Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 16: Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, And Revelations

발행: 1870년

분량: 597페이지


분류: 미분류


saying pleased alti And they sent to ad the mountains os Israel to seeli Jesus, and they found Him not; but they found Joseph of Arimathea, and no one dared to lay hold of him. And they reported to the eidem and priosis and Levites: mhavo gone mund ad the mountains os Israel, and not Dund Jesus; but me have Mund Joseph in Arimathea. Anil hearingos Joseph, they rejoiced, and gave glory to the God of Israel. Aud the mlers os the synagogue, and the priesis and the Levites,taking cou el in What manner they should send to Joseph, took Ρaper, and Wrote to Joseph:- Peace to thesi and ali stat is thinei m know that Wo have simed against God, and against thee; and thou hast prayed to



Willi Joseph, and were terrified at the sight of him. And Nicodemus took him into his horae, and made a great sensi, and called Annas and Cataphas, and the olders and chies priesis and Levites, to his house. And mahing merry, and eatingand drinhing Willi Joseph, they blessed God, and Went everyone to his oWu ho e. And Joseph remained in the liouse of


and tho rulers of the synagogue and the Levites rose early, and came to the ho e os Nicodenaus. And Nicodemus mei them,


chios priosis and mlers os tho synagogue, and Levites, said toeach other: Come, tot us senil into Galileo to the three menv lio came hither and Duc an account os his toachinet anil his


nam .


os their resurrection.

At hestring this they ali rejoiced. And Annas avd Caia-Phas, Nicodenius, and Joseph, and Gamaliel, Weut, and did notiiud thum in thoir sepulchres; but, Walliing tuto tho city os Arimathea, they sound them there, ou their bundia Luces, and


ducted them to Jerusalem, into the synagogue, With ait Vener

tion and seM os Gost And shutting the doors, and listing upilio law of the Lord, they put it in their han is, adjuring themis the God Adonat, and tho God os Israel. Who by the lam

over us, there came up to us our sather Simeon; and he said,


200TAE APOCRI MAL GOME . the templo; and instigatod by tho Hesy Spirit, I said to Him,

ou hast prepared in tho sight of au peoples, a light lar thoreumling os the nations, and tho sory os Thy pmple Israel. When they hines this, ali tho multitude os tho saluta exulted


thu remission os their sitis. And sueing Him cominu to me,