장음표시 사용
ON BAPTISM. 255 the Lord's; eveo hour, every time, is api sor baptism: ii them is a differendo in ins solemnis, in the graea distinction
fessing their own sina. To us it is matrer for thanklain sit me do nois publicj confera our iniquities or our turpitudes : for κε do at tho samo timo both maho satisfaction δfor our former sins, by mortification of our flesti and spirit, and lay beforehand tho foundation os defences against tho
y Lavacro. compare the Monning ol the chamen
had east on the LordJ.J For the people, after crossing thssea, and being carried about in the desert during forty years, although they were there nourished With divine supplies, neveriheless Were more mindsul of their belly and thoirgultet than os God. Thereupon the Lota, driven apari into desert places after baptism,' showed, by maintaining a fastos for dus, that the man os God livos not by breadalono, but by the word os God; '' and that lamptations
incidoni in fulness or immoderation es appetite are stiauered
specialites of grace fandJ distributions of Osisy may bo
λ offensa sententiae prioris or pomaely, the miscarrisse of aome,
258 TERTULLIANUS dono mod; and that species chiessy of repentaneo milita is applied to tho best moris they fix in stela heari, mising ittheir care in remember never again is do a good turn. On
perverse set amendment. In stori, they Would regulato the
no fear, in like manner there is no amendment; Whem themis no amendment, repentance is os necessity vain, for it lacritho fruit for Which God sowed it; stat is, man's salvation. For God-a ter so many and so great sius of human temeritn
ever exhorted them in repentance, and sent out the vesces of
tho universat company of the propheis to propheV. ' and by, promising Deely the grace Which in tho last times Ho was intending to povr as a flood of light on tho universat worid 'through Ηis Spirit, Ho bado the baptism os repentinoo laad the Way, With the view of first preparing, is means of the
os men's minds, that What ver defilement inveterate error had imparied, Whatever contamination in tho heret os manignorance had engendered, that repentance should sWeep and Serape aWay, and cast out of doors, and thus prepare the
author, He must necessarily be tho defender tof, is in likomanner tho acceptor of them, and ii tho acceptor, lihewiso the reWarder. Let, then, the ingratitude of men me to it, is it attaches repentanco even to good moas; let their gratitudo see to it too, d the destro of earning it tho incentivoto mell-doing: earthly and mortat are they each. For hoW
260 TERTULLIANVS dear; and sines it is With an eye to justice stat He appotnis ali tho sum os His discipline, is there mom for doubting that,
just as in ali our acta universatim so also in the case of repent-ance, justice must be rendered to God -which duty canindeod only be sulfilled on the condition that repentance bebrought to bear on0 on sina. Further, no deed but an milone deserves in bo called ain, nor does any one err is Mell-
is neglected. CHAP. III.-Sina may be divided into eorporeal and spiritual.
of sins, some ars carnat, that is, corporeat; somo spiritual. For since man is composed of this combination os a two id substance, the fources of his sina are no other than thenources of his composition. But it is not the faci that bodyand spirit are two things that constitutes the sitis mutuatly differen otherWise they are on this account raster equat,
bocauso the two mahe up one-lest any maho the distinctionbetWeen their sina proportionato to tho differenco belweontheir substanees, so as to esteem the one lighter, or elso heavier,
than the oster: it it be true, fas it is,J that both flesh and
spirit ars creatures os God; one Wrought is His hand, oneconsummated by His afflatus. Since, then, they equalty pe lain to the Lord, whichever of them ains equalty ostenda the Lord. Is it for 3ou to distinguisti the acta os the flesti and the spirit, Whose communion and conjunction in lira, in death, and in resurrection, are so intimate, that at that time V they aro equalty raised up either for life or else for judment; because, to Wit, they have equalty either sinned or lived innocently ΤThis Wo Would lance for allJ premise, in order. that We may
underetand that no less necessity for repentance is incumbent
ing medicine os repentance. The Aource Whencis Sina are
tho origis os deed y For is any sins aro imputed to chance, oris necessity, or in ignorance, let them seo to themselves: if
262 TERTULLIANUS these bo excepted, them is no sinning save by wili. Since, then, Will is the origin os deed, is it not so much the ratheramenablo in penalty as it is fini in mill l Nor, is somo dissi-culty inter res With ita fuit accomptishment, is it even in that case exonerared; for it is itself imputed in iraeis: nor,haring dono the work which lay in iis οὐ po eri mill it beexcusabie is reason os that misca age of ita accomptishment.
ON REPENTAN . 263 Lord, and I Will RaveJ repentance rather than death.' Repentance, then, is liso,' since it is presereed to death.' at repentance, O sinner, lihe myseli nu, raster, lem inan
Iads not is halo tha things Which are offensive to us; for thoprincipio os voluntary obedience δ' consisti in similariu of
attesta on oath, me are bound of courae in approach, and toguard with the ulmost seriousnem; that, abissing permanently in filio faith o tho solemn pledgo of divine grace, me maybe able also in persevero in like manner in iis fruit' and iis
benefit. CHAP. V.-Sin never ω be returned to after repentanee.