Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 16: Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, And Revelations

발행: 1870년

분량: 597페이지


분류: 미분류




3 It is to M obsorved that Jolin s Gospei is much more frequently quoted in this book than any of the othera.' Observe the anachronium.


and do not bellovo that they inis an anget eoming do n stomlimVen. For me havo given money to tho soldiere, in orderthat they should not teli such tales to any one; and thus also have tho disciplis os Jesus iven them money, in order thatthey should say that Jesus has risen stom tho deast CHAP. 15. icodemus says: o children os tho inhabitants of Jerusalem, tho prophet IIolias mout up into the height os hoavon With a fiery chariol, and it is nothing incredibio is Jesus tota lina risen ; sor tho prophet Helias mas a prototyΡe os Jesus, in ordor that you, hearing that Josus has risen. might not dis-hclieve. I thurusore say and advise, that it is bellttinx that me senil soldiors tuto Culilee, to that plaee Where these muti testi that they sam him With his discipies, in order that they may go round abolit and finit hina, and that thus Wo may ask pardon os him for tho evil Whicli me havo dono to him. This pro salpleased thcm; and they chose soldiora, and sent them aWayinto Galileo. And Jesus indeed they did not find; but theylaund Joseph in Arimathea. Whon, thorosore, the soldiore had returned, the clites priosis,having ascertained that Joseph Was lauud, brought tho peopletogether, and said: What shali me do to get Joseph to cometo us ' Aster deliberating, there re, they Wrote to him a

have offendod against God, and against thee His servant. Onaccount of this, me entreat thee to come here to us thy chil-Men. For We have mondered much how thou didst escapesrom the prison, and me say in truth that me had an erit desim against thee. But God, feeing that our designs against thee mere uviust, has deliverod thee out os our hanci. But come to us, sor thou are the honour os our people. This letter the Jews sent to Arimathea, With seven soldiera,


salem; and the peopte came larili to meet him, and embracedhim. Aud Nicodemus received him into his own house. Andilio day aster. Annas and Cataphas, the clites priosis, haringsummonod him to the templo, said to him: Givo glory to the God os Israel, and teli us tho truth. For me know that thoudidst bur Jesus; and on this account Wo laid holit os thee, aud locked thue up in tho prison. Theroaster. When We foughtto bring thoe out to bu 1 ut to death, Wo did not finit theo,

us theroi ore the truth.




the Holy Spirit; about Whom I prophesied When yet alive, saying, The laud of Zabulon, and thu land of Nephthalim, thepeopte that sat in dari uess, have seen a great light. Then there came into the midst another, au ascetic hom the