Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 16: Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, And Revelations

발행: 1870년

분량: 597페이지


분류: 미분류


Gen. xii. 3, xvii. 5.





say many erit inings about Peter, saying that he was a Metardand a cheati And they belleved him, Wondering at his miraclea;

sor lio mado a braeten serpent move iraeis, and stone statues tolaugh and move themselves, and himself to ruti and suddenly tobe mised into the ain But as a selisis to these, Peter healed

child, and aster a litile an old man, and at ollier times a Foungruan; for he Ganged himself both in sace and statum into different forms, and was in a frenety, having the devii as liis servant. And Nero belloiding this, supposed him to be trulythe son os God ; but the Apostle Peter silowed him to be botha liar and a Metard, base and implous and apostate, and in allthings opposed to the truth of God, and that nothing yet re- mained excepi that his michedness, Ming made apparent by the command of God, might be made manifest to them ad Thou Simon, having gone in to Nero, said: Hear, O good emperor: I am the wn of God come domn hom heaven. Untilnow I have endured Peter oesy cassing himseli an aposue; but noW he has do ted the erit: sor Ρaul also himseli teaches the fame things, and haring his tand turned against me, lasaid to preach along With him; in reseretice to Whom, ii thou est not contrive their destruction, it is very plain that thyringiloni cannot Stanae

Then Nero, fissed With concere, Ordered to bring them speedilybesore hi m. And on the solioWing lay Simon the magian, and Peter and Paul the apostles of Christ, having come tu to Nero, Simon said: These are the discipies of the Nazarene, aud it is


PETER AND PAUL. 265 and doing many other Wondera, and ali the people of the Jems calling him Son os Gost Then tho clites priesta, moved With

assistance of men. But in this Simon there are imo essences, of man and os devii, whο through man endeavo A to eusnare

Simon said: I Wonder, O good emperor, that you rechon this



the Son of God, teli What I have in my miud; disclose, ii thoucaust, What I have just done in secret. For Peter, haringblessed the barloy loas Whieli he had received, and haring


sor he is a most base man. And as the Dyptians Jannes and Jambres led Pharaoli and his amy astray untii they Weres allo ed up in the sea, so also he, through the instruction os his sather the devit, persuades men to do many eviis to them-selves, and thus deceives many of the innocent, to the perit os thy kingdom. But as sor the Word of tho devii, Whieli I see has been poured out through this man, With gminings os my


270 A S OF TNE HOLT APOSTLES by hieli he might Meome a vindicator os truth and a pedi

secutor os salsehood. Since, then, his persecution Was not onaccount of hatred, but on account os the vindication of the lamino very truth out os heaven held interco se With him, saying, Ι am tho truth mhich thou persecutest; cease Persecuting me. When, therelare, ho kne that this mas so, leaving ofs that hich he was vindicating, he began to vindicate this Way os Christ which ho mas persecuting. Simon said: O good emperor, talio notice that these two have conspirod against me ; for I am tho truth, and they pur-Ρose eril against me. Peter salii: Thero is no truth in thee ;biit ad thou sayest is salse. Nero salil: Paul, What sayest thou ' Paul said: Thosethings Whicli thou hast heard smin Peter, belleve to have been spolien by me also ; sor We purpose tho sanae thing, sor me have the samo tard Jesus tho Christ. Simon salil : Dost thouexpect me, O good emperor, to hold an argument With thesemen, Who have come to an agreement against me y And

man, made the sport oi demons, so as to suppose that he cannot be made manifest y

Simon said: I spare you untii Ι shali receiVe my γ er. Paul said: See is you Will go out lience sala. Peter said: Isthou do not see, Simon, the pomer of our Lord Jesus Christ, thou Wili not bellove thyseu not to bo Christ. Simon inid: Most sacred emperor, do not belleve them, for they are circumcised Enaves. Paul said: Besore me knew the truth, me had the circumcision os the flesti ; but When the truth appeared, in the circumcision of the heari me both are circumcised, and es cumcise. Peter said: Is circumcision be a disgraee, Why hastthou been circumcised, Simon 'Nero said: Has, then, Simon iam been circumcised ' Petersaid: For not othemiso could he have deceived fouis, uniessite seimed himself to M a Jem, and made a sho of teaching

i i. e. mysteries