Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 11: The Writings Of Tertullian, Volume 1

발행: 1869년

분량: 545페이지


분류: 미분류


ON REPENTAN . 265Νο that man does despise Him, Who, alter attaining by His

repentance of his repentance, mahe satisfaction to the devit,

and will be tho mors halesul to God in proportion as he willbo the more acceptable to His rival. But some say that


266 TERTULLIANUS seMy is the plea sor offendingi But these dispositions havolaveri been Wont in sprout from the wed of hypocrites, whoso friendisip with the devit is indivisibi' Whoso repent

confidence in baptism introduces ali hind of victous deluand tergiversation With regard in repentanco; sor, Delingsum os undo ted pardon of their sins, menJ meanwhilo steat the intervening time, and malis it for thomsolves intoa holida time sor sinning, rather than a time for learning not in sin. Further, hoW inconsistent is it in expect pardon

but not produco the price. For repentance is tho price at whieh the Lord has determined in aWard pardon: He pr poses the redemption ' os releaso from penalty at this compensating exchange of repentance. Is, then, fellers εια examine the coin With Which they mahe their bargains, in Mo



means; but Dur emendation must be manifesteM While, pardon being in abeyance, there is stili a prospect of penalty;Whilo the penitentJ does not yet merit-so sar as merit κε can his liberation ; While God is threaten ing, not Whilo Hois for ving. For What flave, aster his position has Menchanged by reception os freedom, charges himself With his pastJ thesis and desertio ' What soldier, after his di charge, mines satisfaction sor his formerJ brands' Αsinner is bound to bomoan himself before receiving pardon, because the timo os repentanco is coincident with that os


268TERTULLIANUS aWay hom many These, no doubi, are they Who do steat amarch upon the treasureJ, who, aster approaching to the faith


ON REPENTAN . 269 that learnere destre baptism, but do not hastily Nerine it: forho who destres it, hono s it; he who hastily receives it,

disdains it: in the ono appears modestri in the other are gance ; the former satisfies, the lalter neglecta it; tho formercoveis to merit it, but the lalter promises it to himself as a duo retum ; the former inhes, the lalter usurps it. WhomWould you judge WOrthier, excepi one Who is more amended lWhom more amended, excepi one Who is more timid, andon that account has sulfilled the duty of true repontance liar ho has feared to continue stili in sin, test he should not

repentance either, because he lached the instrumental agentos repentance, that is, fear.Α Ηasty reception is the portionos irreverence; it inflates tho seeher, it devises the Giver.

CHAP. VII.- in repentanee, in the ease of aueli as have lapsed tem baptiam.

hearing concerning the disciplino os repentance be grantedio Thy servanis, as it likeWiso behoves them, Whilo learnera,'not to sin; in other mords, may they thereaster know nothingos repentance, fandJ require nothing of it. It is irksome toappend mention os a seeon nay, in that case, the las hope; test, is treating of a remediat repenting yet in reseme, me seem to be potnting to a yet further space for sinning. Far be it that any one so interpret cur meaning, as is, be- cause there is an opening for repenting, there mere eVenno , on that account, an opening for sin ning ; and fas i tho redundance of celestiat clemen cy constituted a licenco for human temeri . Let no one bo lem, because God is more, good, by repeating his sin as osten as he is forgiven. Othemiso he will find, be fure, an end of eaeaping, When he


os death in man have been overthro , So many macts of tho condemnation Whicli formerly mas his own erased. ΗΘ



formian lovae' reproaches the Thyatirenos mith fornication,' and eating of things sacrificed to idias' accuses the Sardians of Works not fullρ consures the Pergamenes for Daching perverse things; ' npbraida tho Laodiceam forisusting to their riches; ' and yet gives them ali generalmonitions to repentin -under comminations, it is truo; butΗΘ mould not ulter comminations to one tinrepentant is

Evolvo: perhapa simply α massi ' Rev. ii. 7, 11, 17, 29, iii. 6, 13, 21. Rev. ii. 4. Rev. s. 20. β Rev. iii. 2. ' Rev. ii. 14, 15. y Rev. iii. 17.' Jer. viii. 4 in LXX. appears to M the passage meant. The Eng. Veri ia very different.



than sacrifices. The heavens, and the angels Who arothere, are glad at a man's repentance.' Hol you sinner, be

floch was not more dear than the one : that one is earnestly



of sins ii tens, as much as dissimulation aggravates them; for consession is counselled by the destro of mahinc satisfaction, dissimulation by contumacy.

and only fremaininc repentance, tho more laborious is ita probation; in order that it may not ho exhibited in tho

conscience alone, but may like ise be carried out in somo externa act. This aci, Which is more usualty expressedand commonly spolien os under a Greeli name, is ἐξομολ γησις, Whereby - confess our sins to the Lord, not indeedas it He mere ignorant of them, but in much as by confession satisfaction is setsed; ot confession repentance is bom; is repentance God is appeas . And thus Gomologesis is a discipline for man's prostration and humiliation, enjoininga demeanour calculated to move mercy. With regard also

3 inter conseSSion.' For the meaning of satisfaction,' Me Η her, Mel. POL Vi. 5, here aeverat refere ea to the present tristiae occuri


274 TERTULLIANUS is iraeli pronouncing against the sinner, stand in sto steados God's indignation, and by temporia mortification I

evenis, the time When ii ever) ita danger is serious, is Whenit is a buti lar jeering speech in the presence of insultera,

where one man raises himself on his net bour's ruin, Wherethero is up ard clambering over the prostrate. But among brethren and fellow-servants, Where there is common hope,