장음표시 사용
ing lior in marriage. Aud Theocleia said: I have a strangestory to teli thoe, Thamyris; sor assurialy sor three days and
and polluto not the fiesh, but heep it chastae Aud Thamyris
and rage, rising up early Went to the houso os Onesiphorus Witharchons and public Olficors, and a great erou d With bato , saving: Thou hast corrupted tho city of the Iconians, and herthat was Letrothud to me, so that she Will not have me: let usgo to the governor Castellos. And ad the multitudo said: AWaywith the magician: sor lis has corrupted ali our Wives, and the multitudes have been persuaded to change their opinions . Aud Thamyris, standing bolare the tribunal, sald With agreat shoui: O proconsul, this man, Who he is We kno not, Who malles virgins averse to marriage; let him say besore theson What account he teaches these things. And Demas and
Ermogenes said to Thamyris: Say that he is a Christian, and thus thou mili do nWay With him. But the proconsul stayed his intention, and called Paul, saying: Who art thou, and What dost thou reach y sor they bring no smali chames against thee. d Paul listed up his voice, saying: Since I am this dayexaminod as to What I teach, Esten, o proconsul: A living God, a God os retributions, a jealous God, a God in need of nothing, consulting for the salvation os men, has sent mo that I may
WretchJ; burn in the midst os the theatro her that mill not
284 ACTS OF PAUL AND TNE A. marry, in ordor that an tho momen that have been taurat by
titude Was astonisheae And the chargo on her inscription mas: Sacrilegioris. Arul the women cried out stom above: An im- Pious sentenco has been passed in this cityi Aud aster tho extubition. Truplicena agatu receives heri For her daughter Falcouilla had illud, and said to hor in a cieam: Mother, thoushalt have this stranger Τheula in my place, in ordor that alie may pray concerning me, and that I may be transferre t to the placo os the just. And whun. astor tho exhibition, Tryphama received her, at the samo time indoed she vi iuved that she had to tight with the wild beasis on the day followinx : aud at tho fame time, lavinglier sis inueh as her daughter Fulcouilla, she said: My secoud
belleve, to Whom I have fled sor resuge, Who deli verecit me smin the sire, do Thou grant a recompense to Tryptaena, Who
Jesus Christ. i. e. the exhibitiou os Wild Masis.
others cassia, Othera amomum, so that there Was abundance of
288 A S OF PAUT AND TITE A. iliou Mit. And they bound her by the seel bet en them, and
put red-hot irons under the prio paris os the bulis, so thatthey. being rendered more surious, might kill heri They rushod abolit, therosore; but the burning 1lamo consumed the ropos, and she was ua is site had not been bound. But Trypluonafainted standing bosido tho arena, so that the cro vii faid: Queen Tryphaena is dead. And the governor put a stop to tho
ilteir om in health, glori Wing God, viso had suen inch graceto the virgin Thecla. The physicians, therelare, of the ciw of the Seleucians mere thought nothing os, haring lost their trade, and no one any longer had regard to them; and Ming 1issed With eMy and hatred, they plotted against the servant of Christ, What they should do to her. The devii then suggesis to thema Wiched device; and one day, being assembled, and haring