장음표시 사용
abesse, cum paucis amicis et quaestore nostro, quasi obvius honoris caussa pri Redit in tumulum sucillitinum s insidiantibus. Eodem umida cum plerisque necessariis suis, inermus, ' ut dictum, accedit ac statim, signo dato, undique simul ex insidiis invaditur Ceteri obtrun, cis Iugurtha Sullae vincius traditur, et ab eo ad Mari
CXIV. Est idem tempus advorsum mallos ab ducibus nostris, s Caepione et M. Manlio, male pugnatum quo metu Italia omnis contremuerat. Illiqui ot, inde ad nostram memoriam, Itoniani sic habueres; alia omnia virtuti suae prDa esse 'cum Gallis pro salute, non pro gloria certare. Sed, postquam bellum in Numidia consectum, et Iugurtham vinctum adduci Romam nimciatum est, Marius consul Tabsons factus, et ei decreta provincia Galliari s que ' Kalendis Januariis magna gloria consul triumphavit.
rea tempestate spes atque opes civitatis in illo sitae.
ga syllabie eis, Whic Was the mos ancient termination thehen ages os Latinio, in termination in is a mos commovi Em-
exception of thur places, uniforminprevavi md me de Rep p 348. M. Lond. The termination inis honever, Was also used by tho
5. Prona. Bendinet, o si OPInido nWstro. s. ita Fat is undet tood in som edition it is expressed. The substantius ver is frequently underatood in the est authors, Particularly In Sallust.
10. Memoriam nostri. Tho remembrance os oursolvesci memoriam nostram, Our memory, reserrinito tho mental iaculiy.
II Quam martime longam . incendurinias possibie. 12. Virtus. Talent distinguishod abilities.JI3. Res militaris The succos os a military enterprise.J14. Incipias Belare,ou egin, instea os, hesoro otio egius. Tho secon person is thus frequently used illi much eleganee. Therocis equakoleguuce in therus of tho participies eonsuli and saeto in the place os nouus. 15. Imperii. Os government. i. e. os thos Who exorciso dominion, or administerediovernment. The ossice put so the ossicorhy Metonymy. 2 16. Diversi, dissering in thei sentiments or vlows. JII. ljamaum. The readinio tho Bi poni edition is preserable etiam tum. J13. HGaitur. sed sor agebatur olio requentativa sor thesimple vertici a practice very frequent With our author. Manno fine olde Latin writers a Plautus Terence, Lucretius Lo are sonuos using the frequentative so the simpI verboon account Evidently of iis fuller sound This practio is in a se instances follo edeven by Cicero. . 'T I9. Cyrus The reat, launder os tho Porsian empire. 20. Lubidinem dominandi Ambition a destro os dominion. 21. Periculo atque negotiis. From experience and assair them-
22. Quod ai. ut is Quod besoro si is elegantly used sor sed. fBut is the montal qualities of kings and thos Who command wero exercisexto the fame degre inieaco that inenare in War. J23. AEquabilius et onstantius, Ac Wouldio more uniform andaleady A more elegant expression than sequabiliores et eonstansiores essent. The Gree idiom is precisel similar Tho Latin appear tot horrowed Dom it. In the Greela, o ever, the prououa is almos always understood Thus, in xu, heris eu sor ευ χειεαυτον, he has himself,eli. Me. 24. Aliud alioferri. In exprossions os this Lind that he moaning may be more clear aut explicit in English, the Latin ordmustio repeatel. Noithe would o belloid one hin carrieuin one direction, nother in another nor at things change anilthrown into confusion l25. Pro labore. Labor is here aliendor a disposition to Iabour 26. Pro eontinenti iac. Instead os moderation and equity, Passion andiride. 27. Forturia. Principum understood. J23. Arant.&c. An unusual modo os,riting, sor arando, naresin
tion architecture.J29. Virtuti parent. Animi underato . Panhomage to ener-g onmind. i. e. to the right exercise of the mental faculties oraui result of tho pomers of the min hy,hic thenmere inveniet an improVed.J30. Iuaeta Alike prepositionised adverbialty by enallage. St. Quoniam de utraque ilatur, si e rita et mortes Since thereis auenco respectinibotha they leave no memorial of their havina: eve existed. . 32. Frui anima. To evio his rationes nature 'o ansWor theend of his axisteneo. J33. In magna opia rerum. In the ma variet os employ
34. Aliud aliti o comprehen this modo os expression uti hosten Oecur2 se uot 24 page . alterum nobis, Lo. Nature has rho vn ono path to ono individual, anothe to another. J35. Bene dieere QT spea molt laesit.J56. Tamen etsi AnorWard contractou i to tametsi. 37. Auriorem rerum. In other oditioncis Bund aetorem is thel uiter readingi adopted aetorem rerum, illis a Pisona Sm. 38. Res realaa. Α historyci milio in hos clays was litile morathan a descriptio os in exploit or mllant actions os militata
39. retra Byalis langunge or style.-40. Putant In somo editiona cieta is insoris helare putantulint tho reaclinii tho ex is preferreu, hecause the word reprehensa ovidenti appear iro the contextat he undoratood. 4 Bonorum. Solight was militar glor prizod bothismong tho Greelis and Romans that the fame tor in oth langu ages signifies both virtve andaravery Virfortis in Latin is osten equivv-Isnt to a man os Worth, and bonus hera, and in many otho Instances, signifies brare, ascis cloar fro the Contolli.
42. Studio, c. I Was Ied by inclination to engago in publicas o
63. Ibique. Ibi is used sor in eo, or in ea roserring eithordo studio
44. I lam pro pudore, c. Pudor is horo opposeda Audaeis,
araritia to absωιentia anu largitio to rinus. J 5. Reliqitorum. In somo ditionc o sinu reliquis, and is famaberiasten sor a uestre os fumo, tho ut ter cadi nimillio consonant to the fons : ut fama may bo alien sor nata fama. o infumia, obloquy. sis, rea reliquorum. Iam mantio considere a re nominative, and tho passage manthes h renuore M and though l Wasi ree Doni tho corrupi principIos,hicli influencod the rosi, noverthelos a destre sor ad vanctiment the samo obloquy, and tho fame odium Whicla disquiotod tho est disquis ted also me. , o the contrary. e rea relι itiis, und qua eeteros instead os quoe eeteros, theti famiabocomes an ablative, anu tho rendor in may eis solio s. And
NoTES TO CATILINE. a destro sor advancemen disquieta me missi in samo agern esssor distinction, and the fame enu o my competitors, wit Whicli ituid the rest.J46. Eae mutila miseriis te. Began to evio repose stom theman miseries an danger by Whicli itia been Encompassed, nnd resolve that tho res of my seciliouldie petit at a distancesto in scetis os public assairs, kαJ47. Semitibua issetis. Mere corporea employmenis Thephras is here used in allusion to tho passus in chapter 1. Animi imperio, orporis serrulo magia utimur. J43. Studio. Some read studioque making neepto a substantive. The reading in tho texi is mos simple. 49. Carptam. in delache portio .Pothera read atristimaries-50. Partibus reipublicae Politica factions o parties. The copulative, to avolu nainess, is frequently omitte hy ur author. The omission of the copulative is callet an Asyndetoti the frequent repetition oscit, a Polysyndeton.J51. Paveis absolram Narrationem or historium underatood. 52. Abbimgenere natus Cutilina was a Patrician, os an ancient fami ly Ha was lis last os thesens Sergia. J53. Ibi quin akendor in eis, o in illiis rebus. 54. Patiens. A verba adjective signi sying. ablo to endure patiens a participle sussering. Themare distinguished also by their respective go veruments patieris inediae, abieri endure,ant, reser- inito a habit patiena inediam, sussering aut velarinito a particular potat os time.J55. Varius Capabis os assuminia ny hapa o character. 56. Simulator a dissimulator. I pr tonder nn dissem bier. JSimulare. to preten to e what oneris nota dissimulare, to dissem
57. Satis loquentice, e. Posossinissu ononos speec enough, butlitti Wisdom. Somo editions rea eloquentiae, hic is hoWeverito stron here Tho differen est botweon eloquentia an loquentia is melliointexout y li ny V. Ep. 20. The sormer, Mould cali eloque e. tho Ialter, loquacity talkati veness, fluency of speech.J4 58. Lue ii Sulla'. Sylla mas a Roman os Patricia rank, Who servexat strat unde Marius in the Iugurthino mar. His activityan addrem contribute greatlyrio ring that war to a successsultormination. Marius hecam a las j ealous of Sylla' morit, and henco originaled that quarre hetween the which, as productiveos the moYt enormous crueities, and contribute to tho sinat extinction os Roman liberty. Sylla, o gaining the ascendaney, assumed the rein os absoluto government, in hocum perpetunt dictator. Aster gluttinet his Engoaneo illi tho lood of thousands anu ling mitti despolio way so threo cars, s resigne his PoWer, and live undisturticu as a private citigon. Heiled in great torments of the morbus perieularis, in tho 60thoaar os his age, a ut 78B C. His deat wasi tonod by habit of perpetuat intoxication, ii hic bo probably indultad to avolt the horrors os remor e-I
61. Tempus The occasion. 62. Aborigines Tho origina inhabitanis somo thin Aborigines tot the prope num os someleople. The mere so called, accordinilo Festus, hecauso tho mors manderer when the took possession os that partis ita ly .hicli astorward sol mit the est unde the dominion os tho Romans. In his opinioni is supported by the author os theoriginis tho Romans, who aster mentioning the fama circumstances adus that the wero firs calle Aberrigines, inhich, by tho chang of ono Iette and tho supprossion os a nother. mas asterwarus writte Aborigines Οἱ hs Oundation and earlyhistornos Rome homoVer me may ho gaiduo lino comparativelynothing. The idea os a rosa colon having roschod that part oi Italy though a savo urite ne mith the ancietit Romans, ad very probabinno inundation hateus in Boi Lato researches o thopart of somo of the German scholars havs tende vory much toshalio ths credibility both of Livnand Dionysius os Halicarnassus, in relation to tho earlier period os Roman is lory. Se North America Reviem, o Ieries, Numher Id, and the Quarteri Re VioW, umbem 27 and 62.J63. Alii Other adition have alius That in tho ex is thomost simplo rendinet though alius Minia partiti ve may be connectexto a plura nou D.
Res Hero talion sor respubliea. 65. Civibus aueta. In consormit mitti ius diom os the Latinianguage, aueta mill applycio at these nounna though ach ithem in Englisti requires a differon participis. Increased in number os citizens, improved in mannors and enlargod in territory. 66. Sieuli pleraque, &c. scis the casessor the mos par among
67. Tentare esse Tho infinitive so the imper et indicative in praetico more frequent With Sallust than with an other author. Thisis istia grammnrians term tho historiea insnitive, as hein principali used in historical narratives in orde to xive an atris rapidityand animation to tho sentence. In his constructio the infinitivo salWay governe by somo ver underetood, mos commoni some
68. Percussi. ther editions havspereulsa Elthor is admissi bio. IPere1ι in is a Bottor readinet hors than Meretissi Scheller, Lutei-nisch-Deulaches Worterhuch asseris that pereulio is much, ealier in iis impor than pereello Thessor morte alie to signis simply. to strille the latior, o strilis do D to overthrow to de privo os allpower os resistence in body and in mind, o terrisy, c.J69. Festinare parare. Tho infinitivo again or the imperfecto tho indicativo. his observation neod noti again repented. 70. Legitimum. Regulate by a Ws in contra-distinction to a despotiione. J l, 72 Reipetιblieae fuerat, c. An unu sua construction. Cau3a may be unde ratoox in rorue editiona it is expresred. Fuera rua t
que augeret e reipiuuiω. i. e. ad eomereandor uisertatem atque -- Fendam rempublieam paratum ire idoneum. I Cortius rei ars this Ialle mala os interpretation, anu condemn the us of eausa in thia Passage Bitheris Press Exo underato d. A Similar Constructio oecur in Iugurtha, chap. B8. The whole Passa , stom post ubi re
82 a diritias tumbavi. Auruncommon mode os expression rimisad oscin iis rebus dirilius 4 e posita esse putabant ori eas in vitias esse eras diritias eam famam bonam esse famam Ido. laaps the simpleat way ostendering the passage Is 3 Ionowsci Theseth a considorod riches, his Ru honourabie sume, an distinguishedenn Oblang. JB3. Maxumura An archaism frequent in bis author, si Maximas 84 Minos. Formia, a modo os expreasion frequent in Sallust.25. Res euneraa. For euricta.
87. Seriptores. Ierndolus, Thucydidos, Xenophon, and thers. svriplanum Vn ingenia, is put sor eriptore magni ingenii Writer os grent talent.
91. Optumus. An archais sor optimus; thus militima sor minima in the nexi sontence This uso os, laesi is common in Sallust, and requires no surther notice.
92. Benefacta. Exploiis honou rabie de eda i ta Ius bonumque Iustice and probity. J sq. Supplietis. Sacrificos morstii p. Supplietum signi se both
Punishment an supplication, orshimor sacrifico oecause thesubjectis punishment was suppose both to avor the wrath os thegods by sussering o bearing tho ponalty on bellais os the peopte . anxio ongag the deities odisten to thoi prayers by einio redas a sacrifice so theire ulli. The good os criminals more also madeati osse rinito the offende dcity. Scholio deduces th two mean - . ingsos this mord in a disserent mannor. Ho malios the primitivo impori to bo, a knoolin do isti his may hodon Elthera supplicate tho Deity, whenco, havo the indro meaninio reli- gious Worship or it ma be so the purpos O bein belleaded, Whonce, obtain the idea os punishment.J95. Quam Magis eiulundorstood in ome oditioncit is ex-
96. Agilabant. For ageb C in frequentativo so the primitivo orb. vid page 1 note ab Imperium agitabant, the mauug-edis exerciqed thei aut hority.J97. Reges magni. Perses 'inios Macedoniaci Iugurtha, ingos Numillia mithridates kicios Pontus, c.J93. Populi. rhis Wor in tho plura signi sies tribos, c. 99. Carthago Onc a sanio us and nourirhinicit of Africa notlar fro tho pressnt clinos unis. Tho nam is derivo fro the Phos nicia term Carthada si ij init be ne inity. The Greelas called the cit Καρχηδοιν, and lio peopte Καρχηδονιοι Carthage asdes troyed by the Roman communiter Scipio Asricanus Minor B. C.
100. Optandae. . Agroes With dixitrae, the nouitisarest tori t. 1. Materies. Os the fifth doclension somelimes materia os ho
2. Artis bonas. Virtuous qualities. y Artis sor artes. 3. Neglegere. ci archais for negligere Deos neglegere, sor neglia
4. Eae re . . Accordinito thei real value. 5. Magisque nullum,aec. Andrio preservo allier a sat exterior than rectitudo os principio.J6. Post B enallago sor Postea Contagio νιnsi, by a sori os conta ion, eontagio heing the ablative sto contagium. Tho ipontedition givos a muchaetior reading tha thicos Cortius 's. I re moves the comma usta quasi placinione aster eontagio, and anotheraster pestilentia. Contagio thenaecomes tha nominativo to Dirarit,havio vitiorum underεtood, and the passage a b rendered.