장음표시 사용
necessary that in every case an underlying materiat substanceshould cateli tho quality of that which ovectangs it, most ofali a corporeat os a spirituat, adapted fas the spirituat i ,
throuo the subueness of iis substance, both sor penetratingand insinuating. Thus the nature of the waters, sanctified
or a fount, a lahe or a trough ; ' nor is there any distinctionbemeen thoso whom Jolin baptiged in the Jordan and thoso
of his journeys With chance mater, derived thereiromJ moreor tem os salvation filian othersJ. Ail Walers, thereiore, in virtve os the pristine privilege of their origin, do, aster inv cation os God, attain the sacramental poWer of sanctification; ior the Spirit immediately supervenes froin the heavens, and resta oVer the watera, sancti bing them irom Himseli; and being thus sanctified, they imbibe at the fame time the poWeroi sanctifying. Albeii the similitudo may be admitted to besuit te to the simplo aci; stat, since ne are defited by sins, as it mere by diri, Wo fhould bo Washed from those stainsin Walers. But sius do not shoW themselves in Our flesh inasmuch as no one carries on his skin the spol os idolat , or sornication, or fraud), so persons of that hind are foui iu
236 TERTULLIANUS tho spirit, Whia is the author ol tho sin; for the spirit is lord, ins flesti servant. Yet they each mutuatly share thegulit: the spirit, on tho ground of command ; the fleis, of
subservience. Theresore, alter the waters have been in amanner endued mitti medicinal virtve throno the intervention of tho anget, the spirit is corporeatly Washed in thowatera, and the flesh is in the fame spiritualty cleansed. CHAP. V.- me mari of water is the hea then. Type of the angel at the pool of Bethsaida Beth da, Eng. Ver.). Well, but tho nations, Who are strangera to ali unde standing of spiritual po ers, ascribe to their idolf the imbuing of waters With the self-same efficacy. So they df, but they cheat themselves With Walers whicli are Widowed. For Washing is the channet through Whicli they are initialedinto somo sacred rites- ritesJ of some notorious Isis orMithras; fandJ the gods themselves likeWiso they honour by Washings. MoreοVer, by carrFing Water around, and sprinkling it, they everyWhere expiate' countU-Seata, houses, temples, and whole cities : at ali evenis, at the Apollinarianand Eleusinian games they are baptized ; and they presumo that the effect of their doing that is their regeneration, and the remission of the penalties due to their periuries. Among the ancients, again, Whoever had defited himself with murdor, Was Wont to go in quest os purifying Walers. Therefore, is the mero nature of water, in that it is the appropriato materiat for Washing away, leads men to flatter themselves .ith a bellos in omens os purification, hoW much more trulywill Walers render that service through the authori of God, by whom ali their naturo has Men constitutodi It monthink that water is endued With a medicinal virtus is religion, what religion is more effectual than that of tho living God lWhieli faci being achnowledged, me recogniso hero also thegeat of the dovit rivalling the things of God, whilo wo find
God aliould grant his presence in Walers, to temper them toman's salvation; while the evit anget holds frequent pr sane commerce With tho missame element in man's min. ΙΤit seems a novelty for an anget to be present in matera, an example of What Was to como to pass has forerun. Ananget, is his intervention, Was Wont in stir the pool at Bellisaida.' They who more complaining os ill-health used in match for him; for Whosvor had been tho fidit to d acend into them, ceased, after his Washing, to complain any mors. This figure os corporeat healing sang of aspiritual healing, according to tho rato by Whicli things earnal are always antecedent' as figurative os things spirituat. And thus, when the grace os God advincta to higher degrees among men,' an accesson sol emcacri Was granted
have as sureties δ' of our salvation too-does the number of tho divino names sussice for the assurance of our liope lik
wise i Μoreover, after the pledging both of the attestationos faith and the promise δ' of salvation under the sanction o
tho Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,) there is the church, whieli is a bois of three.
CITAP. VIII.- of the imposition of handa. Types of the
In tho noxi place tho hand is laid on us, involiing and inviting the Holy Spirit through the words o benediction. Shali it be granted possibio for human ingenuity to summona spirit into water, and, by the application Oi hands hom
Ove, to animato their union into one bodyy with another spirit of so clear sound ; and shali it not be possibie sor God, in the case os His oWn organ,' to produce, is means of holyhands,' M a sublime spirituat modulation ' But this spraetierias meli as the former is derived froin the old sacramentalrito in v hicli Jacob blessed his grandsons, bom os Joseph, Ephrem si and Manasses; with his hands laid on them and
interclianged, and indeed so transversely stanted one over theother, that, by delineating Christ, they even portended the
futuro benediction into Christ.' Then, over our cleansed
λ Concorporationem.' The referenco is to certain hydraulic organs, mhich the editora tollus ars described by Vitruvius, ix. 9 and x. 13, and Pliny, Η. N. Vii. 37. R i.e. Man. There mRy be an allusion to Eph. ii. 10, Wo ars His Woamanship,' and to Pa. es. 4.
as the man too is, Who aster baptism reneWs his sins: sothat this also ought to M accepted as a sim for our admonu
HOW many, therelare, are the plera' os nature, ho many the privileges of grace, hoW many the solemnities os discipline, the figures, the preparations, the prayers, Whichliave ordained the sanctity of water First, indeed, Whenthe people, set unconditionalty Dee,' escaped the Violonceos the Egyptian hing by crossing over thro h water, it Waswater that extinguished' tho hing himself, With his onti
forces.' What figure mors manifestly fulfilled in the sacrament of baptismi The nations are set Deo from the woridyis means of waser, to Wit: and the devit, their old tyrant, thoy leave quite belliud, ovemhelmed in the water. Again, reater is restored from ita defect of bitternoss' to ita nativo grace of sweetness ' by the trae' of Moses. That troe WasChrist,' restoring, to Wit, of Himself, the urina os sometimo onusnomed and bittor naturo into the all-salutary waters of baptism. This is the water Whicli flowed continuousty donnior the peoplo from the accompanying rochior ii Christis tho Roch,' without doubi me seo baptism biost by the water in Christ. How mighty is tho grace of water, in thosight of God and His Christ, for the confirmation os baptismi
242 TERTULMAN US ver is Christ Mithout waser: is, that is, fas is the cased
pro ed to the rest ol ira character, touehing certain minorquestis .
Tho baptism anno ced by John lamed the subjeci, evenat that time, os a question, pro sed by the Lord Himself
which antho laed id, not in respect of effica δ' ino, in stat ws read that Johu Was sene by the Lord is perform this
yet conferring, of courae the servant could not furnish. Α
inted out Whon coming in him, mero ΗΕ. ' And so tho baptism os repentanco '' was dealt with δ' as is it mersa candidato sor tho remission and sanctification shortly about to sollam in Christ: for in that John usod to preach baintism for tho remission os sins, Τ tho declaration was mad With refersnce to a future remission ; ii it be true, fas it is,J that repentance is antecedent, remission subsequent; and thisis preparing the way. δ' But he who prepares ' does nothimself perfeci,' but procures for another in perfeci. John
244 TERTULLIANUS himself prosesses that the celestiat things ars not his, but Chrises, by saying, He Who is hom the oarth speaheth concerning the earth; Ηe Who comes hom the frealmq ovo is above ali ; ' and again, by saying that he baptized