Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 16: Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, And Revelations

발행: 1870년

분량: 597페이지


분류: 미분류


another Plaee.


laund the face of the bride uncovered, and the bride oom Wasquite cheerfui. And the mother having come to the bride, said: merulam dost thou sit thus, child, and ari noι ashmed,



d When the aposue came into the cities os India, With banes the mercliant, Abbanes ment aWay to salute Gunda-phoros the hing, and reported to him about the carpenter

Whom he had brought with him; and the ring Was glad, and ordered his to come in to himself Aud Whun he had come


398 ACTS OF THE APOSTLE THOMASin, the ring said is him: What trade lino est thour The

Diua uis the fidit, and Xanthiens the alath, of the iselve lunar montha ortae Macedonian calendar, inieh after the time ol Alexander mas adopted by tho Greek eitiis of Asia generatin Dius seu parily in October and parsy in November; Xanthima a πered generalty in April. mit 'a Dies. of Anu ,


And Dori time to time he also sent the money that Wasnecessarn sor tho living both os him and the other morisen. d ho taking it, dispenses it all, going alaout the cities and tho places munit, distributing and doing hin inesses to the poorand tho amicted, and gave them rest,' saying: The hing knows

diseased, and drises out demons, and does many other extraordinary things; and πε thiis that he is a magician. But hisacis os compassion, and the cures done by him as a laee gist, and stili mors, his single--ndetares, and gentieness, and fidelit' si that he is a just man, or an aposue os the ne God Whom he preaches; sor he continuatly sasis and prays, and eata only bread With sali, and his Maeli is mater, and hecarries one coat, Whether in Warm meather or in cold, and ho


400A S. OF TNE APOSTLE THOMAS has. The ring haring heard this, strohin his sace missi his hanci, sh ing his head sor a long time.