장음표시 사용
I Vi Les autevrs d 'un ouvrage independenten SyStematique boianique, mais tes dissertations
ei Les motions doni ii est parte a l 'alinea I
revolutio Ianai res conire te code, preSentees potirla premi ere iois durant la retinion dii Congresdolvent eire imprimees et distribuees auX membreS au molns uri j Our aVant la seance: leur admission aux debais doti eire prealablementprononcee par uiae majorite des trois quaris des Voix competentS.lii Si ceux membres d'un CongreS, qui 3p- partiennent a uia pays senSu latiore, auraientia majori te, leurs votes seront redulis a untiers, si l exception des voles II.
IV Authors ot at least one independent
deners' lisis are not Suilicient.
shali be examine d and annotated in a Cod ex brevis, Whicli is to be publislied i 4 year be-iore ille opera ing of the Congress: then objections wiili statistical argumentS could be prepared, Whicli are io be sent to the preparing directors of the Congress three monilis beiore iis operting. Then the referee could preparea report oi it lor the Congress si The referee ior the motions and the editoroi the Cod ex brevis stiali be aut norities in botanical legislation. g iations at the Congress Whicli di iter ironi the opinion of the reieree must be twice
hi To receive legat torce the motioris mustbe adopted by the Congress With a majorityos at least oi ali competent voleS. ii Propositions not revolutionary to the Code Whicli are presented for the ijrst ii me during the session of the Congress muSt be printedand distribui ed at least orie Jay beiore thesession : their admission to deliberation canonly be permitted ii a majori ty of the competent votes agrees theremith. k3 Ii such members of a CongreSS, 3S be- long to one country SenSu latiore, should have ille majori ty their votes stiali be reduced toone third, but not iliose of I i.
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et ches Separation vota Bi nomen und Trans locationen Von Ariennamen Verbi et et und den altesten Ariennamen vertiet inlichi, wenn er tinter ei nem an dern GatiungSnamen
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Ablei iung, die mi iei nander konkurrieren, im Alphabet nebene inander stellen, nichi aber ent
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sine schon trulier Un reget massigkeiten bei Nahlen und illOyale Unierschriiten naclige ieSen. Ich habe daher gegen diese Manipulationen und gegen die gwei te internationale Nomen hiatur-Kommission in der Aligem. Bolan. Zelis chriit 190l: 49-6l und l 902 l63-l66 protestieri. . Le S membres de lassi te commission designeront les rapporte urs potirles diverses questions de nomenclature mise a l' elude et i 'examen de S modes de procedures relatii aux voles' Actes dii Congres l900 4633. Die Mitglieder dieser gweiten Kommission haben also nur Recht Zur Uorberatiing milhin aucti hein beschii essendes Stimm- recht aut dem Kongress erit alten. Die gegente ilige Kon Vention des Pariser Bureatis mit Proi. R. von et iste in in Nien liber Stimnabere cliti gungen istia icht gulti g, denia der Pariser Kongress l 900 hat die Feststellung der Stimnaberech tigiangen aus drucklich nur den Kommission sinitgliedern vorbelialten, So daSS at So das Pariser Bureau auch hierbei seine vom Pariser Kongress erit altene Uollinachi liberschriit. Im Pariser Bureau sind weder Autoritaten in Noment latur, nocti legislative Sachverstandige Kompetente, Experten) datur: wenn nun dieses Bureati Bolani ker in ei ne Kommission Wahit So Sine diese cladurch nicht expert und kompetent geworden: in der gweiten internationalent omini SSion teli len sogar, Wie schon der Recla kleur des Journal oi Botany l 902 l67 betonte nomeni latori sche Experten und die alternieisten Mitglieder haben in Noment latur-Regel ungnoch nichis gelei stet. Legislati v expert ist bioss der, der sicli mit dera Lois de la Nomenclature de l867 sperieli beschattigie und cler es versiane, Regein dieSen Loi S an Zup3SSen.
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et citations Supplement3ire S. New Commentarie S and
. Nomina delenda ex ignorantium initio 1753': l. c.
SOnt celix deS tire-h-paris) .Revi Sion de lanomenclature deSgroupes Superieurs des plantes, et fur quelque milliers de corrections dans Engler, Registre deS phan eroga meS'. ') Comme p. ex. la 4. these bertinoi Se: parceta echoua la premi e re commission internationale potir la nomenclature, qui etait Que parte Congres de Genes en 1892 potir l 'Index inhonestans d 'Engier. 103 C'etait a l 'assemblee des naturalistes hVienne en 1894 que les bolanistes reiu Serent ce principe de prescription , 50 an s. Puis iliut renouvete dans les regles de nomenclatured'avrit, alias regles bertinoi Ses clupantes pro-jetees par te professeur Kari Schum ann. Mais ceS regi es particulieres clu Museum botanique de Berlin, qui ne soni pas adaptees ait Code Parisien et pas meme a la portee de l' eleve decin quieme, ne Sont etabiles que pro forma et elles ne sont employees te plus Solivent qu'en phrase potir justitier sol-disant la nomenclature exiremement arbitraire, qu'On a pro duit der-nterement a Berlin. Elles ne furent employeesqu'aVec la reservation mentale que Solent excluscomme contenus dans uri Index librorum prohibitorum totis tes oeuVres aVec une nomen
δὶ The numbers of pages quoted to Rev. III 8 illi to 20l a re always those of the introduction. E. g. ior Eungi, Algae, Lichenes, Musci,
') As e. g. the 4. Beri in thesis : therebywrecked the tirst international commission olnomenclature Which Was elected by the Oenoa- Congress 1892 ior Engier's Index inhonestans. 93 On ille meeting of naturali sis 1894 in Vienna the botani sis refused ille principie Oi prescriptionwith 50 years. Then it was rene ed in the Beri in April-nomenclature-rules, alias Beri in s in dierules projected by professor Kari Schumania. Bui these private rules of the Beri in botante Mu Seum, whicli are not adapted to the Paris Cosse, butare like the work of a scholar of the ii illi class,are only established pro forma and they arem OStly used as a phrase only to justity preten- tedly the neruest Beri in extrem ely arbitrarynomenclature. They were only used willi themental reservation that ait works with diiterent nomenclature should be excluded like standingin an Index librorum prohibitorum : thus well