Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 16: Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, And Revelations

발행: 1870년

분량: 597페이지


분류: 미분류


acting against thyseis and against me. Hencosortii thou shalthnow What eternat torments and infinite punishments thou artio enduro in my evertasting Loeping. o Prince Satan, authoroi death, aud soureo os ali pride, thou oughtest fit si to have inquired into the bad cause Oi that Jesus. Him in Whom thouperceivedst no lauit, Why, Without reason, diicit thou dare


by the death of the cross Thou hast come doWn to us, to rescueris hom the pomers belom and Dom death, is Thy majest' O Lord, as Thou hast set the titie of thy glory in heaven, and hasterected as the titie of redemption Thy crosa upon earth, So, OLord, set in Hades the sign of the victory os Thy cross, that death may no more have dominion.


delivered him to Michael tho archangel: and ad tho sainis sollowed Michael the archangel, and he led them ali into the glorious grace of paradise. And there mei them tWo men, ancient os days. The stinis asked them: mo are Fou, that have not yet been dead along With us in tho regious beloW, audhave been placed in paradiso in the bodyy one of themans ered, and said: I am Moch, Who by the word os the Lordhave been translated hither; and he who is missi mo is Elias the Thesbite, Who Was talien up by a fiery chariot. Ηere also even untii noW me have not insted death, hut have been reservedio the coming of Antichrist, lis divine signs and wondera to do


sent me. Having done so, I said est this to the guardian angelos paradiso. Aud When he heard illis, he immediately opened, and lud me in, and placed me at the right os paradiso, saying, , hold a litile, and there Will come in the sather of the wholo human race, Adam, With ad his clindren, holy and just, aster the triumph and ψοπ os the ascension os Christ ths crucified Lorae Hearing est these Wotas os the robber, nil ine hodpatriarchs and propheis With one voice said: Blessed art Thou O Lord Almighty, Father os evertasting benefiis, and Faster os mercies, Who hast given Such grace to Thy sinuera, and hastbrought them bacti into the graco os paradise, and into Thyrieli pastures; sor thiis is spiritual lde most Sure. Amen, amen. ClLxP. II 27).-These are the divine and sacred mysteries Which Wo sin and heurit, I Κarinus, aud Leucius. More Weare not allowed to teli os the other mysteries os God, as Michael


archanget ordored iis to math acrosa Jordan into a placo richand fertile, Where thure are many Who rose again along With ussor an evidetice of the resurrection os Christ the Lord; hocauseonly thruo lays Woru nil Nud to us Who havo risen stoin theduad to chflebrato in Jerusalom the passov0r of the Lord, Withour livin ri lations. sor an uvidente os the resurrection os Christ


the Je , assembled ali tho chies priesta, and learned men, and scribes, and teachere os the iam and went in milli them tuto thosanctuary of the templo, and ordered that ali inu gales sbouldbe stitit, and said to thum: havo beard that 3 ou have acertain great collectiou os books in this templo: theroi oro I askyou that it bu presented besoru us. Aud Whun solix ossicerabrought in that colloction os books, adornud With gold and preci bus gems, Pilato said to nil: I adjuru 3 ou by the Uod os youx sathers, Who ordered you to bulld this temple tu the place ostiis sanctua , not to conceat the truth stoin me. You allknow What is Writton tu that collecticu os books; but noW sayWhether you have found in the writings that Jesus, Whoni Fouhave crucifieii, to bo the Son os God that was to come sor tho salvation os the humau race, and in hoW many revolutions orthe suasons ho ought to come. Declare to rue Whether Foucrucified tum in ignorance os ibis, or hu0Wiug it. Being thus adjured, Annas and Cataphas ordored ad theothera Who mere mitti them to go out of the sanctuary; and the elves inui ad the gales of the templa aud the sanctu Dand sese to Pilate: Wo have been adjured by thee, O good judge, by the bullding of this temple, to sue thee the truth. anda clear account of this matteri. Aiter me hau crucified Jesus,not knowing Him to ba the Son os God, thiniung that Hs did