Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 16: Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, And Revelations

발행: 1870년

분량: 597페이지


분류: 미분류


commanded severat executionem to come, and to lead his nae to tho placo by the sen-stiore, Whoro the execution os malefactora Was Wont to talia place, saying to the executionera : I hear,

Tho uord thus translatin is used by the LXX. in the sense os an asylum, oeptaeo os refuge.' Cl. Mark vii. 34. The addition os Iesua hero si us that the writer dia notiso. the meaning os the Aramaic Word.


aud silver; and place them, says ho, in a circle mund the sor- cerer, test ho may even someliow bewitch the firo hom tholarnace of the palace. And there being many executionera me soldiers, some carried the coala; and othera, bearing the


sand talenis os silveri Better aro the godes of stone and of earthun vare, in that thuy are netther multed nor stolon. And whon tho firo had thus ulterly destroyed thuir gods. and burni up many soldiura, there carue to pras again another atrauger Wonderi For the sire, in the likouess os a gruat auddreadsul dragon, chased the tyrant as sar as the palace, and rauhither and thither round the ring, not letting him go into the palace. And the ring, chased by the fire, and not allowed to


as mere savage in appearance, in that inmo Mur mere changedinto tho likonem os other men.

part of the Sea.

And through tho wholo night the brethren remalain besore the gate of the palace, spending the night, and singing; and when the da n rose there mas a voice: O biinop Plato, ca the Gospei and the Psalter os David; go along With the multitude of the brethren to the east of the palace, and sing the Alleluia, and read the Gospes, and bring as an offering the holybread; and haring pressed three clustera hom the vine into acup, communicate With me, as the Loes Jesus inoπω us howto oner up When He rose laom the dead on the thita darAnd the bishos haring mn into ths chureh, and tarin the Gospei and the Psalter os David, and haring asse led the presbyters and the multituds of tho brethren, came to the east of the palaco at the hour of sunrise; aud haring orderedine ons Who Ma singing to go up upon a certain losty stone,


foulinostroyers, and Plottera against the humau raco. 'Rienco, divine grace having shone abroad, and come even to uS, aud

And after ali these things had come to pass, Matthem theaposue of Christ appeared to the bishop Plato, and said tohim: Plato, servant os God, and our brother, bo it known uniothee, that aster three years shali be thy rest in the Lord, and exultation to ages of ages. And the ring himself, Whom aster my om name I have called Matthem, shali receive the throno


Amen. Tho other M. enda disserently : And there came a voice. Nam to Fou. and Joy, sor there stati not M War nor suove os suord in this city, Meanae os Matthem mine eleci. Whom I have loved sor everi Blessed are they Who observehia memory. sor they a II be glorified to ages os ages. And tho day os his commemoration ahali lin the murteenth os the month os Gorpi ua. Glo , honour, anil Worship to God, and to tho Son, and to the Holy Spiriti no and ever, and to the tiges. Gorpheus mas the eleventii monili os the Macedoniati rear, avd fuit Partir in August aud partly in SePtember.


that timo Wo tho apostlos mero nil in Jorusalem