Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 16: Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, And Revelations

발행: 1870년

분량: 597페이지


분류: 미분류


482RE TELA NON OF PA UL. saylag: Let the anget como, haring in his hands the record ostiis sim. And the Judgu says to the angel: I say to theo the angel, Disciose assi Say What he has dono sive years besore his dealb. By myseis I swear to thee, that in the sirst period os

and I asked the angel: For What purpose have tho inscriptions been graven on these plates ' And he said to me: These arecte names of the righteous, and of those Who serve God. AndΙ said to him: Is it so that their names have been inscribed in heaven uself While they are yet alive ' And the anges stad tome: ... of the angela, Such as serve Him meli are acino


Aud I salil : My lord, What is this i And he said to me: Thisis the land of the meeli. Knowest thou not that it is Writ ten, Blessed are the mech, sor they shali inherit the earth Τ Τhosovis os the righteous, therelare, aro hept in iliis place. Anil Isaid to the angel: men, then, Will they bo made manifest 'And he said to me: men the Judge shali come in the day of the resurrection, and sit do ., Then, accordinsy, shali hecommand, and shali reveat the earth, and it shali be lightod ; and the salats shali appear in it, and shali delirat themselves in the good that have been reserved iram the laundation ostiis moriae And there mere is the bank of the river, trees planted, fuli os different fruits. And I looked tomarci therising of the sun, and Ι sin there trees os great sieto suli os fruits; and that land Was more brilliant than silver and gold; and there mere Vines gro ing on inose date-palms, and myriadsos s ora, and myriads of cIustera on each branch. And I saidio the archangel: What is this, my Iord y And he says to me: is is the Acherusian Iahe, and wistin it the cib os God. AH are not permitted is enter into it, except Whosoever inest repent of his sim; and as soon as he shali repent, and alter his

there mentioned.


484 REVELATION OF PAUL. illa, ho is desiverin to Michaol, and they cast his into the Aelio


REVELA NON OF PAUL. 485then, lio comes hero, and the propheta salute him. And thean I brought me to tho Mulli os the city, Where the rivor os milli is. And I in there ali the insanis that Mng Horod

and there Was ono standing near the altari Whose face stione

ali the stants. For as it is in the hemens, so also Mon inrth: sor it is not permitted mithout David to offer sacrifice evenin the My of tho sacrifies of the preelous body and Nood os Christ; but it is necessary lar David to sing tho Alleluia. And I asked the angel: AIy Iord, What is the me ing o Alleluia i R is called in Hebrem, Thebet marematia poech


486 REVELATION OF PAUL. took mo to the setting of tho sun, and here) the heinninet

over men, Walis sor their conversion aud repentauce; but thendoceived by their own Will, come here, aud are eternassy



said in me: Τhose are they Who say that there is no resurrectionos the dead; and to them mercy neVer comes.

me Syriae his: Those Who do not consess Jesus Christ, nor His resurrection, nor His humani , but concider Him as in mortes, aud Who say that the mer ment ot the body ol our Lord is brevi. The mord in the text was the oecasion of the three years' stragglebetween Nestorius and Cyril of Alexandria, Which ended by the condemnationos the former by the Guneu os Ephesus, A. D. 431. The vieis os the Euchariat in tho texi is not inconsistent mith an early date. though it must bo remembered that tho idea os a subatiantiat presenee beeamuine orthodox doctrine on. aster the Second Councit os Nicaea in A. D. 737.


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