Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 4: The Writings Of Clement Of Alexandria, Volume 1

발행: 1867년

분량: 502페이지


분류: 미분류


soster clothing is not to bo enti rely prohibited. But irrational impulses must be curbed, test, ear ing us aWay through eXcessive relaxation, they impel us to voluptuousness. For luxury, stat has dashed on to surseit, is prone to Ech up ita heels and tora iis mane, and shahe off the charioteer, the Instructor; Who, pull-ing bach tho reins frem far, leads and drivm to salvation thohuman homo-that is, tho irrational pari os the wQ-whichis Wildly bent on pleas es, and victous appetites, and precioussiones, and gold, and variety of dres' and other luxuries. Above ait, Wo are in k p in mind What Was spoliensacrediy: Having your conversation honest among tho Gentiles; stat, Whereas they speis against Du as Miudoers,

Tho Instructor permiti us, then, io use simple clothing, and of a Whito colour, as Wo said besore. So that, accommodatingourselves not in variegated ari, but to nature as it is produced, and pushing aWay Whateuer is deceptivo and belles the truth, - may embram the uniformi and simplici of the truth. Sophocles, reproaching a ymst, says:

For, as in the case of ths soldien the fallor, and the reser,so also the proper dreas of the temperate man is What is


plain, becoming, and clean. Whonco also in the iam thelaw onacted by Moses about leprosy rejects What has many colours and spola, lihe the various scales of the snahe. Hotheretare Wishes man, no longer deching himself gaudily in avariety os coloura, but White ali over from tho crown of thohead to the solo os the Dot, to be clean; so that, by a transition froni the body, Wo may lay aside the varied and versatile passions of the man, and lovo the unuaried, and unambiguous, and simple colour os truth. And he who also in this emulates Moses-Ρlato best os all-approves of that texture on Which

And whito colours weli bocome gravi . And elseWhere he says, Nor apply dyes or Weming, except for Warlike decorations.VATO men of peace and of light, therelare, White is appropriate. As, then, signf, Whicli are very closely allied tocauses, by thela presence indicate, or rather demonstrate, theexistence of the result; as smohe is the sign of fire, and agood complexion and a regular pulso os health; so also clothing of this description shoWs the character os our habiis.

Temperance is pure and simple; since purity is a liabit whichensures pure conduci unmixed missi What is buse. Simplieityis a liabit which does away with superfluities. Substantial clothing also, and chiefly What is unsulled, prolocis tho heat whicli is in tho body; not that tho clothinglias hoat in iiseth but that it turns bach the heat imuing homilio body, and refuses it a passage. And Whatever heat fatisupon it, it absorbs and retains, and being Warmed by it, Warms in turn the body. And ior this reason it is chiefly

It also temperanco) is contented. And conteniment is a habit whicli dispenses with superfluities, and, that there may be no salture, is receptive os What suffices for the healthsuland blessed liso according to the Word.


-E INSTRUCTOR. 315 Lot tho woman wear a plain and becoming drem, butfoster than What is suit lo sor a man, yet not quite immodest or entirely gono in luxu . And tot the garmenta bosuited to age, person, figure, nature, purauita. For the divinonposite most Mantifully cou eis to put on Jesus Christ, and mahe no provision sor tho lusis of tho flesti.'

snoui, so those Women that are luxurious to excess in their

Tho Word, then, permits them a finge ring of gold. Noris this for ornament, but for maling things Whicli are Worthheeping sala in the homo, in the exercise of their charge of honseheeping. For is ait mere meli trainod, thero mould bo no need os scias, is servandi and mastere Were equialy honest. But sincewant of training produces an inclination to dishones , We

requiro Mais. But there are circumstances in Whicli this striciness maybo relaxed. For alloWance must sometimea be made in favour



some, but by the abstraction os excess. For Women's articles

neatly, and bind theminives around with the band of chasto modest' lest through giddinem they stip a V iram thotruth. It is right, then, for men to repose confidence in their Wives, and commit tho chams of the ho e id to them,as they are given to their hespera in this. And is it is necessary for us, Whilo engaged in publicbusinem, or discliaring Other avocations in the count , and osten aWay hom our Wives, to seal anything for the sine offasely, Ho the Word) Hlows us a signet sor this purposo only. inher finge rings are in be cast off, since, accor lingto the Scripture, instruction is a Miden ornament for a

But momen ino mear Mid mem in me to be ahaid, test, itone strip them of their jewellern they inould M taken forservant' Without their ornamenta. But the nobility of truth, discovered in tho nativo beau whicli has iis Mat in the mul, judges the flavo not by bning and selling, but is a servile disposition. And it is incumbent on us not to Mem, but to

Whereiore κε must adopi a modo of standing and motion, and a step, and Mess, and in a mota, a modo of lise, in ali respecta as Worthy as possibie of freemen. But men are notis mear the ring on tho jotat; for this is feminino; but toplace it in tho lituo finger at ira Dot. For so tho hand Will


to formi stela amatory indulgences, is Ming perpetuatly putin tand of their licentiousness. The miri A ut tho hair, the fosso ing seems right. Let the head of men bo inmen, uniem it has curly hair. But let tho chin have tho hala. But let not twistia lochs hang far do- Domino head, Hiding inis Womanish ringleis. For an amplebines suffces for men. And is one, ruo, inave a part of his beata, it must not be mado entirely bare, for this is a di grace ut si t. The sharing of the chin to the ain is reprehensibi' approaching to pluching out the hala and Moothing. For instance, inus the Psalmist, delighted With tho hair of tho beata, sus, the ianiment that descenti on the beata, tho Mard of Aaron' Haring celebrated the beau of the beata is a repetition, he mado the face in inius With the ianiment of tho Loes. Sineo cropping is to M adopted not for the sine os elegance, but on account of the necessi of the cam; the hala of thoheta, stat it may not ν- so long as is come domn and intersore With the ves, and that os the moustache similarly,



paternat terror.

sinning. A cropped head not only shoWs a man in be grave, but rendera the cranium less liable to injurn by accustomingit to the presenco os both cold and heat; and it avoris thomischleis arising from theso, Whicli the hair absorbs into itsoli liko a sponge, and so inflicti on tho brain constant mischios


τ- INSTRUCTOR. 319 that they inould fiat into doubio sinst For they deceive thomon by the excessivo quantity of their hair; and shamo tho Lord as sar as in them lies, is adorning thenaseives meretricio in in ordor to dissemiae the truth. And they desamotho head, whicli is truly beautiful. Consequently neither is the bair to bo dyed, nor grey hair

ing devices of Wily cunning. But let us inom to them tho decoration of sobriely. For, in the fit si place, tho bestbeau is that vhich is spiritual, as Ws have osten potntedout. For Whon the foui is adorned by the Hesy Spirit, and inspired missi tho radiant chams Whicli proceed from Ηim,

-righteousness, Wisdom, sortitude, temperance, love of thogood, modesty, than which no more Nooming colour Was everseen,-then let e poreal beauty be cultivaled toο, symmetryos limbs and members, With a sala complexion. The adorn-



dueod mistin tho body; Whilo the former, blossoming out Domthe bod' exhibita manifest beau os complexion. Accord- ingly, these most decorous and healthiul practices, is exercising the bod' produce true and lasting beau , the heat attracting to iiseis est the messium and coid spirit. Heat, When agitated is moving causes, is a thing Which attracta tollaeis; and when it does attraci, it gently exhales throughtho fleo iraeis, When Warmia, the abundance of λω, Minmme molatum, but With excess of heat. Wheres e also the fidit Aod is carriod os . But When the body is not moved, tholaod consumed Mes not adhere, but falla aWay, as the Ioahom a coid oven, either entire, or leaving only the loWer pari. Accordin y, urine and dung are in excess in the raso ofilioso who do not throw off the excrementitious matters by the rubbings necessitated is exercise. And oster superfluous mattere abound in their case too, and also perspiration, astho Aod is not assimilated by the boh, but is floWing out toWaste. Thence also lusis are excitia, the redundance flo ing to the organs of generation by commensurate motions. Wherelam this redundanco ought to M liquefied and di persed for digestion, by Which beau acquires ira ruddy hue. But it is monstrous for those Who are made in the image and likenem os God,' to dishonour tho archetype by assuminga soreim ornament, preferring the mischismus contrivance of man to the divino creation. The lastructor ordere them to go forin in bocomingapparet, and adorn themselves With ahamefactaneas and sobrioty, in subject to their οὐ hustands; stat, is any ob nes the word, they may Without the mord bo Won by the conversation of the wives; While they behold,' he says, Dur chaste conversation. Whose adorning, let it not bo





vas conquered. And chasti ,in assum ing to iraeu bonds,nppears superior to dissolute licenm. Most excellent is whathas Men said:

But feminine motions, dissolutenes' and luxurn are D. Mentireb prohibit . For voluptuo nem os motion in Walhinn and a mincing gait,' as Anacreon Sus, are albogether

meretrici Ous.