Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 16: Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, And Revelations

발행: 1870년

분량: 597페이지


분류: 미분류




Hadus ausu ered: Heir of darkuess, soli of destruction, devit,

thou speal est. Is, therelare, me receive him here, I am Uraidlest perchance We be in danger even abolit the rest. For, io,


i ri. lxxxvi. 13.



God, and who Was translated hither is Him; and this is Helias tho Thesbite; and wo aro also to live untii the endos the world; and then me are to be sent by God lo With- stand Antichrist, and to bo flain by him, and aster three daysto esse again, and to be snalched up in clouds to meet the


Having Written these things, and secured the rotis, they gavetho hals to the clites priestis, and the hals to Joseph and Nic demus. And they immediately disappeared: is the glory osoue Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.


LATIS FORM.AEXEAR was at fir t a protoetor os tho HebreWs, anil tollo ver os the law; thon tho grace of the Saviour and II is great gist took possession os me. I recognised Christ Jesus in holy Scriptura; I cameto Him, and embraced Ilis salth, so that I might heconio Worthy os Isis boly baptism. First os ali I soarched sor thomemoira Written in those times about our Lord Jesus Cluist, Whicli tho Jows publislied in tho age of Pontius Pilate, and we sound thom in Hebrow Writings, dram iis in tho age of tho Lord Jesus Christ; and I translated them into the langvago of the Gentiles, in the Nigri os the eminent Theodosius, Whomas sulfilling his sevonteenth consulfhip, and of Valentinian, consul for the fifth tinis in ths ninth indiction. Whosoeveros yin read this book, and transfer it to other copies, remember me, and Pray for me, Eneas, least of the servants of God, that He be mercisul to me, and pardon my sins Whicli I have committed against Him. Poace bo to ali Who shali read these, audio ali thoir house, sor everi Amen. NoW it came to pass, in the ninet nili year of the rei of Tiberius Caesar, emperor os the Romans, and os Herod, son OrHemd king os Galilod; in the nitieleenth year of his rute, onthe eighth day besoru tho halentis of April. Whicli is the twenty- fifth day of the monili os Marcii, in the consulfhip Os Rufinus and Rubellio, in tho solii th year of the 202d Olympiad, under the rule os Joseph and Cataplias, phiesis of the Jems: the things dune by the clites priosis and the rest of the Jems, Whicli


Nicodemus recorded astor tho cross and passion os the Lota, Nicodemus himseli committed to Hebrem letters. CHAR I.-Annas and Cataphas, Summas and Datani, Gamaliel, Judas, Levi, Septatim, Alexandor and Jairus. and the rest os the JeWs, came to Pilato, accusing tho Lord Jesus Christ os many

e modii in the originat is the generat term pri ea, Which the Vulgate uaessor procurator.


Jerusalem to Alexander, I sin him sitiing Mon an ras, and the chilaren of the Hebre s breahing branches stom the trem, streming them in the Way; and othera held branches in theirhaniis; and othere spread theis garmenta in tho Way, shontingand saying, SaVe, therei ore, Thou Who an in the iactest;