M. Tulli Ciceronis Pro A. Cluentio Oratio, edited with Introduction and Notes Explanatory and Critical by W. Peterson

발행: 1899년

분량: 328페이지

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115 11O ... istius criminis ... hae plaga ali refer o ho

a p. s. Asconius On Verr Aet. i. 39, qui αmbo peculαtus αmnαti sunt. Qui hoc, inquiet quispiam, ad iudic1um corruptum pertinet Respondedimus, liti aestimationem fieri non solum ex titulo propositi criminis, sed etiam eae αἶiis Orobationibus, quae ex ante notis volaus apud iudicos constiterint. Hi seculatus crimine rossosito, etiam quas inclicando pecunia ceperant reddiderunt. H. Ν.



generali reius to convici in an friat subsequently arising

idem iustices, tho soli. sum juror in the fame quαρ8tis. In tho litis estimαtio tho incriminat certain perSOnS Sreceiver o mistappropriased mon0ys, nil et heu fhese person are formali brought olore them oti that chargetho retus to convios. Scaevola condemnatus est, etc. Scaevola a found

capitis aestimaretur, Ahould e capitali assessed, i. e. tho penalty was to involvo fh los o civit fatus. r. Every fone a turne to et tho damage assessed onthis capital charge, i. e. to et re capita penalty nwarded. vel isdem vel aliis inimicis, through tho onmisy i the

auctoritatem. For his concros sense of uctorita8


1ncipio. For the present, Ρ. Onam. de meo ossicio, 'ab ut innown personia relations.'huiusce periculi, 'tho dangor in Whichisy client stantis':

A 8 ne huius periratio, g 118 below, and huiusce vitα periculum, 188. For his us o periculum, s00 11 g 18. The alternative ea dinicum huiusce sericulo omittin tum is very dissiduis With quoque tr. that Lma Aho that I have been mindiuiti in othor obligation sit the peril of mmclient.'Tatio conservata. p. αtionem αbere licuiu rei, o fine accountii a thing givo i consideration. A parallelma be ound in tho phras os ei retinere, I 33. OTOXime, recently, i. e. in B. c. 70, while the dat oi hospeech is 66. It was in his ear, tho ear of the fit si consulAhimo Pompeius, has the consus is sal to have been reviveti, avin boon allowedri lapso sine the dictatorshipo Sulla B. c. 2). The censors ere Cn. Cornelius Lentulus

and L. Gellius ep. β 20), and the showed grea severit in

omnem orationem means ivery worda say. 'ratione censoria, the censoria system in generat.'



qui re me ... honoris causa nominatur, ,1iose nume

Ro8 . m. 47, homines notos sumere odiosum est, cum et illud incertum sit, velintne ii se8 nominαri. p. pyelirere, g 8. The opposito is contumeliαρ αus nomin e Verr Act. i. g 18.

Q. Rosc. Com g 18 Nonne quoties cumque in αυδα in nomen huius indidisti toties hune et virum bonum esse dixisti et honoris αυδή pellα8ti quod nemo nisi ut honestissimo utrimicissimo

in amicorum periculis, whon triend of his aro imperilled by actions-at-law.' sine huius periculo, vithout imperillinim cliens' cauSe.'ndes huius defensionis, g 10. r. avsset talios huius a masculine, 0verno by defensioni8 loyalty in tho dolonoso in client.' ut it ma go,ith tho noun. Translato in ei ther casu, What is in honoui duo to th dolon dant.' si 119. istam ipsam causam might mean that ver triat,' i. e. thoi conduci oti thoiuncti ut the tria bolore unius ep. I 27 haec quidem quα de iudicio corrupto tib8 r Serunt.


liave doprivo a magistrat o his ossico Liv xxiv. 18), and certainix id nos disqualii person labour in undor it forobtaining a magistracy, orioin appotnfed a iudices by tho

turpi iusticio damnati . . . nominibus ignominia notatis.

Τhis antithosis involvos the distinction, Auch a it was, between inj mi and tonominiα. Infami followed conviction oti acharge attachin grave personat discredit turpe iudiei im), Auch a furtum, iniuria, dolus, o conviction in a iudicis mtutelαe de r. i. g 66), pro socio, or mamdαti. It Wa thus attachod nocessari ly uno inevitably, ut uot relWay by expressdeclaration or doliverance, as a definite penalty for the commissionis certain offencos, and is involvod the los of many civit rights e. o. he right o votin or holdin public ossico. Lilio tho offendo os bolongin to a disgraeeiul profeSSion, such a that i a play actor, isdemeanours of the indspeeis sed above Wor regariled a nouessarii involvin notatioo a permanent character, though the disqualification mi litvar in acti casu illi ho offendor' sphoro i action. Iunominiα, interprete a tho result oi lio consor' notatio

g I29, 131, 34), res exclusivel politica in iis effecis,




condemnarit. sed i an individual procurini conviction by institutinia crimina prosecution. Under therepublic furtum Was notis criminal offendo ut ni a civilWrong. Convictionis Auch a charge, Cicero says Would have far more serious rosulis than the notatio of th consors The

convenisset. For this personat constr. p. lnus Most. i. 3, 46, bene igitur αtio ccepti a que e ensi inter nos convenit, und frequently, in Caesar and Sallust Auch expressionsas αae, Unum committendi proelii, tu , inter eos convenit. In his Aeris convenire is osten used impersonalty and also in the passive pαcem fru8ια conventαm fu/88e, Sall. Just. 12.


quibus Xceptum est, i. e. containing in has may bocalle savin clausos lan enumeratio of the reason whiclidisquali introm, etc. p. pro Γαlb.4 32, quod si eaeceptio fαcit

ne liceαι ubi non es eaeceptum ibi nece88 est licere. haec ignominiae causa. Editor tali tynominiα as a genitive o definition m this ground numely, ignominiα. ' his involves h traditional oxplanation that ignomini is euhuicali and exclusi vel used of tho censori notαtio. Se on limabovo. ut Dr. Reid talios tho phras a meaning this kind i ynomini as opposon to thers, and would rea also

iudices, senatore equitesque Romani. For the compositionii the iudiciwat different perio is se Introd. p. xxvii. Iudices is nominativo, nos vocative ep. O g 13I. pecunias accepisse subscriptum est. p. αytαrum pecuniarum nomine notαverunt,4 20 above. he ubscriptio,

in Whicli ho censor assigno the reason for thei notatio, contained th statomentis this alleged corruption. in lectos iudices. For th Album Iudicum electorum or Bogistorii Special Jurymen, se ona 103, non uae decuriαρ munere. Their high character is videnoed by Hor t. i. 4, 123, u=ium eae iudicibus selectis obiciebαι. 122 appellari. I preferri adopi the passive formiuere, in accordane wit tho ruis lai down by Boi on Acαd ii. 42 It is filo provailing, hough nos universat custom, notoni o Cicoro, ut o tho other classical proso riters torusetho passivo infinitivo illi veri, o dostro, even here thoactivo would stand and mali senso, and whors it ould bonaturali used by moderns.' Se his xx. α loc. p. noteon reticeri, g 18. Atque etiam: Yos, and has is mors, 74. For acas o unaeeml quarrolliri belWee two colleagus in theconsulfhis C. Claudius Nero an M. Livius Salinator, . C. 204 in se Liv xxix. 37. Instances, on the ther and of harmonious co-operation concor cen8urα are recorded Livyxlii. 10 Concors et e repullic cen8uτα fuit. Omnes quom8entatu


that Clusero has two altornativo procosses in ind. Tho fit st inrierαν io referre amounts to complete distranchisemens, Auchas naturali to k lac in the nys hon the erαrii ero ouisido fh tribos, and might in extremo cases, e decreed even alterWard. Livy, lii. 10 4, quoted bove, erario8 fecerunt et tribu moserunt. The seconii proces tribu moverein mean removat rom tho ountry to the les reputabio itytribus, a minor formii disqualisiuation Livy xlv. 15 4, Neque enim si tribu movere possit, quod sit nihil liud quam mutare iubere tribum, deo omnibus quinque et tristini tributus emovere po88e, id est civitαtem libertαtemque eripere. In issoli tribu movere might reior o ither proces contras Livy, lii.


discrepare. The impersonat construction is more usual.

XLIV. si 12 a. subscripserint, subobliqueri contrast quiα verum est, g 124 0lo . more tho subjunctivo is sed quilo naturalty folio incon qui cεn8ores ubscripserint in the pre

regiam, Hospotio. The Roman neve forgo thuir experiene of the excesse Oi absolute Ower. illa acerbissima proscriptio. Tho horror of tho Sullan rogi mo ore stili resti in mon' memories, p. g 24. Noteth assonano os sub8criptio ... pro8criptio. multis remediis : e. y the provision that he not oi nocensor as iis effect ithout the concurretice of his col

meanini pen, agger Phil. i. g 34, 8 meus ille stilus fuisset,

ut dicitur, non solum unum actum e totam αbidαm confeci88em Hor. . t. ii 1 39.6 124 sin autem, etc. But ii tho consor' noto ought foliave W0igh bocausesidiis frue. Tho construction is intutem quod ub8eriptum est id quiα verum es idcircos='αυρ debet esse. auctoritates censoriaeci p. II7. aliquando I hau votituro insor aliquαndo in thotox in addition to tho vulgate unum denique liquod Theus o unumiliquod is of cours common nough in Cicero,

olomon o tim in addition to quam ... pecuniam, unde, undquem si modum. alaeographi catly the occurrunc otiliquidinis bolor profectαe, and tho omissionisi liquod in Sae, ny

tia0uton in defendit probabi te to the substitution. For