Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 16: Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, And Revelations

발행: 1870년

분량: 597페이지


분류: 미분류


y For thia tradition. Me the BiNe Dictionaries under Manasseh. Comp. Heb.

XI. 37.


fram me.

And the anges Who uas With me Ied me forta, and Mid unis me: Lo, uniotheo ia oon thia mystery and revelation. As thou ple est, mari it known unis the fons of men. nd than soll- detesta of the depositing of the reves tion under the laundation of the horae in Tarsus, elassa istin mactandor avs tha translator of the Syriae diu not find in his original.


served by the deus, that is, I ntichrist, and they shali M litted


ono end of the moria even to ths other, and oen to the remotest pars of the abyss. And then inali bs ahahen ad the pomer of the angela and of the many Dd ones, and there inalibo a great notae in the heavens, and the nino rogions of thohemen inali ho fhaen, and there ahail be seu and astonishment Mon est the angela. Αnd then tho heavens inali be renthom ino rising of the sun even to the seiung, and an innumerable multitude es angela inali come domn to tho inrth; and then the tremures of ths heavens stati M opened, and in