Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 4: The Writings Of Clement Of Alexandria, Volume 1

발행: 1867년

분량: 502페이지


분류: 미분류


account of not Wishing to be seen, that they purchase bearere, for it were commendabie is out os such Delings they putthemselves under a covering ; but it is out os luxuriousnem that they are carried in their domestica' shouldera, and destro

presenti And theso momen aro carried about over the temples,

sacrifieing and practising divination day by day, spending



enouo for lewd ossices, ministere os adulter' inresing and Whispering, and shamelessty mahing throuo their nos munia os te neas and fornication in provohe lust, Endeamu ing to plerae is leWd Wotas and altitudes, inciting to lauoter, the precursor os fornication. d mmetimes, when inflamedis any provocation, either these fornicatore, or inose that follow the rabiae of abominabis creaturos to destruction, maria found in their nose lita a fron as ii they had mi angerdWelling in their nostriis. But those Who are more refinedthan inoso keop ladian bitas and Median pe foWis, and recline missi Mah-headed' creatures; playing With satyra, dei Ming in monstres. They lauo When they hear Thersites; and these Women, purchasing Thersit es hiob valued, pridethemmi vos not in their h bands, but in thoin Wretches Whichare a burden on the earin, and overi h tho chasis Wido .ho is es far Uore valuo than a Melitaean pup, and looh hance at a just old man, Who is lovelier in my estimationthan a monster purchased for money. And though maintaining parrodi and curiem, they do not receive the orphan Add; but they ex se chilhen stat are bom at home, and ta the Dung of blati, and preser irrational to rational creatures; although they ouot in underiata tho maintenanes of old


themselVes cannot meet and cannot sweat without a multitudo

of Vesseis, although poor Women who have no display equallyenjoy their ballis. The dire of wealth, then, has an abundantcovering of censure. With this, as with a bait, they hook thomiserable creatures that gape at the glitter of gold. Fordagetling thus those fond of display, they artsully try to Wintho admiration of thela lovere, who after a liuio insuit themnahed. They Will scarce strip besore their own h bands, affecting a plausibie preteiace of modesu; but any othera Who Wish, may see them at home shut up nised in their ballis. For there they are not ashamed is strip betare spectatore, asii exposing their persons for sale. But Hesiod advises

The ballis are opened promiscuousty in men and Women; and


TNE INSTRUCTOR. 297 thoro they strip sor licentions indulgencs sor Bom looking, men get to lorini, as is stela modesty had been Washod

salling, ii he regard God as ever present With him.


say to us, His horae, or land, or domestic, or Mid, is Worthfiftoen talenta; but the man himself is dear at three coppers.' Tahe aWay, then, directly the ornaments from Women, and domesties from mastera, and you Will find manere in norospect disserent hom bought claves in step, or looh, or Volce, so like are they to their flaves. But they differ in that in ara feebler than their claves, and have a more sichly uin


THE INSTRUCTOR. 299 the creatum by the charm of the Word, and himseli escape

Who abjures luxurn but calis seisinelp as a servant, and praises frugalitri the progeny of temperance. Receive,' hesays, instruction, and not silver, and knowledge rather stantosted gold; for Wisdom is beller than precious stones, noris anything that is valvabie equia in Worth to hor.' Andagain: Acquire me rather than Mid, and preciοus Stones, and silver; for my produce is bellor than choice silver.'

but the righteous alone is gracesul, because grace is order, observing a due and decorous measure in managing and distributing. For there are those Who soW and reap more, ' os

whom it is writton, He hath dispersed, ho hath givon to thepoor; his righteousness enduretii for evor.'M So that it is notho who has and heeps, but he who gives aWay, stat is rich; andit is oving aWay, not possession, Whicli rendere a man happy; and tho fruit of the Spirit is generosi . It is in the foui, then, stat riches are. Let it, then, be granted that good things are the property only of good men; and Christiansare good. Nom, a Dol or a libertine can neither have any perception of What is good, nor obtain possession os it. Ac- cordindy, Mod things are possessed by Christians alone. d nothing is richer than these good things; thereiore thesealone are rich. For righteousnem is truo riches; and the Word is more valvabis than ali treasum, not accruing Domcatilo and sields, but given is God iches v hicli cannot betaken aWay. The foui alono is ira tre ure. It is tho bost possession to ira possessor, rendering man truly blessed. For he whoso it is to destre nothing that is not in Our poWer,




FRUGALITY A GOOD PROVISION FOR THE CHRISTIAN. ELICACIES spent on pie ures become a dange ous Ship rech in men; for this voluptuous and ignobio liso of the many is alien to true love sortito beautitui and to refined plemures. For manis is nature an erect and majestic being, aspiring aster thegood as becomes the creaturo of tho one. But tho lito whieli crawls on iis bolly is destitute of digni , is scandalous, halesul, ridiculous. Λnd to the divine nature voluptuousness is a thingmost alien; for this is sor a man to be like spar Ws in laeding, and sWine and mala in lechery. For in regard pleasum M agood thing, is the sim os ulter ignorance of What is excellent. Love of wealth displaces a man hom the right modo of lise, and induces him to cease imm feeling inamo at what is

prepared, but is fili one belly Tho filthinem of gluttonyis proved by the privies into which our bellies dischargo the



duce in a bam but communicate to those Who have need. Do not troubie Fourselves about horses and servant' Who, as

as we havo done iram tho Instructor the fala and grave atten

possesses. But that Whicli is superfluo , What they calΙ ornamenta and the furniture of the rich, is a burdon, mi an ornament to tho body. IIo who climbs to tho heavens Diorce, must carry With him the fala stin os beneficon , and attain to the truo rest is communicating to thom .ho are in distross. For tho Scriptum mouches, that tho uno riches of tho Mul are a man's ransom ' that is, ii ho is rita, ho

pumpta out, riso again to their former meas ' so giringaWay, Ming the benignant spring of love, is communicatingos iis Gnk to tho stlastri again increases and is replenished, just M tho milli is Wont in floW into the bro is stat aresuched or milhed. For M Who has tho Q ghty Gω, tho Word, is in Mant of nothing, and never is in stratis for What he noeds. For the Word is a possession stat manis nothing, and is tho cause of ali abundance. It ono say that he has