장음표시 사용
says to them: I am innocent of the Nood of this man; seu D
d exus say to Nicodemus: Mayst thou receive his truth, and a portiou With hi nil Nicodemus says: Amen, amen, amen; may
Another reading is eo metua, priched. Tho reading in the texi, oba metus. is a curious mistranslation os the mord in the Greeh, .s πι--ἔ-. cui aWay altround, i. e. circumciseu : or, is an obvious transition, hemmea in-the meaning adopted in the version bulare us.
iti Jesus' desenee. CIIAP. 13.-And Whilo thoy Wore sitiing in the synagogue, and reeriminatinet abolit Joseph, there came certain of the quar la