장음표시 사용
s. Vera via. B lamsul means vera heinlused sor legitima. 10. Studium habet. For studium est, or, in se eo lectitur studium.11. Venenis malis. Not a som renue the phrase With de adlyor perniciousioisons, hut simply mitti potinus. Venenum, Illae fa
formerint style, medium nomen. It propori signisses, that whicti by iis penetratinipower changes tho natural qualities os anmthini:
a this may be either good or ad hance venenum comes to signi in tho Ialter ease aioison in tho formar a drug, a medicine u Co-Iouring matter, c. In his passago Sallus uses the term in ita Strici sense, and there ro adus the qualio ing adjective so that thoterms. When literat inrandorsu, signis With Pernicious orioisonous drugs. his, aster ali hoWsv r, is meret an affected archaism ouine part os our historian since, in the puro Latin writers ille me Customary torus venmum faeintv ko when standiu alone, in chadsense, Without the nece9sit os employiuman adjective. The term φαρμακον in Greest is a notne wel known instanc os a medium nomen. merodotus usos tho plura forma expres colours I. 98. I12. Reeepta republiea. Forreeuperesau haVinirecovered, ord livero tho stato rom tho tyranny o Marius and Cinna reeepinta, may be used sor potitus, hau lugeo possession os the go verment. 13. me Meedebat this inas addat.14. Ductaveres. For duaeerou. The sesquentativo again sed soratis prDHItivo. In Diam sor intra Asiam e so in chap. xlx inprovinciam, sor intra provinciam. Some editions have in Asia. The
lli sight, and voluptaritu genorali denotes corporea Pleusures, particulari lusi. 16. Amare, potare Amare is hero talion in aiad sonsessor seortari. Bibere, to drinc potare, to tipple. l. Potare to drini to excess, tot addicted io trinking. Bibunt obrii ad naturae necessitatem; potant ebriosi assuent r, et ad ebrietatem' opina Sallust meliusto say that tho Roman soldior liud acquire in Asia tho habit os
m. Malivolentia. More commoni writte malevolentia. Not
thoi violationis them actaxwithout the least restraint. J23. Verum. Resors to the sentiment naturalty occurring to themiud, on obsorvinitho contrast he tween the simplicitnos the ancient temples, and the splendi decorations of th moderna ut notexpressed in the text. 24. Sua. In other editioncmaa whic ens bles the sense. 25. Victores. In most edition is sol lowed by hostibiu, whicli ren- dors tho thought more forci ble but wholly changes the sense. ThoBipon editor doctares the omissionis hostibus t be eontra Iiden.
optimorum odicum. '' . 26. Construeta. tne editions have comtrata, omo e tracta. Conumιeta, uti up constructod, raserrinito the pistante or sistipondri, hich tho wealthy Roman causod toto tirme on the sea aliore, and which ware in genera os sue vast dimensious, as almostio deserus thalamo of soas. Constrata huti upon, resorrinito the
splendi residences of many os ille Roma nobility. Whicli merebuit o largo artisicia moles Projectin into tho sea. Contracta alludes to tho limit os uio ocean beinceti croachedipo by tbere moles anu marino paluces . . 27. Turpidinem. An old noun, regularissormed rom turpis, thosam Witti turpitudinem. Whicti is the Common re ad ing. 28. Cullus Isinere tulae ita a ba senserior rosinomen or ver nicones in dio and ress.
29. Vescendi eausit. 4For the salae os gratifying the appetite.Jm Luru Hy luxurious indulgetice.l31. Lubidinibus. Writto Ela libidinibus. This mord is most frequently talion in a bad sense. The hear corrupto by evit inclinations could not eusti sorego the gratification os iis victous Propensities. 32. Flagitiorum atque facinorum. A Metonymnsor sagitiosorum atque faciliorO3orum , hiuli are the word lauti in somo other edi
M. Redimeret. Might u oss i. e. might scapo the punishment duo to his crimes by bribory. Quo flagitium 1ec That hemight purchase impunit for some insamous o criminal action.J34. Convicti judieiis. Convicte oti triai condemne by acour of law.J35. Par similisque. quivalent to par ne sciuem similis: ut thse conjunctio que is raroly uso in this sonso. Why mannot themerening he, equalino ex in Wickedness, an similari disposed
36. Obnoaetos. Somo adition givo obstrielos; iners inseri the pronou sibi asterjidosque tho omission os,hicli appears to memore elegant. o auoi repetition wo remarithat in pronoun, a Wellos the conjunction, is osten oleganti omitted in Cortius 's dition, though expressed in othera. Lobnoaetos, obedient obnoX-im Properly reserario an obediendo lautaedipoma consciouaues of
Vesta Virgins ruero instituto at Romet Numa, in imitation os a simila Priesthood existiniat Alba. The were originalty four iunumber: tW were addes by Tarquinius Priscus o hy Servius Tullius, and si continuod toto the number ever aster. he Vesta allude to in tho text was Fabia rorentia. She was Brought totria by Clodius sor a violatio of her vom Sovorat of the most
50. primundis. An archaism for opprimendae Therus os horarior e tu the gerund and futuros of the participies passive illDsten occur primundae reipublieae crushing tho republic. 361. Terris. Terrae in the plura siminosioth land stud the earin. B extremis terris are here meant ortus and Armenis. PompeΥheld this important command y virtus of the anilia laW, Pro
posed by the tribuno Manilius, and defende hy Cicero in an ora tion stili extant.J52. Consulatum petundi. Os heiulanome to stant candidatela the consulfhip. i53. Senatus nihil sane intentus. The Senato,ithout an dit
55. Neeenitudo. Here signifies necessity more eommoni akiendi connection. 56. Senatorii ordinis Among the Romans there ero threerank of citigens senators, equite oranighis, an plebes, o common Peoplo. ne hundred senator Mere originalty selected ut os the whole peoplo thras hy each os the thirt euriae thres by eactio the threestri hos, and onei Romulus hese mere called patres, Etther stom thoi age, o the naturo of thei charge and thei descendent patrarat. ne hundred moro mere chos endrom among the Sabines, Wheu Tatius thoi lii Det was admittexto fharo the fovere igni Wit Romulus. Yst, accordinito Liv , thera, ro h ut onehundred in tho, holo a tho sat o Romulus. Tullus Hostilius increasod inpi number astor the destructionis Alba Tarquinius Priscus addedisne hundredior et so that the wholestium bor to thetimo of Sylla consisto os a bout thre hundred. Aster the Expu Sion o Tarquinius Superbus, Brutus selec te prope Charitelem to supply the place of thos who ad been destroyed by Tarquin, Whos nam es ero e tirolle mitti the romai. iing senators land bene othe were together called patres eoii scripti. ne equites idio originali sor a distinc ordo the were thr. o hiandredo unx mea, ono hundred electos rom acti tribe, and distinguishod sor thoicrank, ealth, an accompli3hmonis appotnte in guaru tho person os Romulus, an to serve the stat on horsebach Tho woro astorismarus, o account of the corruption os in senate appo tuted juuges; and the were at . the armors os the public revenue an in that statio callod publicani. Thesbod of tholeoplo Was denomina ted plebs o plebes mesides these thre orders there War ni Ways a great number os flaves in tho Roma territory QMuc os What wo havehithorto impliciti holisve in relation to the earlier arrangomentati organigationis tho Roman state in the authorit os Dionysius os Halicarnassus audii V has been ProVed os lateboarctoa very Apocryphal. Tho student is referre to the Quarterly svio Numbor 274 63 and to the orth American Revie , New Serisa, Number 14. J57. Coloniis et muniespiis. The RomKn to nid in proservinitha fidelitmos conquered nations sent among them colonies of thei omncilietens. Munieipia ero town in Cotiquere countries, composed originalty os Roman citirons, who for thei fidelitnaud good cou duci, munera civium Romanorum eeperunt, Were admittod in a greater ornes degre to in privilegos of Roman citiaeas. 58. Nobiles. his mor is omitte in some editions though it scems necessary to the senso. In this expression tiae author probabi include C. Iulius Caesar, M. Antonius, in Licinius Crassus, c.J59. Qua Con uratimicheing underato . Other editioas have quo referrinito the wholo sentenco as an antecedent. 60. P. Autronius V P. Sulla. Aster thes Wordacia ther edition are inserted designari eo1-les, whichaeam neces3arris a clearunderstandinios ho author a meanine. The consul Were thoseu
passivo os repeto, and notis desective nou a some malle it Wheu in tha genitive citius pecuniariιm either expresso as in this passage, o mors commoni understood. Wheu in the ablative, pecuniis. Tho action was so termed ne cause by it the money rongruit obtainad Do an individual pars demande baeh. ur Englis,tormeaetortion, hough generalingi venis ille tratis lationis the term is not homeVer Comprehens V enough, si nos tho actio repetunda-τuni, was rought Dot mor insor the ccove tyos What ad conextortoclaro tho individual Who complaiued 'ut also sor,hatiadhaon obtainodantho Roman overtior unde salse pretances O by fraud Catilinem ad hecti appomted a praetor 6 B. C. and obtain- ad Africa for his province For his cruo an rapaelous administration os this gOVerument he was accused, o iis expiration, at
preserabie. 69. Pro euria. Besore the senate-houae o Place Where thes nate mei.
0. Quaestor pro priclo re Witti praetoria pomeri The quaestorahad charis os the publio money, and wit disburament, and of the inare os the piundor aheu is in amy, whic belonge to tho
ing aud, as in the present instanee sanctioned onl by the exigen-cies os illo state.leti Infesti- inimirum. An inveterate ene'. o somoeditor inimi ri aster infestum has apporta superstum', and is inere iure omitted. 72. Lue. In some edition aberre.
in 'oit primitivo importi ieeulte ad eperis, qui suis Oeeuli videt, masque auribus studii '' Tho mos probabis opinion is that it is derivoci Domine obsolet veri, buere, bring communde os ursor Mand bitere olori in tho samo aras . havo areemior Meem. J
urini us exist uice, aster o have been in spori or another, pridoti 94, Viget aetas, animus valet clour age Murishm, i. e. miramo
100. Sium ma aec They cunnoi ob u libet richos is inseres eat extravagance. N. B. tu Cortius cedition, ino pronoum notem-phaticas, nor a Mutes voces armis in se more consimiliandelegantly omitted. 1. Mala res, spes multo verior Our preseu condition is a
5. Proseriptionem. Proscription a perni Cious Praetice introduco by Sylla uring the civit Wars. The victorious Erly et plabi is in public lucos containing the names of the trisu emies andossor in Hais inard to the person Who fhouid assassinat them Thegood Os the Proscribe were also confiseMed an sold.
z. m. Cum einet underato 4 in inme editioncit is expressea ascis commonly the eas When accompanymon is si nisad. Eo resors to Antonius, eonsulam to Catilino that in cona unctio mitti him Antonius . ho Catali nex ould mali relegi an inios acting, i,
comma aster it, sincerit refers to the contenis os the cup, andria Qe
-- dictare. - Dictam does no reser in Catiline,
hut is used se dictitabant, an resem to thos person Who propagai-ed the repor in quastion . and the reporis that ho ad duo it With this How, in orde that, Ide. I 4. Alitis conmi. A partitive Pronouo singula dolos to a plura adjecti P . 15. Ciceronis inridiani. This Phracteris to he talcen a itin Gram mariam say, passively, and meaus, the odium againa Cicero. J16. Pro magnitudine. Considerin iis importanda: i. e. The proos o Whicli his accusation rosis icto stulit, considering thenea' nature os me charge, o mea expres an definite o decide opitiion o tho subjeci. I
uines. fit lantast os Florentia, o Florence and is noW Fiezola. 5It is at prosent ather a village than a OWn. J27. Manlium. This Manlius had hol a commission in thesaris ramos Sylla, unde m m bo hin aequire considorabis nullino operience, and accumulate great, lih Whichine mon dissip ed by tho groatest extruVagance. JUbi aetas. c. When age had set a limit to thei murem os gain, and uot in thei attachment tolleasuro. Neque is hero equi
vale iitrio et non. 29. Elegantista. With more aleganos, illi more skill Thisword se ems, sed in a ad senso, referrinito looso, indecent, and theatrical gesturos in dancing, hici, at the fame time, howeVer,
mero nes ungracosui. In tho artior period of the Roman republici both dandinianis musi sero hol in littio repute Asior inoadoption o Groesan cu,tom and habila, moro regara, id toinem, and the motis illicles consure. speciali music. In hoc orrupi ages os the empire, When public morula mora at thoi loW-
of our opera sanctu, sine the had alio thei religious dandos, iliose os ilio Salii in particulari bicli,ero sanctioned by tho pracite os ages. Tho Latiniexb Whicli, translate io danco, properly signifies, o lsa higli an frequently the corrosponditi si reo
her. J33. Facesiae. 4 eeriae denotes racesuines in generat, o thathloraneo os, it and humo ur, hicli indieateis a correet an de - .liente aste.-The primaryciden implied in Lepos an lepidus, is