Achilles Redivivus, P. 52. Operat. 19, Paris I 588.' Wood here reserit a note toinstanees of such automata existingi ancient thnes.J


t In orat. De Dignitate Hominis.


a tho result o magi e the accused hi in f hol lingaud propagatin opinion hostile to tho purit of tho

Christian aith. Some a he res actuali cast intoprison pon an neeuSatio Os certain lupi Diar and that by Hieronymus de Seuto the genera of his order.

versio in more than ne particular.

Aster speaking of the electio os Hieronymus de Asculo O the generalisi of the orde in l274, hethus proe eed , Anno Domini 277, Dominus Joannes Caieta -

nus factus est pontis ex UmmUS vocatusque Nicolaus tertius. Qui primo anno sui pontificatus en- tevengam sic Tudertinum ordi-- nis Minorum fecit cardinalem et Albanensem episcopum Hie generalis frater Hieronymus de multorum fratrum consilio On- demnavit et reprobavit doctrinam Rogorii Baehonis Anglici, Sacrae theologiae magistri, continentem aliquas novitate suSpectaS, Prop- ter quas fuit idem Rogerius se carceri condemnatus, praecipiendo omnibus fratribus ut nullu eam teneret, sed ipsam vitaret, ut per ordinem reprobatam. Super hoc etiam scripsit Domino papae Ni- colao, ut per ejus auctoritatem doctrina illa periculosa totaliter sopiretur.V-Chron. Pars iii P. 779, ed. Venet, 1586. Thus then, Supposing the statement of Antoninus O be rustWOrthy, Bacon aSno committe to prison by the Pope, o by Nicholas IV., ut by


But I ut o faith in thos Who asser that thepope sent for Bacon, an affer examining imo the charge brough against im committe him o prison. This is notis ad probabio, sine the ope held Bacontani his studios in roat admiration, assiste hi With

his OWn generat, eleve years besorehe mounte the papa throne asNieholas IV. No by an ingenuit can the ord aliquas novitates suspectas e distorte into acharge of necromaney. The readers of this volume mill probabi see sufficient rounds, in the reedomo Bacon' theologica opinion oneontrovertextopies, and the severitywith whic he assaile the oracles of his order, for his mar of his generar Vengeance. O traee, hoWever of the stor is to besound in his ritings, o in those of his contemporaries, Or even in

istis macerantes tuto custodiebant, nec aliquem ad me Venire Olue- runt, veriti ne scripta mea aliis quam Summo pontifici et sibi ipsis divulgarentur. -Opus Minus ad


Explieit verbum abbreViatum peris Remundi Galfredi, minis ori ordinis Fratrum Minorum, quod quidem verbum habuit a fratre Rogero Bacon, qui fuit de ordine Praedicatorum, et ipse Rogerus propter illud opus, e praecepto meti Remundi a fratribus ejus-

dem ordinis fuit captus et incartus; sed Reymundus exsob ' Mi Rogemma carcere, qui docuit

istud opus, et ipse Rogerus uit discipulus fratris Alberti.' There is no authorit WhateVersor his statement. It is improbableon the face oscit. I Bacon ad atready been condemne by his generat Hieronymus de Asculo and Nicholas III., is it credibi that hemould have appealed to his old opponent heu create Nicholas IV. 3J


Ross, ut supra. Nudborne in Chron. S. It has been state ali eady, P. V. that Baeon composed histreatis De Studio Theologiae astate ut least a I 292, and o longlio live aster that date is unkDO Nn. This morti ear no indication filio rea ent he is sal to have received quit the reverse. Nicho