C. Crispi Sallusti opera, omissis fragmentis, omnia; ad optimorum exemplarium fidem recensita

발행: 1825년

분량: 241페이지

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42 in ablativo absoluto is me read rupes, it is Us nominativo in M

meant Sylla a veterans 78. Cimbrieo. ho Cimhri a serma nation, had, in condianta tion,ith tho Teutones, invadelths Rom. n empiro, and Wer

quisbed by Marius.79. Pedibus aeger. Antonius, accordinet a Dio Cassius, set ediunes on tho datos in batilo, searsul os meountering the re-Proaches os Catilino in cassi shouid meo him in the sight J80. Tumniti. A War in Italy, o against tho Gaul Was culleii

M. Tribunus A tribuns, a militis osside nearly correspond- inito a colones. In aina pion inero mero si militar tribunes

Who com ianuad unde the consul. 84. Praefeetus. When tho term stanus alone, as in tho presentinsitan se, it donotes a commani in os hin allios. lis pro feeti mong the BUM 3 ero os tha amplis illi the tribum among th B LO- mando es. The ossicors of the allies mere for the mos Par Romans, chosen by tho consul or senate.J4 et 5. Fereviariis. Thelight-arme troops besides ollier appen


iluo had thenali spared, c.J95. Laetiti meror, m. . t retia properindenotes aior, orijoy orcio expresse atrongly by tho aerions os in individual. Gaudium. on the contras, devolas in calm and rationa emotiorios joy. Cicero ranis Laetula among the 'peri-batione animi, ' or

rurfuit, inimitu Titse Quoest 4.-Tho passage of Sallust thersis fora, to hic this noto refers may, in accordance, it thes ove,



nari uitieet abluisse pessum in altum, i. e. to have gone to the deeΡhouom, to havs sun to the botrum an in Tacitus pessum turoseampos that he fiet da Nouldio ruinod. I havo endeavourad in mytranslation oluti phrasorio hic illis nota roseus, to unita theset o explanations Which, in fac χIsteri ut 1Itue, Isint stit, stomisactioster, sinoe every supine is a verbia nound


32. Salutare plebem. It was usu litisit candidates lor ossideamong the Roman to addressis ver vote is his Prope Liamo, and

made Tribune os tho commons, ut tho age of 32 A. U. 701. Accardinito ome, Cato was his compotitor at that et sotion, ut ne toruin to others, When a Was m de praetor, . . m. o his succe sive Cato, he alludes in the exprossion qiιatis ira deo Isthis competition occured for the ossica os praetor, ne hadiso great reason to e proud os his succeis, since he obiaine that ossice

P. Seipionem. Publius Scipio Africanus the yotinger, me solos PauIus IKmilius, hut adoptau in to the fami ly o Gipio 37. mones. Among the Romans thos Whos ancestorsi or


int iis component membere scire Iieeti an hane tho grammatica 'constructionis inessent necti seis licet habere erea re aestur .I. 29. Eorum, si e Mallorum. J40. His moribus. For moribi reuum temporis. During the prevalence of these manvers.

43. Perinde habρantur. t. o. Ae is mors commoni used in this sense alter perinde Andishould notis stimate by th virtuo

44. Liberius,ae. Too Deely, and in sar The comparativo is osten Mod in this signisication. 45. Redeo. The communa ver used sor the simplo M Whichmust homero talienior remo eo undiseni bring ostenisad se eaenother. Accordinito Donatus the partiola re is somelimes redundant in composition. E cile instanc os ver frequent occurrenoe, renuandis, sorias simul nuntio. J46. Numidam . s Numidia, o Algiers, Ounirno Africa, Was bound exoti the nori by the mediterranean on the wes by

47. Varia vietoria The succe s various somelimes in famuros the Romani , somelimes os Iustu 'thn.

os hoin undorstoocl. ha gerunt is herois sed in a passiva sonae, Recordinito th grammarians, of whicli constructiona ut saw instances occur in the ancient Writors vid. Sanelii Min. II S. p. 454. . limine note o Porigonius. In facti ONever, tho garund may Ri- considerosas activo in iis meanini thus in th Present in


54. Syphaee Syphax Masaing of ths a evii Their capital vitas Cirta. Syphax is aida mali in penuit os tho genuive comition. The abori quantity. --vo, occura ovim Claudian, I5,s i. Where Barthius conreetured the readinis uidi Annibalem .hich he sense roquires and Gesne approve os in omendation

in his edition or 1759. J55. Regi. viz. Masinis a. 56. Imperii, o An ambiguous constructionci me An in here. that his empiro in iis fuit extent contanue oesy MIn lata use tho grant os si Roman ceasing ut his Main.

ntia. fCorrumpe viri, to corrupte the gerund used in a passivo sense: or. Whinii is sereser flexu ma retari iis Quis mean-ing, and bo rendered, sex eorruptius I, 60. Cum Although. 61. Primus ferire. He mas ih srstra stellio hul primum


72. Morem hostium. 4Τhs modo fiotine praetim is ho


Presse in Caesar Iustis funeribu eonfeetis. J4. Reguli. In princes, Adherbal I aemPsal, and ite artha. 5. Dextra Ara rhalam adsedit. Sat lo nis sto right liandist herbal Adsedit Adherbalem a deaetra manti. I hs aecusatiVE


Citations of his tirother. J

Eeem necessur to the sense.

17. Claris adulterinas. salse kEys. IS. Diversi. In disierant di iet D n .

articis, hichahe Latin langua se cloasio Possess. 23. Protineiam. The Province i. e. tho territormos Carthage, Whici the Romans, aster tho death os asinissa on, hom theyiadhesiomed ii so tho period of his liso mad forme into a pro ince.J


pressed, ascit is in somo editio . m. insidia, Fromabo greatest odium, o unpopularity, augurtha came tuto the good graces and sevour os ille nobiliu

29. a M. Mesem to nobilium underato . M. Ne grariiι in eram eonsuleretur. That iso vero a resolutionshould notae passo against hi m. la1. Proeuratione. In the administration oscit. In somo edition regni procurationem rotis administration of th li inglom. 32. Iuce imperium. The right and goverament, or the rIglit os ver ent imo moras connected together is a conjunctio Mingonen ured, Where iis sonas requires illo latis toto put in the nitive case. M. Cornuto Os kindre - .l ium, os relations.J

tiet What hi in personishould e, i. e. nor ascit in myto erio sorm in inaracter os Iugurtha Besore ς-ti foret, esse e maybo Merstood, although icis no necessisy, sine the clause qualis fore Iugurtha a b reordo at nee M in nomi-tivo to

40. Quo tempore, c. This refers to the Romans, ho mors atthat time engagod in an important , dimovit,a with the Carthaginians and might he sui thliit aut could not, Rhen inei refour-Ces Were thus preoCeu pleu prove vermessicient allies.J


rio vestro si ii vadetis extorris Patria domo inop et cooperuis -- serio m g ni test ubivia tutius quam in regno me eas .m. Jo2. Amreιtiam. In somo edition dili enter tollo. amieitiam.

in somo other editions. 54. Alterius. In soms edition aure. 55. Generis pretat diu inc Aurino supporis of ou semunare o off56. Naturae eoneειδιι A figurativo Qxpression or mortuuaeu.


64. Majorum hostialia montιmenta. Monuments or, memorial, of the hosti tities committo by my ancestora H resera here to thohoatilities committe by them against the neu o ingruationa, in furtheran of the Romani Ner.J65. Aut In som editions an.