Opera quaedam inedita

발행: 1859년

분량: 703페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


' nothing. N author mong the ancient master or

soli oming mathematical reati SeS i. Inc Mathematica utitur tant Mnparte aliquot quin aliquotienS Sumpta reddit suum totum. ii Determinatio de parte mathematic prima in qua proemia quar

necessaria Sunt.

iii Incipit liber elementorum Seu indicium mathematico Euclidis.


There is no question that these areth genuine Mores of Roger Baconand par of the Compendium Philosophiae sor atri. 78 b. of the Same ΜS. the soliomin observation

oecur Conceptiones primae in geometria paucae sunt; et ideo prius positae sunt in tractatu de

maticoe Ino. Post hanc scientiam e perimentalem mathematica est dignior et titilior respectu theologiae. Se P. c.


An in the seconi par of the sam division l. e. the urth in reserene to the sentire Woin), after reserringto tho Communis Naturaliα, o states that he intend0 to connec this subject illi ho speciat scien00so whieli ho ad spolien The particular Sciences hendiis, speciali conside tho corporea things of this

Worid, creation, creatures, Viriues, nWs, and tho ille. But Dasmueli as omo of these subjecis are subjectio generation, change, inereas in i diminution, undother not he had et0rminet to premis a realiseon theSe communiα These considerations ea him into a long discussion os matter and orni, od nudspirit. At the conclusion then, of this rent Oin heought in conformity illi his original design, o have proeeeiled to the consideration of the particular sciences abeady mentioned. o fur lio id proc00d in tho inquir has et to e scerta in ed. o hemould have reate the subjectis leurn rom theopus Tertium. λ ahere is nother dience Whieli restis of the Special generatio of things rom heir elemonis, and of nil 'φς' inanimato hings of the elements and liquids

Cap. xii.


his desim, o have realed of Xperimental philosophyand of particular, the cience comi min by specialapplication the generat und Moroe abstraci principies


That nothinibus heser inabili ty, or Ome insuper te obstacle, ould have provente him DomἈ0votingliis est energies to the more praetica portions of his


a light that ali must se and uel nowledge iis importanee),- in his respeet Lord Bacon ill alwaysbea the palm lone. Roge Baeon id nos livo iunn age hen the alue o AriStolle A the philosophoro nature could e appreciated ut it true orth. ereprobato tho mistranslations os Aristolle, ut notAristotis himself he thought there ere rensures stillo b discovered in the book of his hystes and Natural History, and that bello translations and more necurate texis ould justis his admiratio sortii great Greeli teacher He stili adopted the oldor distinctions o philosopli into ure nil mechanical, audis rutilio unde tho latior division many of thos0 processe to hicli modern estimatio has sine givena ighor amo. Though in his praetice a Lee and Sugauious Xperimentalist, in his Xposition o setondeho adopto the deductive in oppositio to the inductive method.


PREFACE. lxxxiii

TO say lia his aspirations sar ouisti ipped allinat he o that selene in iis mos per et State, could e expecte to realigo is to chargo hi Withno Teater error than hat is common to nil enthusiastic, at great discoVerer in Ver age. In commonias mitti indes of great uni comprehenSive graSP,

his vivid perception of tho intimato relationshi of the different paris of philosophy, and his destre torais himself rom tho da leve of an individual

Baeon' merit res a philosophor. The materia is re

MSS., idol dispersed in disseroti librarios, it


lxxxiv PREFACE.

o hi givo by ood in his Antiquitios of the

of tho Middio Templo I 0 to testis in gratitudo


Hist. Joh. Ilossi, S. P. I p. 82, ed. Hearne. In hoe On- cordat cum illo ille famosus cleri- cus frater Robertus sic Bacon, de ordine Minorum, natione Angli - anus, de generosa prosapia inco- larum comitatus Dorsettiae juxta Ilchestyr.' Then proeeedin toquote Dom his opus Tertium Rossconclude Haec nobilis doctor ille Rogem Bacon, apud fratres minorum Xoniae SepultuS unno Domini 1292, festo Sti Barnabae Apostoli.' Tanner, in his Biblio. theca, states that Baeon' name, besore he oo the voWs: a Franci S-ean, as David Dee de Radik, and he quotes in supportis this strange assertio a S. of r. Wyne, VOL. I. De Resorna Vulg. Cal.,V no v in Corpus Christi College, Oxsorii. There is no trace of this traditioni Baeon' mortis, o in any of thonotice preserve of him in tho

Chronicies o Franciscar histori Ps. It a no customary, o far a Ica ascertain, O those ho enterest the Franciscamorderit change theirnameS. Tanner refers also to Athyn s


Balo, Ant. iv D55. Bale, ib. In the opere Minori, cap. XIli., et in opere Tertio, cap. XX. The AIS. to hich ood referre Was