장음표시 사용
a gruat forcerer, more than the other; sor a camel cannot go
Who is pruised by the cherubim. d aster he had said this, the Sariour appeared in the formos a child os inelue years old, Wearing a linen garment; and
hemens. Aud there vas a certain merchant' in the city mho
to Onesiphorus: Sunii and bring tho camel, and the Woman, and the neodie. And When thuy brought them, Peter took thonoedio, and fixod it in the ground. And the woman was sittineton tho camel. Then Peter says: In tho namo os our Lovi Josus Christ the crucifiω, Ι order thee, o camel, to go throti lithis nodille. And immediately the eye of the needlo Was ened, and becamo like a gate, and the camel ment throughit. Peter again says to the camel: Go through it again. thatali may see the glory os Our Loes Jesus Christ, in oditor that sonae may belleo on Him. Then the camel again Wont throuinthe noessio. And Onesiphorus seeing it, cried Out, and said: Truly great is the God os Peter and AndroW, and Ι hom this time sortii bellove in the nante os our Loes Jesus Christ. Nowthen, hear my Wotas, o Peter. I lime com lands, Vin ards,
374 A S AND MARTYRDOM OFinsanis, 1 tho laundation of the eburch, Ι the hi tam of thobisbops, I the sory of tho presbytera. I the presse ot tho
and of the honey; and thela hodies stiali be changed, and their forma inali bo altered so as to be like those of other men; and they inali bo ashamed of the nisedneis of their My, and theyinali put in clothing of the rarus of the sheep, and they shauno longer eat unclean inings; and them inali M to them Moin superabundance, preparing the sacrifices sor offerings, and
tho departum stom thy body through fire is at haud, and the
d MatthsW and Plato remained in the in ch spending the night, and glorifying God. And there remesned also therinis Wila, and his son and his Wila, and they Wayed the osue to ove them the seat in Christ. And Matthe gaveordera to Plato; and he, having gono sorth, baptized them in the water of the lauriata of the tree, tu the namo os the Father,
isti, or xo thyself, and with thy s oes kill him, and Plato his associate. me demon says to him: I cannot kill him. I darenot even look into his face. seeing that he has destroyed ad o generation through the name or Christ, proclaimed through