Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 16: Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, And Revelations

발행: 1870년

분량: 597페이지


분류: 미분류


fitable deuici, and troublesonio destres, and the riches that arolest belliud here, and created things that ara os the carth, and that gro old, and the garmenis that are dest yod, and the aut y that ages and vanishes aWay, yea, even out of the whole


heing in error; but He overi is your transgressions Whichyou havo done in ignorance.

And tho apostic ment into tho city, nil tho multitude accom-


present mere strua With amagementi


thanksgiving ' and invocation os Thy sacrod nanae; come nomand communicato Uith M. And hu bogan to say: Come, Pe sect compassion; come, communion With mankiud; come, Thou that knowost the mysteries os the choson one; come, Thou thab communicatest iu ad tho combata' os the nobio combatant: come, place that revoalest tho great things of an greatness: come, Thou iliat disclosust secreis, and mahest manifest thino not to be spolien; the sacred dovo whicli has brought forthtWin young; come, thou secret mollier; come, Thou Who artiuauisest in Thy deeds, aud givest joy and rest to those Whoare united to Thee; come and communicate mitti us in this Eucharist, Whiuli Wo mahe in rhy namo, and in the Iove ε in Whicli me aro united in calling upon mee.' And haring thus satil, he made the sign of the cross upon the bread, and brine it, and began to distributo it. And sint he gave it to thou oman, sanng: This aliau be to thee sor remission os stas, and the ransom os evertasting transgressio . And aster her, hegave also to ali the othera Who had received the seil


the gractous in of the Holy Spirit may be sully persected in



place Where there Wero many chasms, and a great stench and most halesul Odour Were givon sortii thenco; and he made mobend dom into each chasm, and I sam in the chasm blagingfire; and wheeis of fire ran there, and fouis mere hung uponthose Wheela, and Were dashed against each other. And there Was there crying and great lamentation, and there Was none released. And that man said to me, These focis are os thinooWn nation, and sor a certain number of daysy they have beengiveu over to punishment and torture; and then othera are



punishments. Those, then, Who Darded the fossis that mere intho dain cave said to the man that had charge of me, Give herto us, that me may tine her in beside the othera, uniit the time comes for her to be suen up to punishment. And he a meredihem, I Will not sve her to you, sor I am ahaid of him Whogave hex up to me ; sor I received no ordere to leave her here, and I shali tae her up With me untd Ι get some injunctionabout heri And he took me and brought me to another place, in Whicli mere men Who mere bitterly tortured. And he thatis line thee took me and gave me up to thee, haring thus stadio thee, Tahe her, since she is one of the creatures that have been led astran And I mas taken by thee, and am noW bes ethee. I ben therelare, and supplicate theo that I may not go into inose places of punishment Whicli I sin. And the apostle said to the multitudos standing is: Un