장음표시 사용
innocentem circumvenerit, compasse the ruin o an
consulto at ali in the mattor, or is disowne the prooeeding, nor a there an enlr in his book rogardiniit; and a tho newly- potnted uror Aeem l to avo voted against Oppianicus, it was held probabi that he a Woli as Junius had beoniribsedi his accusor. In his imperechmento Vorros ii I g 158 Cicero directi accuses him o havingbeo in leagus With unius undis A that, earinito suffer his fato, he nitorWard falsi fiod his ossiciat lists. Hor hoseonis ni to insinuato that he iaci tha no nos of tho subsortitio could bo ound in his books, was nos o bowondered a considering tho hindit man he was. VXXXIV. I sa. Si ex lege subsortitus non erat Iunius: ii unius ad violatod tho statuto in his appotntinent fo
Non. The negative by itsoli, withous a Veri, is moreor es colloquial undisiadom occur in classieni rose. r. Faussos cite. ec 33 Quid hoc Verre prαetore fαctum est solum Non, sed etiαm quαestores ecilio. commiserat, absolute, had committed an offenco. Sopro Ro8c. m. 57 Verr. i. g 110. 111ud iudicium fuisse, that he tria o Junius as afair trini.'defendere, frequens orno maintain. 'idust iudicium, . e. tho triali Oppianicus beforo Junius. ratio illius iustioli, 'tho motivo of his Junius's tristi':
Worked poli da alter da by the nrt o the agitator and
110arrili tomplo o Castor in tho Forum. Pum novi seonis to justii the supposition has it Was orocted by . Aurelius Cotta, ho a consul in B. G. 4, the very ea in hiuli Junius Was tried. ab eo, on tho si de of the detondant. Se on Cluentio, g . For the agitatio against tho senatorial monopol o fh iudiciα, se Introd. . xviii. O . collegam meum, i. e. in the praetor8hi B. C. 66ὶ.Ιna 147, aro sold that Orchivius proside ovo the quaestio de pectitatu Cicero over that de pecuniis repetundis.1Oeus ... non est constitutus, i. e. the jur retuso toplaco lis actio against Sulla on the rolicior tristi. . p. g 56,
utique ei locus primus constitueretur propter cαu8αρ coniunctionem impetrαvit g 59. de pecuniis residuis Tho action was for the reuoveryo sum romaining in the hand of Faustus Sulla, Who Waschargo i, thereiore, illi unlawiuli detaining the surptus ola appropriationi public money. The reaction against hoSullan constitution ad culminatud in B. c. 70, the ear of the consulfhi o Pompo and Crassus and th attach ntho dictator' son ould bo carried on,ith special est y the tribunes hos pomors Sulla ad foris time curtailed
non quo ... sed quo subjunctive os ejecte reason, with corresponditi assirmative in tho indicative putarent
exlegem, beyond the ronchisi tho law. 'contemptam atque adlectam. o hominem contemptum abiectum, est. 9r. i. g 93. Where a verba adjoctivo in -ilis, bilis is manting, iis placo is osten alien by tho perfectparticipi passive. So contemptus horo tot despi sed bus Hospicabis' de Am g 32, rem αm humilem αmque contemptαm Phil. ii. G, Quid putem ' contemptumne es Soespeciali in compotand with in e g. invictus, indomitus, inαccessus, and thers. Nagelsbach',4 2 b, p. 270.
cognatis, adflninus, necessariis, hinSmen, Connections,
to criminosus scurrilous' and Aeem generali more appro
XXXV. 6 5 rationem, 'consideration, direct nec affer eouit e, hile the dependent clause quid mαli ... vis tri uniciαdopend rather on per icere. constat praesertim invidia, ispecialty in a lago istrong popular ieeling. 'contionibus seditiose concitatisci soa 2 p. g 93 above. non iactatione populari, nos by positi a popularieaderA.' r. avsset compares est. DIJ4, it se in populαri ratione iactαrat, inadiive himseli Such uir a a democrat': Juv. i. 62. P. Popilius Laenas consul in B. o. 132 prosccuted with
non modus udus cp. non mulieris modus, g 191. mos consuetudoque, traditionalisago. Fordhesdoubis eXpression Ae ona 13. vis illa fuit. For the attraction se on hαec, g 34. illud iudicium fuisse, that it Was a regula friat.' his rebus iudicatis standum, . e. that tho veritici hon
iudicem ha been suspected by aratoni and alter)owin to tho occurretice of tho plural subsortitio iudicum in Verr. i. g 157. Falcula may have been lis ni juror introducod into tho consilium by subsortitio s00 on 91): thorwiseth singula is possibi generi u a Flαcc. g 18, non iam est
mihi contentio cum teste, With Witra esses. 'cmonti ratio, the eas o Cluentius. maiestatis, c. αρεα or minutae, high troason. A
miri ethic dativeri 114 Quid enim mihi damnatos αmbitus colligitis ' p. Verr. iii 1213 Pu mihi Antonii eaeemplo istius ανααciam defendis XXXVI. I S. P. Op111 no the sume person a the Popilius Oia 95.
qui causam de ambitu dixerunt, qui accusati sunt ab eis qui erant ipsi ambitus condemnati This is the sadin otali ho ff., ut it is impossibis to bolisvo that Cicor is responsibis for o Whward tand olumes a sentenco. Notoni is the recurrenue o mihi thres successive times intolerabi harsh especiali With quos immediatet tolloWing), ut thoro is also a tautolog in qui cαu8αm ... diaeerunt, qui accu8αti sunt instea of hicli Cicoro would suret havo writton qui ciccusαti sunt derimbituri ei8 qui, etc. r. Lendrum Hermα- thenα, vi p. 358 talios lis secondiui bolor siccusαι sunt usui instanc of theis of a rotativo o introduc a refutation cp. Phil. i. g 14, cuius etiαm αmiliαres, etα,4 27 and G1. Tho lato Professor offlestii proposed to rea quiα, explaining qui αu8αm de ambitu uiaeerunt non de iudicio corrupto qui accu8αticiunt, etc. cp. Quint. V. 10, 108, Whore Quintiliantakos the restoration o civit privileges in integrum re8titutos)o tho prosecutor in his suis, Who ha thomsolves oen convicto os ambitus, a tho Unum that Popilius and Gutta wore prosecutod ior ambitu an nos for judicia corruption Bus,on his i0W, quia Mould certaint be moro in placo ii instendit qui cαusαm deimbitu dixerunt sonte Such clause, quo cαN8αm cie ambitu diaeis8 constαt ad precedod it. I have venturedi place a iussistos a diaeerunt, and to rea in What ollowsQuid ' Accusati sunt. Accius had arguod that tho judgmontagainst opilius and Gutta, rought to tria on a chargo iαmbitu corrupi electioneering practices,' Was reali dueto thoi conductis the tria o Oppianicus. Cicero repties
prosecuted underine statute, offencos against another statute migh b used to secure his conviction. quos ego non idcirco, etc. his hows that ambitus, whichis speciali used i giviti mons to obtain public ossico, didno includo tho takinio a bribo by a juroes that offence came properi unde the statuto de Repetundi or th Leae Corneli de Sicαriis cp. notus 11 g 14, 47, 48ὶ, netiner
in tho Leae Iulici is carriod tho penalty bosides a sine ol
ss. Quid, quod elliptical or Quid de eo dieαm quod JNon dico. mission ' praeteritio occultatio is a well-known figur in rhstorio, hen the spereker contrivos o Anyexacti What he professos o leave unsaid: p. g 188. Ad Herenn iv. 37, cum dicimu nos prαeterire ut non cire ut nolle dicere id quod nunc αaeime dicimus.1 quod nescio an dici oporteat, otta, though Palmostfhin Pshould sanit. Tho aflirmativo foro of this and other simila phrasos hegins tot notiosed first in Cicor, in artior Latin tho ars stili dubitative. M. Aemilioci the dative is quilo usual With legαtus. heperson referre toris . Aemilius amercus Lepidus, consul B. C. 77, and proconsul in Ital in the ea following, with Staienus as his quaestor. an oditor sagainst ali ho ΜSS.)rea Mam. Aemilio, on th ground that Cicero would have bosen careful to discriminat botW00n his person and the . Aemilius Lepidus who in B. o. 77, the year alter his consul AhiΡ,
heudod an insurrectio against the senatoria goverument RS restored by Sulla. Praefecti, Q. Aocium, Roman sicors commanditi thecontingent of the allios. conssatam. o ona Ι 8. nomine, in account i,' o fh hoad os, orinnali a
along With it ep. uno iudicio, g 103 becomes more marked in Liv an in later Latin though it is novo inirequent With
preferetico for the ablativo without in contrassa 103 in illo iudiei innidiosissimum also quibus in iudiciis, g 62. P. cominius is thus reforro to in Brutus, ῆ 27I, P.
Cominium Spoletinum, quo ccu8αnte defendi C. Cornelium. Asconius mentions his Apoech to the prosecutio as ollworth reading, propter emet ip8αm. disertis, clevor penkers. For th diffsronus botweendi8ertus and eloquens, p. r. g 18, hero Cicero quotes Antonius, diserto ait e vidisse multos, eloquentem omnino
reperietur For the future, p. tenebitur, DI 25. XXXVII. 'o . Ergo adhuc ... Video, Sociar, then, find, sto. For a simila collocution, p. de Prov. Con8.4 42, Ergo αdhuc αgis est mihi verendum ne . . . : pro Mil. G2, Video constαre adhuc, iudices, omniα. In the affer passage video is followo lower down by ideαmus, as here the wordsVideαmus ecquod liud iudicium ... proferre po88imu reSume Argo dhuc ... video, ith the intontion o carrying the urgumen a stage further. See also pro Rosc.4 92 95. asse11et ... necesse est. The apodosis ero, in heindicativo, malae tho assertio of the nocessit o denyingany connection etW0011 ho triat oi unius and that fCluentius independenti of the condition. Illud Iunianum se iudicium), tho tria os unius': elsewhere e. y g 1 o the trialis Oppianicus bolore Junius. c. Fidiculanius Falcula. For a discussion o this case of hieli Cicero givos a qui te disserent account in pro ecinα,4 28-9ὶ See Intro P. XXV. cum praesertim With condemnarat no dixit) thoughindoed, ' and that although. In such a contexi hi phrasecomes to hau fh fore o quamvis, or idque cum αmen Seem note o Quint. X. 1, DI 05. ex subsortitione, 'as' substitute' se ona 1. contionibus ... seditiosis et turbulentis, 'factious and violens harangues. So turbulent contio, d Att. v. 3, 4:cΡ. Quint. V. 13, 39, Presserαι enim turbulentis contiontibus Cluentium Quinctius. r. Faussus talios contio=ιes here i