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the passion and the resurrection; because netther can o death see dissolution excepi by the Lord's passion, nor o liso bo restored without His resurrection. CHAΡ. XII.- of the necessis os baptism to salvation.
When, hoWever, the prescript is laid down that V without baptism, salvation is attain te by nono chiessy on thoground of that declaration of the Lord, who says, Unless
not 1ind baptiged in the Lord Nay, since Paul is the onlyone of them Who has put on filio garment ofJ Christ's baptism,' either the perit os est the othera vilio lach the materos Christ is prejudged, that the prescript may be maintained,
or else the prescript is rescinded ii salvation has been ordainedeven for the unbaptized.' I have Maia tho Lord is mywitness-doubis of that hind: that nono may imagine me Soabandoned as to excogitate, unprovoked, in the licence of mypen, ideas which Would inspire others mitti scruplo.
thing to bo sprinkled or intercepted by the violenco of thesea; another thing to bo baptiged in obedienco to tho discipline of religion. But that litilo fhip did present a figure of the chureli, in that she is disquieted in the soa,' that is, in the worid, by the waves, that is, is persecutions and temptations; the Lord, throuo patience, fleeping as it mere,untii, mused in thoir last extremittes by the prayers of thesainis, Ho checks the worid,' and restores tranquillity to
does, under the person οξ Peter, merely regard --stili, todetermine concerning the salvation of the apostles is audacious enough, because on them the prerogative even os fidit choice,
they say, Baptism is not necessary for them to whom fiathis sussicient; for Withai, Abraham pleased God is a sacrament of no mater, but os faith. rus ;J but in ali casesit is tho later things which havo a conclusivo force, and the subsequent Which prevati over tho antecedent. Grant that, in dus Mne is, there Was salvation by means os baro salth, betare the passion and resurrection of the Lord. But noWthai faith has been enlarged, and is becomo a satin Which
CHAP. XIV.- urs assertion, that he had not been sentio baptiae.
apostlo himself, in that he said, For Christ sent mo not tob tigo ; V y as is by this argument baptism mere done away lFor bi soJ, why did he baptiae Gaius, and Crispus, and the
Corinthians in rogard of the circumstances of that particular time; seeing that schisms and dissensions were being agitatin
treared. For it is to us ' that that assertion ' refers. Hereties, hoWever, have no fellowship in Our discipline, Whom the meresaci of their excommunication ' testifies to bo ouisidera. Iam not bound to recogniso in them a thing Which is enjoinedon me, cause they and we have not the fame God, norone-that is, the same-Christ: and thereiore their baptism is
250 TERTULLIANUS not. But this potnt has Hready received a fuller discussion
practised among us also, thereiore Was the definition tincta
When that has not been received, and restores it When lost. CHAP. XVII.- of the power of eonferring baptism. For concluding our brios subjeci,' it remains to put Duin mind also of tho duo observanco os giving and receiving
Census. Disciplina. i.e. the pomors of administering baptim and MWing the voes. . Dicatum.' 1 Cor. x. 23, Where μοι in the received text scema interpolated.' Or, as Osiler explaina it, of your poWer os baptizing, etc. y Quintilla. See c. i. η Eveneriti Perhapa Tertullian means literati though that senae esthe mord ia very rare- ahail imue out of her,' alluding to his pariet
252 TERTULLIANUS Women's teaching and baptizing, let them know that, in Asia, the presbyter Who composed that writing, as is ho
But thoy whose ossice it is fio baptizeJ, know stat baptism
hanen to the remission os sins V More caution mili ho exercised in Worldlyy matters r so that one Who is not trusted
quotation, as gium in Acta, agrem nearly verbatim missi the Cod. Nex.
254 TERTULLIANUS ground OG temptation is prepared, althe in such as never
' Frequentata, i.e. by Hia frequent appearance. See Acta l. 3, My