Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 16: Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, And Revelations

발행: 1870년

분량: 597페이지


분류: 미분류




242TNE NARRATIVE OF o m. that happeneri tho sanctuary seu dom, and the Wing of tha

dured searsid tribulations on the Sabbath. d no , on the ex euing os thu first os the weeli, at the fifthhour os the night, Jesus comes to me in the prison, along Withthe robber Who had been crucified with Him on the right, WhoruHe sent into paradise. And there Was a great light tu thebaelding. Aud the liouse Was hung up by the laur cornera, and the place Was opened, and I camo olit. Then I fidit recognised Jesus, and again the robber, bringing a letter to Jesus. And as Wo Wore going into Galilee, there stione a great Idiit, Whicli the ereation did not produce. And there Was also Withthe robber a great fragrance out os paraulae. A ad Jesus, having sat domn in a certain place, thus reta: V e. the cherubim and the sci-Winged, Who have been ordered


diso fissing the place y Dost thou not know Who it is ' Therobber on the cress has become heir of paradise. Amen, amen;

cross. And the Volce of a great multitude Was sent sortii: Thou hast come to the place prepared sor thee in paradise. We have been commanded by Hiin that has sent thee, to serve theountii the great day. Anil aster this Volce, both the robber aud


no longer sam Jesus.


Pontius Pilato by the JeWs, aud revealed by


In those days Titus A Was a prince under Tiberius in thereion Os Equitania, in a city of Libia Whicli is called Burgidalia. Aud Titus his a sors in his right nostrii, on account of a cancer, and he had his laco torn even to the eye. Therement sortii a certain man hom Judea, is name Nathan theson os Nahum; sor he was an Ishmaelite who went from tandio land, and hom sea in sea, and in ali the ends os the emth. Now Nathan was sent smin Judea to the Emperor Tiberius,to carry their trean to the city os Rome. And Tiberius Was

The Saxon version has Tirus.


set his; and another moman, named Veronica, Who suffered


themselves, and went into Jerusalem With theis ciues men Whowere in their counset, and stood in the fame place seVen years. Anil Τitus and Vespasian took cou et to surround their citD


to iis, hecause the Domans have come to take our place and

Judea and Jerusalem.


door os tha prison. Then they sorthmith sent their mesamgemis Tiberius, the emperor of tho city os Rome, that he inouldsend Velasianus to them. Aud he said to bim: ΤΔs au thaeis necessary sor thee in the sea, and go do a into Judea, and wek out ono os tho disciplis os bim Who mas called Christand Loes, that he may como is me, and in the nante os his God cure mo os tho leprosy and the infirmities by Whicli I

Then Velosinuus immediately Went sortii, and Went on Mardthe stup, and hoisted the snil in the Vesset, and went on statingthrough the sua. Anil he sailed a year and seven days, aster hicli ho arrived at Jerusalem. Aud immediately ho ordereusome of the Jows to come to his poWer, and began caresully toask What had been the acta os Christ. Then Joseph, of theci of Arimathea, and Nicodemus, came at the Same time.