장음표시 사용
ilio prophel said: My loes, let me lino What is his lam, and Ι shali toti the race of men, that they may not belleve in him. And lis sald to me: The form of his countenance is lita thatos a Mid Mast; his right sye liue the star that rises in tho moming, and the oster Without motion; his mouili ono cubit: his laeth spin long ; his fingera lita scythos; the trach of his Ret os imo spans; and in his sace an inscription, Antichristi He has Men exalted to heaven; he shali go domn to vides. At one time he shali become a child; at another, an old man. And the prophel said: Lord, and hoW dost Thou permit him, and he deceives the raco os men ' And God said: Usten, myprophet. He hecomes both child and old man, and no onebellaves his that he is in beloved Son. And after inis atrumpet, and the tombs shali M opened, and the dein inali bomised incorruptibie.' Then tho adversarn hearing the dreadsulthreatoning, shau be hidden in outer darisess. Then the
into missi; and the fixili it is made ready, and receives Ese; the foventii it is completely furnished; the ninth the barriora os the gate os the Woman are opened; and it is born sala audsound into the e th. And the prophet aaid: Lord, it is good
sor man not to have been born. Woe to the human race then,
474 REVELATION OF ESDRAS covenant. And the prophel said: Lord, Where is Thy goodness 'And God said: Ι havo prepared ali things sor mans Sine, and
476 RE VELA NON OF ESDRASpleaded much, and givo to ad Who transcribo illis book, and