장음표시 사용
attempted to revive the old ideas that comets were phenomena of the earlli's
Unfortunately, Stanset accepted also Κepler's opinion that comeis al-ways travelled in straight lines with reserence to the background Stars, although he was aware of Tycho's doubtin'. Since the comet of l664 hadalready Swung around the sun and was moving outward when sirst observed it was not su rising that Stanfers positions were not accurate enough to distinguisti belween a straight line and a nearly parabolic orbit. The uncertaintly of his positions affected also Stanfers attempis to derive parallaxes for the comet. The Portuguese observer Antonio Pimenta had published his observations of the fame comet promptly in l66 λ' and Stanfel makes severat references to this wOrk. on December 25, Ρimenta had recorded the declination of the comet -30' 03' 41 V, as vlewed Dom thecenter of the earth. Stanset estimated his own time os observation on thalmorning as about 5 hours Lisbon time), and since Ρimenta had made his
observations on other clays at about this time, concluded that si ... his observation did not differ greatly hom ours in timen. p. 79) Stanfel had adopted a disserenoe os longitude belween Lisbon and Bahia of 25'. whereas it is actualty 29' 22', hut fortunately the motion of the comet, though rapid at this time, was almost entirely in right ascension. At any rate, Stanset derived a declination of -29' 23' p. TT) hom his observations, and took the disserenoe, 40' 4l ' as representing the horizontal parallax of the comet. This gave him a distance of 238 69 sicl) Italian miles, but evidently realiging that this precise figure did not mean very much, concluded merelythat si . . . the cometS cannot be in the sphere of Iupiter, stili tess than that os Saturn. but that most are in the sphere os Mercuryn. p. 78).Ρimenta had adopted a parallax of l l 2' for the comet of l664, specificatly for December 25, but without explaining just how it was derived. Ηe apparently did not attempt to compute a parallax himself, but declaredyst The Anti-Tychonem os Claramontius was published in Venice in l62l, and Kepler's reply Hyperavistes adversin Scipionis Claromontii. appeared in Franksori in l625. On p. 65 os Legatus Uranicus Stanset remarks that Kepler admirably castigated this insolencen. yy Legatus Uranicus, Ch. 2. on p. 35 Stanset resers to Kepler's early work, Astronomia Pars Optica Franksuri l604) Appendix to Ch. l0. Kepler never changed his idea of the rectilinearmotion os comeis, though Tycho, who had attempted first to compute a circular orbit for thecomet os i PT, had gone so sar as to say that the orbit might not be si . . . exactly circular but Some-what oblong, like the figure commonly called ovat ...is Translation by I. L. E. DREYER, p. 366 of his A Histor' of Astrono from Thales to Lepter; 2nd edition, IDover, N.Y. l9 3J). Tycho's sentence is on p. l62 of Vol. 4, De Mundi aetherei Recentoribus Phaonomenis. Opera omnia ed. by I. L. E. DREYER, i 972. '' Antonio RMENTA, Sciographia da Nova Prostiniaria e Portentoso Cometa Anno de I664 Lisbon l66 3. Our reserenoes are to the copy in the Houghton Library, Hamard University.
that ait who have examined the observations os himself and others sind that sithe comet cloes not have a parallax greater than one minute and a halsisy'. This value is so much less than the estimate made by Stanfel that the lat-
ter concludes that Pimenta must have made an error, since iis distance si ... is
indeed we concede to be 2', would surpass the limit which iis author writes: itwould be by calculation 49 26T terrestriat radii, which is to say that the cometthrusis iiseis beyond the bounds of the firmament, '.
Stanset then procedes to try to check Ρimenta's resulis by examining the lalter's data on the two days, Dec. 14 and 27, on which Ρimenta observed the comet on the meridian. On Dec. l4, Ρimenta reported the comet to be onlyl8' 2 V above the star reat the extreme mot of Corvus, in common with Hydran, at meridian passage. This star is i Corvi. Since Ρimenta stated that this distance was sicorrected sor parallaxis, Stanset argued correctly that hecould find the parallax that Pimenta had actually used by adding the observed altitude of the comet, minus l8' 2 V, to the declination of the star which would give the co-latitude is the comet had no parallax.Ρimenta gave 3 - -2l' 32', for I rv which agrees to the nearest minute with the declination computed for l665 Dom present catalogues). His altitude for the comet was 30' 0T' 2 V. giving 30' 0T' 25V - 2l0 32' -l83 25V in l9 2l'. which is just 90 minus the latitude of Lisbon accepted by Stansel.
Since Ρimenta never stated precisely where he made his observations, this agreement merely Shows that the parallax of the comet was incleed smali.
he interpretS as an upper limit to the parallax of the cometi/ΤFor the other date, Dec. 27, Stanset made exactly the Same mi Stake. The comet was then in Argo now Ρuppis) and Ρimenta gave a declinationof - 259 30' for his comparison star. Stanset, howeVer, adopted a declination of -2I' 56', which he attributed to Clavius, and again interpreted the difference, 26' as the parallax of the comet/λ. Stanset was familiar also with the accepted methods of estimatingparallaxes by observations Dom a fixed place at disserent times, assuming themotion of the comet to be along a straight line at constant speed. From his observations on Dec. 29 he derives a distance of 24 225 leagues, whicli heremarks places the comet closer than the moon on that date. On the other hand, on December lT, when the comet was stili approaching the earth, heconcluded that it was beyond the moon, near the sphere os Mercury. By Ianuary l665, he estimated that the comet had receded to the sphere os Venus.
δ' In the appendix to his l588 observations Opera omnia. Vol. l2 26 ) Tycho Brahe gave a declination Os-2l' 05' Dom β Corvi which he reserred to as si quens lucidarum in quadrato inseriorumn. Stanseis' value would be consistent with this is he was using coordinates sor a ut l600.
On the 8th and 9th of February the datly motion of the comet was tess than i ' and Stanset argued reasonably that the parallax was much smaller than tris. Hedoes not say how he estimated me horietontal parallax on these dates, but adopis a value of 3' 4 V. This gave tam a distance of 896 terrestriat redii, and since heaccepted Clarius' estimate of the distance of the sun as li68 radii, he concluded
that the comet had receded almost as far as the solar sphere siconcavonfin. In te s of the dimentions accepted sor the solar system in the early se n-aeentii century, Stanfers estimates were stirly consistent. Even his bias in favor of a parallax of the omer os 20' sor the comet in December was not sumtising when we consider that even suta able astronomen as Hevelius were estimating parallaxes of that amount or more sor cometa in the middie of the lTth centur '.
As Stanset wrote Scarcely had the older one disappeared hom view and Dom the heavens, when the succeeding year l665 another one shone sortii in the constellation Antinous, first visibie to us on March 24 ..., β This was amuch fainter comet, and Stanset cites that laci, along with bad weather in Bahia, as making observation of it difficult. He describes the tali as heing divided through Ρegasus and near the head of Andromeda, where it was tost in the morning twilight. From iis fallure to be seen in the west, on the other sideos the sun, he concludes that the tali disappeared in Perseus. Stanfel mentions his collingue, P. Iacob Roland , as joining tam in measu ing the positions of the comet sat least on March 28, 166 ). The positions deri dare given in Table II. Table 2 Comet of 1665
V re. 85-89. His Fig. XII illustrates horigontal parallax. Stanfel took the earth's semidiameter tobe l4l6 Spanish lingues, or 3035 Italian miles. λ' According to M. DELAMBRE, Astronomie Moderne. Vol. 2. 446 l82l, Hevelius in his Cometographia of l668 estimated that the parallax of the comet os l6 2 decreased Dom 3l 'l V to 0' 9V during his period os observation. λβ Ρp. l0l-l48. Antinous is the name os a constellation that is no longer recogniZed. Ιts starsare now included as part of Aquila δ' Iacob Roland I. l. l633, Amsterdam: SI 26.9.l6 8, Prov. Fl.-Belg. ARSI Fl.-Belg. 2I 36v:' l684, Iste of S. Tome. I. FUER, Defuncti secundi saeculi S.I. 4 Roma l989) 265.
e Societainys quondam Pragae ac olomucii Mari
thematum Prosessore, nune Apostolico in Indi s
lia Collegio Societatis Jεsu ad S. Clementem
Cum Auctitio Observationum livmp
arum Astrophilorum bono majorique lumini
The seconds of arc are scarcely significanti After April l 2, Stanset could not observe the comet hom Bahia, as it was passing through Aries and was
hidden by the light of da n. Although he admitted that a good determination of the parallax of that
comet was not seasible, he did attempt to make an estimate son a date whichis not made clear). He noted that the comet rose at the fame time RS a Star, but two hours later, when the star was 3 P above the horizon, the altitude of the comet was 20' lower. By neglecting the motion of the comet, he estimatediis distance as 453, 89T Italian miles, which would put it near the spheres of Mercury and Venuse'. His geometry seems to be fauity, leading to an over-estimate of the distance, but since he admits that the neglect of the comet's motion was unrealistic, this cloes not make much disserenoe. What he was measuring was primarily the motion of the comet in two hours. The last section of the Legatus Uranicus, labelled 6Auctariumn addition), contains the contribution of the Bohemian astronomers. It is a summary of the European observations of the comet of 1664, along with a briefmention of the great comet of 1680y'. There is nothing to suggest that Stanfelmade any obsemations of this later comet.
4. Comet of I668Before this publication of the Legatus Uranicus, Stanset achieved some fame in Europe, not by measuring positions, but by his description of the
tacular tali stretching almost horigontally. On the previous evening it had presumably been too close to the sun to be seen. The head was smali and inconspicuous, but so bright was the tali that it could be seen reflected in the water of the bay, Stanset wrote a description of the comet and sent it to the editor of Il Giornate dei Letterati in Rome, who published the account in Italian in the issue of September 3l, l673 sicy'. He added that the fame comet was seen Dom the coast of Africa near the Cape of Good Ηope by Ρ.Ρedro ZMarte , Iesuit Rector os Macau. Stanset noted that the comet couldbe seen for only three nights before disappearing again near the Sun.
This issue of the Giomale was seen by Christian Huyghens, who Wasworking in Paris in spite of the intermittent wartare between Holland and France. Since the head of this comet had not been seen by observers north os Bologna, Huyghens was struch by Stanfers vivid description. He translated
the article into English, and sent it in the form os a letter to the Royal Societyos London. It was published in the Philosophical Transactions 9 l674) 9l
and attracted the attention os Newton. At that time Newton was working on his Principia, and in Pari ΙΙΙ of that work he wanted to include a discussion os the nature os comets. Ηe was convinced that the talis os comets were made upos matter evaporated stom the head by the heat of the sun, and argued that therefore the heads were least conspicuous when the talis were most spectacular. Stanseis observation fit this prediction perfectly, and Newton devoted ahalf page of the Principia to a summary of ii'λ. Stanfel himself, after devoting severat papers of the Legatus Uranicus to describing ali the theories of comets' talis put forth by authorities ancient, medieVal, and contemporarfδ, accepted the view that the talis were merelyrays of sunt ight refracted into a narrow beam by the matter in the head. Ιt is ironical that Newton used Stanfers observation to help disprove the theory
It is curious that Stames is not known to have meas eo positions of the , hi Muthern comes of 1686, inita ac Ming is rimae, was observed throughout Ammst stom dira , and had a Mad of the lsi magnitude with a tali l8' long. Although Stanset was nearing seventy years of age in l689, he evidentlyhad not lost any of his enthusiasm for astronomy, for in the Biblioteca Nacional de Lisboa, there is a manuscript describing the comet of that year . Although it is unsigned, both Leite'β and Abrao de Moralest attribute it
in In Cajores revision os Motte's translation of the Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, the reference to Stanset is on p. 53l. Newton introduced the paranaph by femarhingsiAnd, sor the fame reason, I sine, that the hines os other comets, which did put sorth talis of the greatest buth and splendor, have appeared but obscure and smallis. y The discussion takes up most of pp. 4 6l, where Stamel quotes extensively stom authors stomCornelius Gemma to Riccioli, Gabaeus, Cysat and mmenta on the nature os cometary talis. ' M. ΡINGRE, Cometographie ou Traite Historique e Theorique des Cometes Ρaris Imp.
of the paper is Discurso astronomico sobre o Cometa aparecido en Pernambuco no dia 6
Stansel's predictions for rimambuco regarding eclipses of the sun as evidence that he was in Pernambuco in the later l680's, supported by the testimony of two contemporary physicians. Abrago de Morais attributes the articie to Stanfel on internat evidenoe: reserenoe to the Book os Daniel, on which Stanfel had written a commentary, and to earlier comeis observed by him.
convincingly to Stansel. In support of this we can add the faci that in both the Discurso and Stanfers popular book the Uranophilus Caelestis of l68 theauthor appeals to Urania muse of astronomy) to explain to him the astrat
significance of comets. In both works he refers to her as simy Uranian. The opening paragraph reads 6Astronomical discourse on the Stupendous and fatal comet, or announcement sent to mortals by Divine Ρrovidence, and which was first seen on the 6th of December of the year l689 at claybreak in this our eastern horigon of Ρernambuco at an altitude of M in the sign of Scorpio 7. Although Ρingres' mentions that the comet was seen aS early aS December 4 Dom severat Dutch ships in the East Indies, Stanset was not only an independent disco verer, but his observations os December 6 were the sirst togiVe eVen approximate positions, since Richard's observations at Pondicheribegan on December 8. Stanfers manuscript contains only rough positions, probably because of either falling eyesight, or the lack of his instruments at Pernambuco. Forexample, he states that when sersi seen on December 6, the head was si ... ci Seto the brightest of the three stars that form the head of Scorpio, having latitude s N and longitude 24M'. He followed the comet through the month of December untii it disappeared in Argo. In the absence of actuat measures of parallax, the author argues Dom the rate at whicli the comet travelled through the sky that it must be more distant than the moon, and probablymoveo belween the sphere of Mercury and that of Venus. Much of the discussion in the Discurso is concerned with the origin ofcomets. In the Legatus Uranicus Stanfel had accepted the views of Ρimenta and others that comets are formed Dom material effluvian) hom theplaneis. In l689, he noti ced that Satum had been in conjunction with the sunnear the part of the sky in which the comet first appeared. This led him toconclude that it was the interaction of Saturn and the sun which had generaled the comet. He thought that this theory was supported by observations of earlier comeis, particularly that of l686 which had been discovered in
orion shortly after a conjunction belween Iupiter and Satures'. It is interesting to note that Stanfers concern with the astrological significance of comets seemed to increase as he got older. The Legatus Uranicus is essentialy an astronomicat work with almost no mention ofastrology, but in his popular book, the Uranophilus Caelestis Peregrinus, publislied in l68 , he blamed the comet os l664 for epidemios in Africa
δ' Discurso Astronomico 62. Our translation.
There are mentions os other astronomical phenomena, Such aS eclipseS, by Stancet, particularly in the Uranophilus Caelestis Peregrinus; but his onlysignificant observations in Bragit were os comets. He was not original in his interpretations, and at times he made natue mistakes, as we have shown, butwe should not forget that he worked for the last forty-two years of his life without any direct personat contact with other scientisis. He referred tohimself as Uranophilus - Lover of the Heavens, and his real achievement was to bring some knowledge and fondness for the stars to a communitywhere science was of litile interest.
Et nombre de Valentin Stanfel es conocido porque su descrimion dei cometa del668 ha siclo incluida en et Principia Mathematica de Newton. Stanfel nacio en Olomouc, Mora via, en 162 l. Entro en ta Compania de Iesus en 1637. Estudio en ta universidad de su cludad natat y luego en ta de Ρraga. Ya desue et principio, mostro ascion a la astronomia. Ρublico Gentras ensenabamatematicas un libro con et titulo Dioptra Geodetica y un mapa de la Luna. En 16 T se traflado a Portugal. Terminados sus estudios ensetio en et colegio deSan Antonio de Lisboa, donde publico su orbe Adonsino y et Regimento muticomvo. En 1663 paso sinalmente at Brasil donde permanecio por 42 anos hasta sumuerte. Estuvo destinado at colegio de Salvador, Bahia. Fue alli donde observo et cometa de l663, luego et de l664, et de l668 y otro en l669. Publico sus observaciones en su libro Legatus Uranicus publicado en Ρraga en 1683. Stanset era ya conocido en Europa avn antes de la publicacion de este libro. Habia publicado en et Gior-nale de Letierati, en 16 3, una viva descripcion dei cometa de l668, la cual llamo laatencion de Christian Huyghens. Este enuio un resumen en forma epistolar a Lon-dres para fer publicado en et Philosophical Transactions. 1674. Esta publicacion ita-mo la atencion de Isaac Newton, porque confirmaba su teoria de la naturalega deestos orietos celeSteS. Sus observaciones meron hechas con instrumentos modestos, pero a pesar de
ello fueron utiles para et estudio de los cometas. Intento determinar et movimientO yposicion interplanetaria de los mismos usando et melodo de la paratrie Segun et astronomo danes Tycho Brahe. En su interpretacion sime et sistema cosmologico de este astronomo, como era Decuente entre los jesultas de la epoca, en parte por et decreto contra et commicanismo de l6lf y en parte porque era una epoca de incereidumbre en espera de las pruebas definitivas.
tradicionat, desde fines dei sigio xviii hasta nuestros dias. A pesar de los buenos fundamentos que liene et distinguir entre la epoca dei ver-dadero jansenismo propiamente dicho - de mediados dei sigio xvii hasta los primeros
decentos det xviii - y la pervivencia de un cierio par anSenismo politico-religioso, Sinque ello permita negar todo nexo de union entre ambos como Se ha hecho con fre-cuencia no sin antihistorica exageracion, et termino jansenista en et sentido de pervi-Veneia fit ansenista continuo usandose, Sobre lodo en ta curia romana, hasta finales dei sigio xix. Iansenista a secas era apellidado en Roma et arZobispo titular de Ρalmyra don Felix Amat y de Ρalou, no sin cierta exageracion, Por SupueSto. MientraSotros, en Espana, te han considerado filoliberal por su clara actitud y actuacion afran- sada, y por coincidir con los politicos det trienio liberal de l820 a l823 en querer so- meter lo mas posibie la Iglesia at Estado, avn tralandose de un hombre que segula defendiendo sin ambries la monarquia absoluta de derecho divino. Precisamente ese absolutismo politico era et que te coloco frente a ex jesultas como Bolgent, defensor, por un laclo, de las opiniones politicas moderadas de Spedalieri, y por otro, maiquisto de los romanistas intransigentes por haber abierio la puerta, avn enpleno sigio xviii, a la doctrina de la colegialidad episcopal. Todo ello no ha podido comprenderse hasta que los particlismos, las denigraciones y las apologias desmedidas hanabieno paso a la serena investigacion historica, como la que ha llevado a cabo et doctordon Ramon Coris i Blay en su melodica y seria tesis sobre Felix Amat'.
Et prestigio de que lodavia gogaba, en pleno sigio anthesuitico, la Compania de
Iesus en ESpana, y sobre lodo en Cataluna, aparece claro en ciertas inclinaciones a en-trar en ella, durante su juventud, Segun to puso de manifesto, paradojicamente, Supropio sobrino et obispo de Astorga don Felix Torres Amat, un prelado que persistio hasta l836 en las opiniones de su tio, tan deflasadas ya en toda la Europa catolica enla primera mitad det sigio pasado.
Con et habia comemado una nueva era politico-religiosa, y a la VeZ socioeconomica con la aparicion de la revolucion industriat en las cludades y con la extension de la industria y de la nueva mineria en muchos puebios de Espana y de loda Europa. Este me et clima en que nacteron una serie de instiluciones religiosas, general- mente de origen semenino con la colaboracion externa de halles exclaustrados y de je-suitas mas o menos clandestinos. Su nueva finalidad respondia a la nueva problematica de los liempos la ayuda a las m eres trabMadoras y a sus hhos desprovistos deatencion familiar durante et dia: la educacion primaria, y la proteccion de los virios, cuando et mundo det trabrio absorbia et dia a los que podian ocuparse de ellos. No es, pues, de maravillar, et gran numero de landaciones de tipo religioso-sociat que fueronaparectendo en tocla Europa, desde que comenZaron a moderarse los esectos inmediatos de la Revolucion Francesa hasta un sigio mas tarde.sse me un senomeno generat en tocla Europa y en tocla Espana, principalmente en las regiones de mas rapida industrialiZacion. Ρara Cataluna, y a partir ya de laedad media, tenemos ahora et cuidadoso libro coordinado por et sacerdote don Ioan Bada, prosesor de la Universidad de Barcelona, y por et escolapio padre Genis Sam-pery, ambos ya bregados en anteriores trabrios de historia socio-religiosa. Aunque esta excelente obra global sobre los religiosos se extiende desde sus origenes hastanuestros dias, ta creacion y difusion de tales congregaciones religiosas de caracter sociat se dan sobre lodo a partir de la primera mitae dei sigio pasado. A mi modo de Ver, esa y la constante aplicacion de las melodologias historiogra-ficas maS nΟVedosas constituyen las cualidades mas especificas de un libro publicadocon Verdadera magnificencia, digna de la riquega de su contenido historico. Aqui seria superfluo subrayar la extension de la Compania de Iesus por et principado de Cataluna sy los condados de Rosellon y Cerdana hasta l659), y Sus nombres maS Senalados. Lo mas interesante es la participacion que iuvieron en aquei nuevo florecimiento de nuevas congregaciones religiosas semeninaS. A Ve S pueden parecer exceSiVaS, Sino se liene en cuenta que nacteron det puebio mismo y en et humus sociat det mismo puebio, con sus necesidades inmediatas y proximas, que exigian un cuidado directo ymomentaneo. Su extraordinaria noracion era et fruto de las extraordinarias penurias de la clase trab adora en aquellos decentoS. Muchos Sacerdotes, frailes exclaustrados y jesultas han ido saliendo a note de labibliograsa religiosa a medida que se han ido estudiando seriamente los origenes de esas nuevas landaciones, o que han fido beatificadas o canonigadas sus fundadoras. Desde un punio de vista historico lo que interesa no son tanto las sencillas vidas y lasserias biograssas de lodos esos fundadores y fundadoras, cuanto su significado y Susignificacion en ta historia de la Iglesia y de la sociedad contemporaneas.
y Catalὼnia religiosa. Atles histὼric Deis origens ala nos tres dies. A cura de IOAN BADA IGENis SAMPER. Amb la col laboracio de Ferran COLAS, Alexandre MASOLIVER, Valenti SERRA, Claustre SOLE, Iosep A. TORNE, Roser VERGES, i attres. - Barcelona Unio de religio