장음표시 사용
os Israel. the Son os God. Decause aster His passi n, Wo, thuchius priusis, Wondering at the Sigiis Which happenud on accountos Uini, opeued this collection Os books, searching Out utl thogenerations, even to the generation os Joseph, and rechoning
onu lac in the Other in separate culis. And they, making Withtheir lingurA the sigii os the croses of Christ, began to Writu on the separate Sheeis; and aster thuy had finished, as ii out ofone mouth froin the separate colis, they eried olit, Amen. Andrising up, Κarinus gave his paper to Annas, and Leucius to Cain phas; and saluting eaeli other, they Went out, and returnedio illela sepulchres.
come Doni Galilue, and annuunced that Jesus had Men talionuΡ into heaven. All thu multitudo os tho Jows trustod tothein to Dad this Writing. Aud they reia tho paper containing
Ornamenta; another M. has armamenta.
teaching of the Holy Spirit, in prophecy I sang os this lirat:
belloid, the Lord Jesus Christ, coming in the brighin s of light