C. Crispi Sallusti opera, omissis fragmentis, omnia; ad optimorum exemplarium fidem recensita

발행: 1825년

분량: 241페이지

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gasily inclinat lo rctos ius a ricli province a the prico os his adho- renes to tha stat s. Antonius hel the governmen os Macedonia D tW years alter the expirationis his consulfhip and on his r turn to Rome aeas brought trial aud sentenceddo perpetua han

ST. Ne eontra, o Thati s vidio inerim sentiment contras to the interest of the si ale. 23. Clientium Romulus orda in ed that ver plebeianishould cho e stomahe Patricians soni individua sor ius patron an protector, Whose leat he Was inlita. t Was the patron s duisto ad- viso, deseud, and assis his client Wit his interest and substanee Tlis client mas Munda res et his patron, an to serve iam muli

er magistrates, congesis, Praetors, an censors anu fortassing ths Iam proposedi them Phis pluin Was originalty tho properi os the Tarquins and was ster thei expulsion consecratexto Uars. Tlio Bipon edition read eonsuli for eo vi ibis3 referring the termi Cicero ulone.J41. Eam partem Etruriae sThe pari Macent io Faesulae is insani l . Canierim. A Camertian stom a city in Umbria, caued Camerinum Cameris, o Camers, no Camerino, W in in territorio

os illo pope. 13. Agrum Piceniun. The march os Ancona comprehend thogreate part os Picionum . . 3gre mas usexto denote a finali districtishic to in iis nam si om ne clitesnown incit.


42. Obseere. An archais sor incere. Accordinito Scheller, hoWever L . Uol. 1, p. 129, it is a question Whethoralis ancientsove altere in sorinos the prepositioncmben in composition. Heconsidera icto bo almus more accurate in retalias se a possibis the preposition in animitere λω as misero, adtuli, Murum, inretio inmergo, ro J49. α nocte paullo post ἐκ t Pauli pos intempestam noc


rondere at diseretion to the Roman consul Appius Claudius, nactQ. Fulvius Flaceus, Whoaut hersd the gnators ronile is neu the Do-hlecto perpetua banishment, and sol the inliabitant tor StaV .

Although colonies, ere astematas seni to this cliy. it novo re ver-ed iis ancient mamincendo. Μωρm Capua is os much ivis extent than in ancient esu, and sta con in site no os Capua, ut os

63. Pro tempore atque perieula. In proportion to the exigencyand thes clanger J69. Sestertia emtum. The commoti computation os money amongos Roman was is Materia and nummi. The sestertius, sesterce, Was a silvo coin, tham asses an chais marhed by tho lavors L. L S. sor libra libτ ι. semis, imo potanda audis halpo Phrag Psome times abbreviate is continetingi L. intom, thus, H. S. The

ania, in secon an M. in insed a bals M. Me Schweighiniseron Herodotus I. 50 3

0. Gladiatoris familiae Gladiators ero hept an maintainea in schoessi porsons calle Lanisloe. Who purchased indominadlhem. he wliolo num hor unde ora Lanista a callo familia. The Iesse magistrates ore ille seu 3tora, dιtis, Tribunea, and Triumvira.

3. Tamen osti Astermarus contractod Into tametat. 74. Lege imitia. law propossxhv lautius, tribuno os staPeople so tha punishm iit os hos Who fhould plot arainst then te, magistratos, o PrIvate men orthould offer violeuce to them. 75 Atque sui. Some editions have, et quasi ut,


audino sentenco,in the rumibus ociteris augere exercitum et optimum farium bellering the increa, os his arm toto his est

83. Ceterisque In Cortius 's odition his mor is always writteumith anis, and notis in the first syllabis sciteri houid alway bowitianis, incarit comes froni the Gree ,τεροι tho asperato Mingehanged into eoas in eoruu horti M. Prope diem. These, ord a re someti me uni ted somElimes ori

separated, and signis tho sume iniux Vith sem, Molim. 85. Ad urbem aurasurum. Me do, soliomedi αι , si iseria mor comesio mith a dative, Lassent o agremio or, With AEut in hethirdiorson singulari With the dativse ii signifies it is addexto. 86. Cum mandatis. 4 ith a message despulch, manifesto. J87. Hoin δει Cuiris sine uti dorytood. Some edition exhibitaliis inste ad os homini homi=it appo ars more elegant.

ctis , murtiua, and a Mitertius, sor a denarius, o 25 bras and 250 sor 1000. Tho statutius originalty mas equat o tW asses anaan hias, and the denari in to lan wben. moveri the welini ortho


ed arsealles. Accordinito Strabo a colon o Greelis Domih cea an Asia inor, ounde illis ditn and est Eine a republic, adopting the lonian laws, and tho religious rite os in Ephesian In consequenca os tho sterilio of the oountrv. ho adas thendepende to thei subsist nco more oti navigation than on agricultum It was eminent as a seat os learn iniund much Esori urio at on Pe-

4. Me diu statio. A corruption os speein sor in diis in m p


. Honore honestatos. Ralsed totonour graceu mitti honours. 8. Falsa suspieion e alienatum. Allevat , rejected di raced, in ruther trea ted asinistranger, tu consaque e os uviust suspicion. s. Hoc novitne,ic fon this account I nave Pursue means sui-

Carm. 98. Aeeψefraterno mullum ninnant institu, Atque in perpetuum,frater, Have atque Vage.


gvagerio good company Among mercantile Peoplo in uria , a. good man signifies, a malos property one Who may bo sales trust-


22. Per i decora. Turpiter, Ilagitiose hasely. disgracesulἰy: Sallust, in imitation ol the Greelis, irequently uses substantive go- vernodi preposition indie os adverbs, oriatherio expres themeantiir os adverbs. 23. Gregariis, ε . Common soldiere.

soro . 27 Jua libertatis imminutum. Hau been cloprived os ino privileges os Deomen sor Sylla liadis clarod the childron os the proseribea incapa his os standinicandidatos sor public offices. 23. Atqile. Atque and M after alius, secus aliter, alter, are used for quam aster juata, inque the servo sor ut as. 29. Id adeo mari- That soareat evit Pshould preser trans

cero, and justly, sine the tribunos Mamo no mere iocis in holianda os tho ambulaus and pomersuI. Jai. Senati apeeie. Under in presenes os supporting the digniband interes of the senate. 32. Absolvam. In somo editioncme sud rerum Maoremn.

M. Maritimum The maritim mar against the Ciliciam supporte by Mithridates, calle also tho piratIea mar. 25. Mithridulicum. The wa wit Mithridates, hinio Pontus. 26. Binoriti Tayen passively u uri; hough the word is requently used activesy, and signifies innocent. m. Iudiciis. By menaeing them missi trialco prosecutions . M. Placidiua. oro quietly more peaceably, With Iessarouble. Plae idiu tractarent mayio raserred olitior to the nobility, or to the


rilaus condition. 40. Mira eo urationem. Not angagod in tho conspiralis 244 I. Parens. at hors umong the Roman hau tho power os inflictinicapital punishmetit oti thei child ren. Valerius MaxImu in relatin this assair, ades that tha ather declare to thisson, that holad Begotieniim uot ior Catilino against his muniry.

Who remaluod sor somo considerabis time, not continuatly --ver, in one particula place Rhether a Romo or in tho provinces tho Mereatores, on the contraryorema inexa v ry shori time in any place. tho visite many countrios and were almos constanti occupivi Wit im Dortinio exportiniarticles of mer audias. 344. Quin more elegant ban quod non, hichris the reading inmmo editioris.

45. Ab Romu Merait. This is one or in examplos,hiin Pri .eian adduces in supporcos ille position. that in proposition solio more es oriunis histori ur, addet to the ablativo os nantes os

43. Majores opes. Moro poWersu remurem ibos names of 25 in republie Jo Patraeisse. Individualis lamen, o particula sumilies orpatricia rank Wero sometimos patrons os,holo states. Thein patrons os states Wars generalisthos who had reducad them undertho Roman Power oriarat somo timn or mille hoen appotnt d go vernor ove thema anu the right os Patronago a transmitte hytham to thei descondanis in tho proponi instance Q. Fabius Sanga derive his right o patronage rom his ancestor, Q. Fabius


Wo read videbatur, asten ImpBrsonalty. 57. Constituerant. Lentulus eum cieleris heing the nominativP. In om edatIons onstituerat agresing wit Lentulus, bicli I

O meet vii do amomulo, mi Withalis dative, it is generali used in tho inire porson, an si ines, it agres With, sutis, hesiis, is con venient, is est scimperiun interos, obrui an intervie mulitho rest in addition to what is state a bove respecting the verb


Romerio Ariminium. 370. Comitiaus. Etinue. l. Cetera, sile me cirect inem to tine sue cibo meo es T

2 miniim militarea QThe Praetors, me of militar experi

os Rome, vine Molis os in Si uiue, o prophetic oraeses, but at an exorbitant price; Which Tarquin res ing, alio burat thras os inem, stili demandiri tho fame prico sor in remianing fix Belairidi ieuled by the acinet, in burni in eo more, Without abatingier meo