Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 16: Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, And Revelations

발행: 1870년

분량: 597페이지


분류: 미분류


rum. And there came also the moman named Veronica, and stad


do vii With hi in tuto the ship. And tho satis being hoisted. they buxau ti, go in the vesset in tho namu Os tho Lord, and they sailed through tho sua. Dut Titus, along Willi Vespasian, veni up into Judea, aveusing ali nations upou thoir laud. Atthu cud Os a year Velosianus came to the city os Domu, broughthis vesset into the rivor Whicli is called Tiberis, or Tiber, audoutered tho city Whicli is called Lovio. Aud he sunt lita messonger to his lota Tiburius the emperor in tho Laterauabout his prosperous arriVal. Then Tiberius the emperor, Whon he heard the message of Velosianus, rejoiced greatly, and ordered him to come besorellis face. And when lie had come, he called him, sanng: Velosianus, hoW hast thou come, and What hast thou Men in


cleansed stom est their ulcera and sufferings. And I sound that MI the hings and resera os Judea have been hanged by Titus; Annas and Cataphas havo been stoned, Archelaus haskillod himsuls with his οWn laneo: and I havo soni Pilato to


those possessed by Various diseMes, Who Were there present, mere healud, and cured, and cleansed. And the Emperor

langdom, because in Thy name do I trusi alWays: Deo me hom ali eviis, as Thou dicit laee the three children frum thefurnace of blaging fire. en said the Emporor Tiberius to Velosianus: Velasianus, hast thou seen any of those men Who sin Christ ' Velosianus ans ered: I have. He said: Dicit thou ask hoW they baptim thoso who belleved in Christ Τ elosianus said: Here, mylord, Wo have one os the discipies of Christ himself men hoordered Nathan to be summoued to come to him. Nathautheresore came and baptized him in the name os the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Immediately the Emperor Tiberius, made Whole laom ad his diseases, ascended


Lambecius proposes to read Gaudos and Melita. In the Latin version os the samoii, Greeli scholar Lasearis, 1490, it is a Melita et Gaudiato inηulia.


them: It is according to Dur Mish. And me inito to allour goveramenta that he shali not on any account come toanchor in tho paris of Italy. And they also informed Simon the magian. liming sent sor him, that, as lias been said, ho fhould not come in to tho paris Os Italy. And while they Wem thus doing. somo os those that had repented i ut os the nations, and that had beon baptizod at thoproachinet os Peter, sent et ters to Paul with a letior to tho




3 rite distance Was thirty-throe initos. In the Antonive Itineram, To Amia is sistren miles, to Tres Taberna: Seventueri miles, to Appii Forum ten miles. V


260 A S OF TVE HOLT APOSTLES And a repori ment a ut in tho eity os Rome that Paul tho