Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 16: Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, And Revelations

발행: 1870년

분량: 597페이지


분류: 미분류


was I circumcise l.


the devit. liastenest to punishment. Simon suid: Caesar Nero, listen to me. Separato these madmen Doni thoe, tu ordor that

said: I Will see Whether thou Wili missi What thou sayest. Then Nero ordered a lasty tomer to be mado in the Campus Martius, and est the people and the dignities to be present atthe spectacle. And on the solioWing day, ali the multitudeli ving como together, Nero ordered Petor and Paul to be present, to Whom also he said: Now the truth has to bo mademandest. Peter and Paul said: φ do not ex se his, but


PETER AND PAUL. 273 Simon, said: Accomptish What thon hast be=n ; sor hoth thy


274 A S OF THE EOLT APOSTLES Wili no longer rise, sinee he is trub deis, Ming condemned is

the propraetor said: Most sacrod uniperor, What thou ha,t Or-derod is not 1itting for these men, since Paul seems innocent


holy aud chies apostles, Dom Jerusalem. And they, along With Marcellus, an illustrious man, Who, having lest Simon, had belleved in Peter, took up his body secretiy, and put it under the terebinth nem the place sor the exhibition of sea-figliis in


roported in the pulace of tho Eniperor Nero that tho soldierawho had belluadod Paul said: Wo Ahali no longer go tuto thocity, sor me belleve in Christ Whom Paul proached, and we are Christians. Then Nero, filled With rage, ordered Perpetua, Whohad in med him of the soldiere, to be hept last in irons; andas to the soldiers, he ordered one to be belleaded Oulside os thognte about one mile Doni the city, another to be cui in tWo, and the third to be stoned. And Perpetua mas in the prison; and in this prison there Was hept Potentiana, a nobie maiden, be- cause stio had said: I sorsahe my parenis and ad the substanceos my sather, and I Wish to beeome a Christian. She therofore joined herseis to Perpetua, and ascertained Dom her everythingabout Paul, and was tu much anxiety about the faith in Christ. And the wise of Nero Was Potentiana's sister; und she secretiyinformed her abolit Christ, that those Who belleve in Him see overtasting joy, and that everything bere is tempora , butthero eternat: so that alεo fhe fluit out os the palace, and some of the senators' Wives With heri Then Nero, having inflicted




and the word os God a ut seu-controi and the resurrection: Paul saytag: Blessed are the puro in hean, sor they shan Me