M. Tulli Ciceronis Pro A. Cluentio Oratio, edited with Introduction and Notes Explanatory and Critical by W. Peterson

발행: 1899년

분량: 328페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류



interpretes, 'spolieSmen. 'legum ... Servi sumus. It is ver difficult o hooso

onis. iis fuit nam Was Q. Voconius uso. ni iudices tali dignitate praediti, 'tho mombor of thismost honourable ourt. p. 11 αlium virorum, ra. tam diu . . . licendi: p. 114 29. Qui albi . . . Volunt has is horido of Τ' ceteri quos apparere . . . vile the ther ossicors whom so in attendanc on his colari. Aiter enumerusing scribα and lictores, Cicero employ a collective designationwhich omlnd us that Aps itores a the generat amoto tho public moer attachod o fh sorvice of tho magistrates a Romo. In addition to scribae and lictores, there,ere

that tho praetor assigno focis ad th co operation of the three iudices quaestionis name in hi aeution Naso, Plaetorius, an FlaminiuS.


mea de pecuniis repetundis. Cicero was praetor in theyear B. C. 66 Or pecuniα ref etundae se ona 104. de ambitu, a g 8, here se notes. r. Fausseti

AQB clames te. . . non teneri. The Crimen Repetundarum pecuni-um Was originalty a chargo i extorsion, illi aclaim for restitution in nam os damages preferred against a provinciat overnor and is as alterward extondo to allacis of malversation. It also appears o have been ad fo



cum et iudicibus, i. e. tho consilium i tho residingiunge consistinio juror selected accordinito tho modu propriate to the particula quαestio, rom th 0 Album Iudicum.

classes of offender. deqqι eius capite, etc. 1egionibus dative os possession Thero more four si stlegioris, sive second, and four hird Tho our 1 st 0rothos assigno in early times to tho consuis: heir twenty-iour tribunos ranked among the m latrαtus, a bella appotia ted, no bynomination of the consul bus by popular election romth sonatorialis equestrian orderS.


condemnaretur. The presens subjunctivo would avo been more usual buf, as r. avsset says, the thoughtrovoris to tho dato in tho past at which tho conspirau Was

esset in ceterorum.

quaeritis, de Or. i. g 135. si reticuerim comprobare, i. e. that silenco ives consent. hoc loco, at illi potnt in m speech. '


230PR0 A. CLUENTI 0.

gested by relli, Hariman that eis affer commutatis Ahouldgo ut a formin a false antithesis to his But hero is a particular eierone to isdem testibus in has oes siore. Me require a change,' Cicero says, in those statutes Whichbin oni certain classes, and of the wh0le od o furcifigens bus that is no reason for siusinit obe existingluWA. V-Here, as again aha 58, Τ ive eluimodi, as against

huius modi, . Deinde quis umquam hoc senator accusaVit ut, etc. Irotain tho rea linio the ΜSS. mos editor rendos . . . recusαvit ne a g 154 cum ...put et . . . uti oportere, o hoc recu8αvi ne quo Some also gratuitousty inseri non eloro oportere. Qui umquam hoc 3enαtor accu8avit ut, etc., is quilogood Latin ior What senator vor ound auit illi his, namely that,' etc. As to the latior pars of the sentenus, ita meaniniand construction,ill o sitor approciatod ii itis state indopondenti as tollows cum itiorem oraclum di itretis beneflciois qui Romαni est con8ecutu8, eo se putat durioribus legum condicionibus uti oportere, A When he hasgaine by the lavour o his countrymen a igher grade frank, 0 hinks that he ough t accepi correspondinglymore stringent eo durioribus legat restrictions. V The Senator, Cicero says, hoerfuit accepi ut th disredvan fagos i his tot fh0se di salivantages are utweighed by thocountervalliniadvantagos o office and distinction honoris et α litudinis commodum, elo ). Was there everruma Se herestis, o a senator declininito achnowledg the equis of this

Thoini rea dissiculty in tho abovo explanation is that hoemight a naturaliyiuvo been expande into ut duriortibus condicionibus uteretur, in placo i,hicli is substitutod, aftor the intervening depondent sentence, ut e ut et uti sortere. But such pleonasms arising rom the insertionis the vor of


durioribus legum condicionibus uti, i. e. to submit himselio a reater degre o legat resti aint. Condicione8 limitations o 'restrictions': p. elo putant enim minu8 multos ibi laqueos legum et condicionum, iudiciorum pro-y08ito e88 oportere, a sentenc Whicli supplies an antithesist ut ... e putaret . . . Oportere, of the senatorS, aboVe.

minus multos sibi laqueos, i. e. that tho ought nos obe X posed to Eo an sitialis in tho way o statutes, and limitations and tristis. Fausset compares est 88, testum 6 po88et αquei constringeret, Iit 'entanglement consistin in

Summum 1ocum. The occurreno os petiverunt in Whattollows is onorati hold tot docisivo in favour of this read- in instendis in ummum locum: scendere is osten found with a direct accusativo. ut Dr. Rei thinks that wo avolior an instance of the absoluto us o petere toto a candidato 'in a g 154 petere coepi88et: p. in unum locum petere, in proaeimqιm,nnum petere, and the like. Η would thoro- fore rotat in Especiali as,8cendere ummum locum, here locum has nos the primar sense, is a dolabitu expression. 151. quibus nos tenemur ... liberati. Sora 144, diaei Habito stαtim eo αpite . illum 88 liberum teneri autem O8trum ordinem: also g 155, quαestione u se solutum liberumque e88 αrbitretur, Where thor is a clos parallel in solutum to tho adjoctival us o liberati here. c. Gracchus tulit. Thecla unde whicli luontius Washoi nitriod was originali a lawii Gaius Gracchus re-enaesed

by Sulla g 54, εια tunc erat Sempronic nunc est Corneliαὶ, and nabodio in his eae de Steariis et Vene eis. It is not



clear Whether asinamsa supposes, his Leae Sempronic Waspassed eior Gracchus effecto tho transior o the iudieiα ironi th senatorio the equite8. pro plebe non in plebem. Cp. populum Romanum, immediatoly 0low Dr. Rotu potnis ut that hos Word aresubit introduce though nly the equites are reali inquestion in orde to pave the way ora 155 156, hero itis alleged has the argumen o Accius threatens the whole

community See Introd. p. XXXiV. homo a populi causa remotissimus. Contrast for the

cum ... quaestionem ... constitueret. Sulla stablishod

juror unde the ne conditions, i. e. the memb0rs of tho senatoria order. In the ways, hoWevor, Sulla ros hodliis ongeancem the equites, Who had resiste his monsuros;

152. nisi ut ... concludatur, except to involve thooquostria orde in liabilis to tho statuto in question Thoanalog of hahospestre's You stan with in his danger Vis more apparent than reni se on periculum g 18. qui se facile tuentur integritate et innocentia, Whossupright and blameles character is to them a ready Ahiold,' thenare strong in the consciousnes of theiriwn rectitudo. Cp. statum c ecuritαtem innocenti tueri, ac Diαl. 11.S nobilitatis tonitatem virtute tueri, III.


m con8ulαtu perαctu . . . ut multitudinem cum principibus eque8trem ordinem cum enαtu coniunaeerim , Att. i. 17. 10, tueor ut possum illαm, me conglutinαιαm concordiαm. See

sese volunt posse omnia. Aiter verbs of Wishing, a pronomina accusativo with tho infinitivo is otton employed instoad of tho simplo infinitivo, tho Hoc of tho ill and destre ein conceived as a distinc thin in itsoli and thus emphaticali 0Σpressed This usage is mos common,ith a passive infinitive or it esse de Le99. i. ' ego me cupio


si 15 a. de eo quo colerit aut consenserit, in coharge of combinationis conspiracy. 'LVI. O viros fortes for the acu oi exclamation, Aemona l5. M. Druso It was in B. C. I that M. Livius Drusus, theson o the opponent i C. Gracchus, cam forward vitii

eque8trem ordinem non teneri, g 154. The mensures o Drusus were cancello immediatet alter his assassination. cum illa cuncta quae tum erat nobilitato, With thowhol aristocrac of the day, whicli includo M. Asmilius ScauruS, the princeo senαtus, the orator Crassus 3 40ὶ Μ. Antonius, the augur Scaevola, Q. Lutatius Catulus, and others. The mos bitte opponunt i Drusus a the consul L.

Marcius hilippus All,8s givo cum ille nihil liud quαm

cum ill cunctoe perhaps,n cum 7 ceterique eiusdem ordinis. hocisadinio Amis ceterique eiuscemodi ordiniaci ther codd. iv huiuscemodi. Eiusdem ordinis is sufficiently ear eiuscemodi ordinis, assumin ndittography, to justii it insertion in tho toxt. Alternativolyhuiu8ce vestri ordinis might o suggestod Cicero is Hre


huius ordini8. non fecerunt idem . . . ut utRrent. For the con Str. Ρ. 137, αctum δι . . . ut id . . non αrbitrarentur and Ee uiso ong 50 quis hoc, cu8αvit . . . ut 6 putreret. repugnarunt cum haec recusarent et palam ... dicerent Repugnarunt i m dicerent i a very usual construction, they

auctoritα8, te. quae se non contempsisse. Quα here, et ea, tho in

finitivo odoWing, in orαtio obliquα, tho relativo introducinia

invidiarum an instanc of the iis of an abstrac noui intho plura with refersncorio individunt caseS). huiuscemodi iudiciorum. Aitor iudiciorum, tho editio princeps and ther insert,nf= αctu, a ord hicli eum tobo withou any S authority. ut an ablative o somo sort periculis r may have fallen ut, or is huiuscemodi iudiciorum may b an adscript based on huiu8cemodi iudiciα,4 152, huiuscemodi quαestionibu8, g 53. 15 si aetatem integram, it funimpatre age, i. e. theperiodis lito wh0n ut is youncanii resti. non posset, c. fieri. p. d αm. i. 2, 4, nos dioniicitem ut potest retinebimu8. So in comedy e. s. Plaut Merc. 779, Potin ut molestus ne sis Τ