장음표시 사용
84. Inonam Thestis burning os me capital is intendex sor it was in te destro d byssire. Tho capital Wa, ut nilis peian or Capitolino mount is Tarquinius Superbus burni A. V.C. 670; rebunt by Sylla and dedieatod hy Q. Catulus, A. U. C. 675; again burn by the soldiors of Vitollius, A. D. 70; an robunt by
Vespasian. At his sati, it was hurn a third timo, and restored by Domitian Wit greater magmll enco than EVer 35. Haruspices. From ara, anciontly hara, anclis eois the priestaWho derive omen os futuri drom examining tho victims and theirentralis aster sacrificerso Abdisretus. Somo editions have abdidio No person among the Romans could botrouot io triat uni scio Was in a private sin-tion theresera Lentulus, Who Was praetor, mas obligesto abdicato
his magis tr icy. 8 . Liberis et stodiis. In prison ni Iargo 'hey, pr no commit-lexto clos prison, hut ere give in chargo to magistratos, o pri-Vat psersons os, spectabili ty. 83. Aedilis. Four magistrates ero calle by this naino; twosrom tho commons, calleu caedili plebis, horaecideddes important cause, unde the inspection os the tribunos; and wo sto the nobili- in calleuis se rurea, heu me permitterio us 3 ine sella urina, orichair of stat 'hontiadalio chargo os repatrior in publie edificos and roadsci xam iuin and tectis ea mesola and mea suros, ..B9. Detrimento. Hire is undorsi odiocoul in his, ut in many t ther instauces in Cortius' edition, boum expressed in other odia
m. omnes vice. All Whos P perinconsisted in utensili, orfui nitur in datly use, or in elothinisor theiriodios. si q)n Hero clegantly used sorit. se m Lentulus, Mo. That Lentulus, Cethegus, othors connect-- with tho conspirae belu arreste aliould not alam him. i. e. not toto alarmod a reo arrest os Lentulus, Cethegus, an othera connected mith the conspiracy 29 93. Animos reseeret Might re animato tho spirit'. J94 Alii em iner dibi lem rati uo. Nati mustra rendered, be- eaus thei thoughι-obnoetii Crasso hocnus unde obligation to Crassus.-Conelamant refersa alii, pars, and Plerique, and signisies.
in in sauria a prison, Gaius. 98. Forestatem Desemdam And that he insuid notio permittia
a equivalon to a revolsingos me pleue os impunit Whiis may hadgrante hini, sive in ina eveni, he Wouid againio placerona siesint milh tho est os in conspiriaura, and mould bo punished
euted in an actio sor Qxtortion.
Sallusi' predilectio sor Caesar, W might suppos tota the tructreading tho me ning Would thenie, brough mero levity, to mavo parada os their patriolisin. 15. Caesari. Plutarch gives a simila aeco unt, ut aecordiugio Suetonius, Vis Iul. e. 14.hi Woulu seem that bis se Was threa
18. Dures, m Theraeadorcos ibo modi The mani or eommerco, Whicli in Roman despised, and or eourae neglected, test thogroat in os the inhabitant of Rome in a sinis os poverinandidistis sui an ready lar an desperat enterprium to hic in
tates os passion and of interost.27. Ubi intenderis ingenium, &e. In eraιm understood ne o P η'ge may be translated oriather paraphrasad as solio a
Passiona old possession, i rules, an reasoni comes useless.l23. Atque populi. In somo editions, reaci aut qui populi. M. Contra iubistinem animi. In opposition to inei omiseel 20. PMde Perses, o I'e I seus, solo Philip, and Iastainios Macedonia, anqui hoc and ted in triumph by Paulus Inmilitis. at Rhodisjunc Rhodes, an istana in theraediterraneam consecrabea to the sun lies ovor uiam Caria and Lycia in his istand was thesimo us Colossus, or statue os Apollo Rhodes Was amous also as amaritimo state, and the place whors therars code os maritime la mas sor med. hs Rhodian wors auxiliarios to tho Romans in the Waringa instinatioclius.' inio Syria, and ut in close ostio mar receive aiunt os his; in om a cremard. 22. caussa hic ord is omitted in somo Editions.
44. Ita in maxumafortuna. e. Thus in tho highest flavationinere is in leas fissedoin os acting. In such a situ alio itis comesus naitharao stipis avo ur nori atred, ut leastis allisos enimenta What in other Is caneu liastinesso temper, is in thos investex Icivomer style hauratinos and emeli dirum. Inother editioncer Mimo. 46. Postrema The thius iast dono inclast os an a r asin the present instauco the punishment os the conspirat MJo. In Domini sta impida 'it regam to mi in men, ori in be
49. Studio reipublicie. In the spirit of patriotisma rom allection
52 Injuria. 4The nature of the crimes hic has been comest- ted.J53. Praesenti diligentia. sed sorsrserentia et diligentia By the promptitudo and diligendo. 54. Uura A preposition tinen adverbialla aster Us, i. e. a te deam. 4Tho doctrine advocate is Caesar molis teri, ana
i os but in aureat stato ther aro many anu various charactera. At another time unde another consul into whos hand likomis auariny may have Deen eo nairnsili somo salsa suggestio may meredited sor truth, and whan, hy virtus os tho examplo Fourare nΟWost ting the Consul, by a peros os tho senato, halliave dra n themor oriunishment, hocinali sol a limit totis pomeri r Wbir auari hiri in iis exorciso pl
rio possessori is parco the districtium eam Abruet 34M that par oscit nexi in Adriatio ein inhabito is in Pincentes. The maintaine a War mitti in Romam sat seventy
4. Ceteri verbo ago. Tho rest gave meralma verba assent, oneto ons os the spea kers another o nother variolast Alii, i. e. Nilano Neroni. Caesar When tho sonator gave meret a verbal aggent to the opinionis an speaker, the reta ined thei s ais and exclaimex sentior, adding the nam os in Person mitti vhom they
this passage os Sallustris sor quam eum. T. Aria atque foeta Ara refers to the altar in tho middie os thahome, Where in Penates mere,orinipped and seu similios inoboarili imine hau Where the Lares Were morshipped. Henes thephras crisinoris Deis must he oonsiderexas a Murative ex pression, and impiies, as is inela religion, and Mareat tota and - Privileges. 73. Quam Maria mundereisod. In sum omer editioncit
oditions the Ialter Word is expressed I cannot Iiel thinkin with proprie . M. Peraequare. ouisa prosecute, oriunish. si Iudiei a Iustice. hulas. Picturos pietas eiu underat d. 23. Amplexamini. To,hichomare landi attaches. M. Capessite. alia care os
sor negligentiam. 89. Bomis. In som editions, sinu bonis neu in parties ne is eleganti non Itiel. D. Sede ua oee, M. But vhotho thos things, of Whatevervin the may be, re to rem in Our o n. o togetber Mith Our-
is Laudunt ferunt, M. Theso verri in in presso tenso givo a peculiar animation to the stylo, and placo the transactions
it moro besor ij cyes of the reader. 19. Virtutem animi Firmners spirit.J20. Agitanti. Rene ting. 21. Simal escaeta parente. The Parent being as it Wors Exhalastisod Tho term parerue reser i Rome Cortius reaci es sera paren
29. Seperitatis Austerity, the rigi praetice os virtve.
tis hero atris in gende mith the sollovininoun. nome Gram- mariana term hicine rein construction. Licino usua practiceo Cicero, but other author vivo lis relative in gendor os horre diuinoun. Cicero himseu adopis the fame praelico, Lino
M. Copta. Numher o tor Cea re signification hicli copia rareIyadmus in tho single number.
ions. o hau not a firs a sussicioni number os metiri serm thacomplement of each logio ; stili ho evor, he dividod what monte had into tisant cohoris ton sor a legion and these cohoris o subdivideo into maniples an centurios. The Ohoris maniplos and centurios nil manted atrars thei regula complement of men, undonly obtain exit gradualinus Des troops arni vexat the camp. Idi. Nunstro Tho legion contained different num re os meiat disserent times, Doru 3000 to 6000.40 y- . Spears, ori, some thinli, daris. 43. Proeulas sudes. Staves, Maves orioie, mini in Maho end. 44. Versus ahen adverbially.
Hurai. 47. Nienum mi rationibus inconsisteni Wiibbis vis .
about 20 Italian milas nor th-wost os Florentia nom Floroneo, on the 40 Stella, Whic salis into tho Ombrone, a norther branch of the Asenus, M. Arno. Nearcit ho baius, Mught betwoon thoabrem ath republio and tho,rmmos Catiline est is no- Pistola.J49. Perfugerent. Some editions have perfugeret. 50. Galliam. Cisalpine, not Transalpine Gaul, is hero meant.l
65. Cum in som editions, sinu tum to conum avertere Min
66. quis Contracted sor qui , frequent in his autho M. Meriem Tho persint os in subjunctivo in other edulans 42-ertere in the insinitius. 63. Qui mam crimenti Tho ante dent illuris elegantly