Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 16: Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, And Revelations

발행: 1870년

분량: 597페이지


분류: 미분류


And they rose up early, and prayed. And Joseph saddled his ass, and set out mitti the inen; and they came to the holycity Jerusalem. And est the peopte met Joseph, and criedoui: Peace to thee in thy coming in i And he said is est theseople : Peace to 3 ou i and he hissed them. And the peoplo prayed Willi Joseph, and they Were astonished at tho sight of him. And Nicodemus received his into his horae, and made a great serat, and called Annas and Cataphas, and theeldera, and the primis, and the Levites to his ho e. And theyrrioiced, inting and Miniung Willi Joseph; and alter singi hymns. each proceeded to his οὐ ho e. But Joseph remataedin the liouse of NicodemUS.


liave said true y And he said: It is true. And the mlurs of the synagogue, and the priosis and the Levites, said to them- solves : Come, let iis senil into Galileu to the threo men thal


. 146

mith tho mon, and aio and drank, and rose up, and set out in



147 . of thoras, and ho mas scourged, and received sentence DomPilate, and was crucified umn the Cranium, and two robbora

said by Iabbi Symeon, and that lie said, Bohold, ho lies sortuo tali fandJ rising again os many in Israel, and lar a sign

Amen, amen.


latud out os tho Hebrow tonque into thu Bomaiulangvage by Nicodemus, a Roman toparuli. Ister the dissolution os the Lingdoin os tho HobroWs, laurhundred years having ritu their courae and the HebruWs also coming nt last under tho hingdom of tho Pomans, and the Ling of the Bomans appotnting them a Ling; When Tiberius Cae-ar at last sWayed the Doman sceptru, in the eighteenthyear of hi8 ruign, he appotnted as king in Judea, Herod, theson of tho Herod Who had krmorly siaughtered tho insanis in Bethlehem, and he mado Pilate procurator in Jerusalem; When Annas and Cataphas held tho high-priesthood os Jerusalem, Nicodemus, a Roman toparch, having summoned a JeW, AEneas by name, asked him to Write an account of the things done in Jorusalem about Christ in the times of Annas and Cataphas. The Je v accordingly did this, and delivered it to Nicodemus; and he, lignis, translated it smin the HebreW Writing into the Romaic language. And the account is as solioWs:-CHAP. 1.-Our Loes Jesus Christ having Wrought in Judeamany and great and extraordinary miracles, and on account of this being haled by the HebreWs, While Pilate Was procurator in Jerusalem, and Annas and Cataphas bigh priesis, there canio


ander, Syrus, and many othera, spearing against Christi Andthese clites priesis sent them a V to say these things to Pilato also. And thoy Went aWay, and said to him: A man wallisa ut in this city Whose sat hur is callud Joseph. aud his mollior