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160 DIALOGUE MITH TRYPHO. the son, and because of the bon&woman ' ' I inquired. AndDypho said, μ Certainly; but you have not provin homiliis that thoro is another God besides Him Who appeared is Abraham, and who also appeared to tho other patriarchs and propheis. You have proveri hoWever, that We Were Wrong inbellering that the three Who mere in tho tent With Abraham
' Or, We must os necessity thinh that, besides the one of the two angela who came doWn to Sodom, and whom the Scriptum is es ea calis . Lord, God Himself ΗΡ-red to Abraham. R This passago is miser confused ; the translation is necessarily laee, but, it is belloved, correct. Justin's hiend vishea to mahe out that two distinos individuala are callet Lord or God in the narrativo.
since never yet have me heard any man investigating, orsearching into, or proving these matters; nor mould Wo havo tolerated your conversation, had you not referred everythingto the Scriptures: for you are very gealous in adducingprooia hom them; and you are os opinion stat there is no
λ Gen. xviii. 13, 14. Gen. xviii. 16, 17. . Literalty, is multiplied. ε Gen. xviii. 20 3. Comp. Noto 3, p. 158. ' Gen. xviii. 33, rix. 1. 7 Gen. Tri. 10.
cannot escape to the mountain, test evit overtalis me, and I
166 DIALOGUE MITH TRYPHO. to thes in Bethel,y Whero thou anointodsi a pillar and Vowedst
look the two Wives, and tho tWo momen-servandi, and his
who appeared in the flame οξ fire, but God who conversedwith Moses; so that there mere reatly tWo persons in companymith each other, an angel and God, that appeared in that
I again replied, - Evon is this were so, my friends, that an angol and God were together in the vision seen by Moses, yet, as has Hready been proved to you by the passages pre-viousty quoted, it mill not bo tho Creator os ali things that istho God that said to Moses that Ho was the God of Abraham, and tho God of Isaac, and tho God of Jacob, but it mill bo Howho has been prouod to you to havs appeared to Abraham, ministering to the will of tho Maher of Hl things, and liko-Wise caroing into execution His counset in the judgment of Sodom; so that, even though it be as you say, that there