장음표시 사용
accepi the ring and his brother, and ueste them into Thy sold, haring clea ed them by Thy purification, aud anotatod them illi Thy on, from the error Which encompasseth them; aud
that is never mody and never salteth: sor they entreat meo, and supplicato, and Wish to beeome Thy ministers and servanta; and on account of this they are Non pleraed even to be persecuted by Thine eneruies, and sor Thy salio to be haled by them, and insulted, and to die; as Thou also sor cur salies di istsusser est theso illings, that Thou mightst gain us to Thyself, asbeing Lord, and truly a good shepheril. And do Thou grant them that they may have conii leuce in Theo aliano, and aidhom Thee, aud hope os thela salvation. Whiuli they obtain DomTheo aloue, and that they may lie confirmed in Thy mysterius; and they shali receive the perseet benestis os Thy graces aridgista. and ilourish in Thy seri ice, and bear fruit to persection
holy name os Cluist, Which is a ve every naine; come, po eros tho Most Uigh, and persect compassion; come, gram mmthigh; come, compassionato mollior : come, thou that hastehargo of tho male child; come, thou Who rovealest secret mysterius; coruo, mollier of the wVen houses, that thero maybo rest for thue in the eighili ho e; como, thou presbyter of the fivo members- intelligenee, thought, purposo, reflection,
inany othera also belleved, and were added, and came to the refuge of the Savio .
And the apostis ceased not prociatming, and saying to them: Men and Women, Mys and oris, Foung meu and maidens, vigorous and aged, both Mnd and Dee, Withhold D selves Domsornication, and coveto ness, and the service of the Mily; sorunder these three heata ad michetares comes. For fornicationinatas the miud, and darhens the Ves os the foui, and hecomesa hindranco of the due regulation of the body, chaning the