장음표시 사용
joinod is Christ Himself to put no faith in human doctrines, but in thoso proclaimed by the blessed propheis and taucti
with concoaled handi' You can perceive that the concealedpower os God was in Christ the crucified, before Whom demons, and ali the principalities and poWers of the earth, tremble.'CHAP. L. t is proved fram Isaiah that Iohn is the precursoros Christ.
Ho submitted to bo bom of the Virgin .'Ι replied, Give me permission sirst os ali to quote certain passages hom tho prophecy of Isaiah, Whicli refer to thoossico os forerunnor discharged by Jolin the Baptist and prophet beiore this our Lord Jesus Christ.
prophecy yοu repeat, sir, are ambiguous, and have no forcein proving What you Wish to prove. Then I answered, - Η the propheis had not ceased, so that there mere no more in Dur nation, Trypho, alter this Jolin, it is evident that what Ι say in reference to Jesus Christ might be regarded perhapsas ambiguous. But is Jolin came fidit calling on men to
d it Was prophesied by Jacob tho patriarch that
there Would be two advenis of Christ, and that in tho first
Ηe mould suffer, and that aster He came thero mouid bo
that the nations who boliovo in tho suffering Christ Wouldioin for His futuro appearance. And for this reason the
into Jerusalem, requested His discipies to bring Him a certain ass, along missi iis soal, Which Was bound in an entranco os a villago callod Bethphage; and having soatod Himself on it, He entored into Jerusalem. And as this Was dono by Himin tho mannor in Which it was prophesied in preciso termsthat it would bo dono by the Christ, and as tho fulfilmonimas recognised, it hecame a clear proof that Ho was tho
156 DIALOGUE UITH TRYPHO. previousty said, requested His discipies to bring both beasis; this tactJ Was a prediction that you of the synagogue, along
the Scripturri has predicted that tho Nood of Christ
DIALOGUE MITH TE M. 157 that Christ is not man of men, begotten in the ordinaryco se of humanity.VCHAP. LV.- Trypho asks that Christ be proned God, butwithout metaphor. Iustin promises to G δo.
158 DIALOGUE MITH TRYPHO. fore, to What I shali record out of the holy Scriptures, whichy
y TWo constructions, which referring either to Scripturea as Whole, or to What he recorda hom them. Last more probabie. a Gen. xviii. 1, 2.