Novissima verba: last words 1920

발행: 1921년

분량: 251페이지


분류: 미분류


on the lite of the public ignorance of economi facis, and the agernes of orkers to tali advantage scrises tingui more money-ali these combine to make Nationalisatio the hire to a millennitim, in spite sal the proos oscit conspicuous falliare.




THE Conventions ut Chidago an at a Fran

alone-faced Mith an mecunnilation in menaeingtasks -Sore-strichen an almos desperate assies, intolerable mandates thrus o iis, eatous an bittercolleagues, impraeticabie promise to 'eat States, velledi ope rebellion, hankruptey, even reVOhltion, seriousi discussed by statesmen. Loo round the worid. France in very reasonable anxiety Italy in ver bitte complaint, ur nemies restiess, defiunt, an almost chaotio, mussia entiret chaotio, Chinanearly us ad Japan in a dilemma, Polan in great perit, the Bathan peoplein the edge of War, Armenia deserted Syria, Mesopotamia, Palestine in ferment


with monstrous liabilities, gypt India, reland inrevolt morem les Violent.



Iuch a I feel the impossibilit os retirin fromour uties, I repudiat the intolerable burden hichmany of them present in thei officia forna. It is hopeles tora anythin ut ali illi regar to Russia.

with the Turks in Cilicia. Aito Constantinopte the

Dardanelles, and re sea-wa into the Blach ea, ea ready have securexit, an ea mali it permanent. It is extravagant for Britain to attemptrio setile thewhole ori in a state os internecine turmoti . Our Asiatio responsibilities, ou mandates there, ou Africa habilities, re an Ven more tremendous charge. That hlessed ord hat

interminabie mirage of desert and wild nomads he


delusion, hi h would be intolerable in the height of

Our forme prosperity. Initie impossibi at one towithdra altogether, letis prepare to place illas oonas possibi unde the independent ille o sonae native chiet, uel a the mi Abdulla. As o Palestine, whicli in a fit os perverse sentiment Ur stateSmen promise to the Jews in the vel of rhetorica folly, in hieli Disraeli seire Cyprus, as a means os civilisin Asia Minor, the ooner e get ut of this escapade the heiter. Why a Christia Power hould surrende the scene os the Gospe to those ho criedout Crudit Him no one ea say. I the Frenchchoosed conque and hold ait Syria, tris thei adventure, an we hould not assist. At an rate, let usget ridi mandates and spheres of influence as Oon aspossibie. he are intolerable burdens an incalculabi risks It is monstrous that in a time henhankrupicy, tot, an revolution awn or his athome, e liould e ingin counties million andour est lood into these bottonites piis of Sheitan. It is uret time that Minister returne frOm interminable Conferendes abroad to ook aster theimminent perils that ather round iis at home. Debates in Parhament, speciali thos in themouseo Lords, here statesmen ea spea freely What theythin and what the know, and the warning of menos great finandia experiene must onvine the ost



brin os ruin That is our irst care, sor it has bellindit infinite dilemmas an perils Then the Ver Constitutionis the nited ingdom is in urgent need of

original edition o 189 was an exhaustive and authoritative account of this great elementi modern industriali seu and the indefatigabie authors have nowextended their Orito the present year, addin abolit 250 ages, o something like a thir of the whole.


elapsed sine 189 have been momentous in the histor of rade Unionisin have enormousi inerea sedit numbers, wealth, an power have recas iis legalan interna organisation-that aboli are tready

the Opposition, ' and mahe a id to e the

Movertiment. his is indee to rite has is practicali a ne v book-an it is ne hieli very public man whether his partae in the theorno the praetice of economios, illio et to master. Asine ullo has been in clos association illi his movementno tor at least siXt years, and who in iis latest developinent differs idely rom the theories of theseauthors I ake bold O say that the ne volimae is upermanent contribution to the histor of ou times. During the last hirt years-whicli the ne v parto the work overs he membershi of the societies increased rom abolitisne an a hali mission to morethan si millioris-frona bout 2 per cent of the adult male manua workerito G per ent. Ο 12 per Cent of the census population and this inereas hasbeen early continuous during that period commonio Various grades O Worker an in both sexes Andiliis has been a companie by a series os et of the Legislatur an ne organisation ithin, uel as



advane in organisation and influence of the iners, the ait va Dien, and the transpori orkers. The

histor os ali these is elaboratet worked iit illi figures an incidenis, in hiding the amous anheyCommission, and the ait va strik of September, 1919. Needies to say that both of these are describe froni the workmen' potnt of te r. Sidne Webbiein thei representative o the Ommission and the tornwould e ver disserenti told by those ho defend the interest of the publie and the institution o Propertu hiel, it is ought to

socialise. But o the whol there is only a minimum os partisan colour in his book as a rea histori es Trade Unionism It is ather an enoyclops diam industriat faeis an notis single element in his immense fieldis omitted nor is the historia sun in the advo ale. The long tangled, and confuse series of Acts of Parhament froni the eginning of the ineleenthcentur is aQCurately stated the various Commissionso Inquiry eginning illi 1867 and the consequentsetilement of 1875 the enti an e of Sodialism bout 1880-82. the rowth of the Congress the doe strikes, the eightiours day movemens the iners strik of 1911 the Osborne jud ment, the essedis of the great


a mixture of feelings O confidene and of anxiety, nor cano altogether hare the exultations of mytriend the authors. In the present century the fundamenta character Os Unionisin has changed.

What was ne a movemen to equalis the refoureeSos Labour in dealing illi Capita has degeneraledint a vast foeta war o liminate Capital When Ιsat on the irs Royal Commissionis 1867- Unionism vas a constitutional movemen to bring employerito satisfy the latuis of the wage-earners. For ortyyears it id his illi signa suo ess, an alimen fgood ill rejoice in the lesse improvenient in themora an materia conditions of the workerscit has

achieved. The are vast generat, an Permnnent. But to-da Unionisin, at least in iis officia an vocalsorio, is Socialist-it stand for a catastrophie socialreuollition aimin a the removalis Employersis an order, the eliminationis ages as an institution, at the workers eing unde universa democracy theiroWn employers, in a Word in bein master no onlyo Industry, ut of Society. ur author reeo nise this momentotis change in thei firs sentende. In



Noa a Catastrophie oeia revollition uehis this istio tot fuded with a light hear an paean ove the 'record majorities of the card-vote . ill thesecular strength o Britisti Capitalism an Conservatisin submit ithout resistanee: Will the good sense of the orly milhonsolio re no Unionisis aecept the lead of the ix millioris horares Are thesi million ali convince soliowers of the eloquentleaders and of the dexterous manager a Congressan Conventions Do the Labour chies seel furethat the ea organis a tremendous industria revolution ithout it endin in the ghusili ruinis Petro

workable in o Communism. The prodigiolis in- creas in numbers of Unionisin has it dar fide sormuch of it is the result os bullying boycotting, strihes, anti-socia an inhuman tyranny to destrov