Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 16: Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, And Revelations

발행: 1870년

분량: 597페이지


분류: 미분류


hecome an ungraciotis instrument untii thou fhouldst deedivethose that moro remiss in licari, cursed art thou of ali the


462 REVELATION OF MOSESstopped driving him. Aud Adam cried Out With meopinet,

mise thee up When the resurrection conios, and thun there

came to the emth.



says to his mollier: Τheso are the sun and the m n, and

hecorus black-looking Τ And Seth says to her: They cannot shine in the presenco of the Light of the universei and sorthis reason the light stom them has been hidden. d While Seth Was spetaing to his mollier, the angela lyingu n their saces founded their trumpeta, and cried out mitti an inful voice, saying, Blessed be the glory of tho Lord Mon ah Ηe has made, sor He has had compassion upon Adam, themork of Ηis hanci. When the angels liad founded illis sortii, there carue one os the sci-Winged seraphim, and hurried Adam to tho Acherusian Iahe, and washed his in preMnce of God. And he spent three Mura' lying, and thus ius Loes of the

The Iast elause is not in c.' Ms. A hero enda thus: tho Father, and the Son, and tho Hesy Spirit, ns

and ever, and to ages os ages. Amen.


universo, sitiing upon His holy throno, strutched sortii II is hau is, and mised Adam, and delivored his to tho archanuel Michael, saying to him: Ilaiso him into paradiso, even to thothird heaven, and let hini bo thoro untii that great and droadsul lay Whieli I am to bring upon the worid. And the archangelMichael. having talion Adam, lud him aWay, and anointed him; as God said to him at the pardouing os Adam. Astur ali these things, theresoro, the archangel asked abolittho lanerat rites os the remains ; and God commandod that all

glorious throne.

And then He said to tho archanget Michael: Go into paradise, into the third heaven, and bring me three cloths os fines liueu and silli. And God said to Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, and Paphael: Cover Adam's body With the cloths, and bring olivo od os sWeet odo , and potir upon him. And haring thus done,


as a Veis


470 REVELA NON OF ESDRAS Mard tho laod of the treo os liso; and thereaster he bo me disobedient, and did this in transgression. And the prophetsaid: IVM he not protected by an angel l and was not liis liso

is passage ia very corrupi in the teri; but a seu emendations bring out