장음표시 사용
mythic representative os the healin ari, hic Lucretius, i. 179, represent a iiself affled- mussabat tacito medicina timore mutteredio in voicetes Dar' . 551-553. Tisistione, ne of the Furies Aen. vi. 57 , personi fies divine venile ce inflictin digeas an deat in penalty sor in For the description p. that os Fame in Aen. v. 175 Religio in Lucr. i. 6 . 556 557. P. Lucr. i. II Inde catervatim morbo mortique dabantur.'ctilissa dissolving, cp. ll. 484 485 abOVe.
rid P cp. Aen. i. ao iv. 497, i. 789), Whence Some explain t of destroying the insected carcases. ut the generat de of the passage is theimpossibilit os mahing any use os an par of the di Seased carcaseS either of the hin coriis , o the festi viscera, p. Aen. i. II), O the eece vellera and Virgil seem to mea that no Washing or cooking could getri of the laint in the sesh, o malae it fit for human Dod viscera is thus
loosely used a in tabem viscerum. 565 566. Sequebatur, coursed or triclite over.' sacer ignis, the Latin me sor erysipelas, here sed of a Simila phenomenon, i. e. an eruption or ulceration. Lucretius vi. 167, compares the ulcer of the
plagueri erysipelas, at Simul ulceribus quasi inuSti omne rubere Corpus, ut eSt per membra sacer dum diditur ignis.'
I-7. Invocation to Maecenas. Nextis illes set sori the gi divine of
heaven-Sent Oney on this too Maecenas, look own. In ou ear Will Singis, Ondrous drama on a peti stage, o chies of pride, an allis nation' Ese, it character iis astes, it peoples, an iis ars Stight Sthe theme no stight the poet' fame hom propiti ou Power SPare, While Phoebus ear his call. aerii se Ecl. v. 3o in tenes, i. e. in levibus rebus.' laeva, as Ecl. i. 16 Aen. I. 5 Hor. d. laevus PicuS.'For a disserentis se Aen. i. 693, X. 63 I. 9. Sit, conj. os Purpose, a G. i. 226. I 3 15. Squalentia See o G. i. 3 8 here seems in squamosa, thespeckle ligar Wit his scat bach. stativilis, thei homes, as l. 9 Ibelo . meroDes, bee-eaters' Merope astaster . Procne, the wallow; 'the redipoisin whose breast were labled o bellood-stain sto the murdere lItyS. Here, as in l. 5 II elow, Virgil sol lows the Roman versio of the Stor of Tereus, whicli akes Procne the gwallo and Philomela the nightin-gale disrom mistahen etymology, φιλό-μελος). The Greelis ad Procne, Tereus wila, the nightingale, an Philomela her sister, the swallow: ut in Ecl. i. 79 Philomela appears to b the Wis of Tereus. 17. victis, neStlings, a G. i. 14. I9. tenuis, shalloW, Cp. . iii 335. 22, 23. vero Suo, in the pring the love, cp. Ecl. vii. 62, G. iv I9o: and ironi catly Cic. Mil. 33 89 Milone occiso Clodius habuisset suos consules after his o ineari' , Pis. 12. suum Clodium,' his dea Clodius.'ctooectore, to retire Dom i. e. e re the heat, se on Ecl. viii. 88. 25. Toward the middie of the stagnantiool orio in stream, ' i. e. the stagna' or rivus o ll. 18, 9: ut e need not inser that et . . . et in thos lines are disjunctive. 29. Neptuno is intended angustis addere rebus honorem Con. . 3O, I QRSino, Cl. i. 49. Serpylla, ib. II. thymbrae, savo , here calle graviter Dirana in a good sense, asilin xxi. Io Odore iucunde
correct alvus, no alveus, being the term for a bee-hive se note toG. i. 53), an 'alvare properly a place o bee-hives, then a litve: 'cp. Similar Se os donaria G. iii 533, uote Most editors, excepi Ribbeck, rear alvearia.'
67. in pugnam is emphatic, but i it e so batile the have lest thehive. Some mali the apodosis egi a l. 69 but ' que is against his);other a l. 77 other a l. 86: ut it seem more lihely that Virgilioes ossint a parenthesi. nam saepe, etc.), hic gwelis into a descriptive para- graph and the Sentence remain an anacoluthon, l. 86 sqq. indicatingWhat the apodosis might have been.
les natural construction; See hoWever belo l. 237. Draetoria, the Romangenerar tent, here the royal celi.'8 . 85. usque acteo, right up to the momentis deseat. Resolute tofine notrio the last, ill a crushin victo has riven ne si de orithe toturno flight. For lanixus in fim' p. Aen. V. 332, an sor construction it infin. Ecl. V. I. um Euhegit, a very unuSua construction, apparenti contemplatin the resultos an accomptished fact- tili victorylias been compelled, ' P. e. g. δέδοικα μὴ εἶπε an δεδ μὴ ιπη, an Cic. Verr. i. mansit usque ad eum finem dum iudices reiecti sunt.' 85, 86. These ovibursis of the oul, his awsul tot
i. 344 Hor Sat. i. 4. 24 Aufidius forti miscebat mella Falerno.'Io . Digicta, colyan desolate' by the bees leavitag). Io 7. Eripo perhaps ni o clippin the wings a Pli ny . H. i. 7 :but Columella says spoliandus est alis, Whicli is the more natural
IIO, III furum objective gen. protector against thieves an birds 'Hellossontiaci, ecause orshippe a Lampsacus o the HelleSponi, Catuli. xviii. The bees are tot invite into gardens, and there re under the protection o Priapus the o o sertili ty, hos figure, arme wit a falx saligna, a partis the regula sumitur os a garden:
II 2-II 5. The repeate ipso enforces the importance of persona attention Plantas, suckers' cp. ii. 23 79 of the pine, hic must ecultivate in the ardens Ecl. vii. 66 so the beeS. Triget, a Aen. i. 69 I. umo, abi loci, as domo iii. 96 Aen. ix. I is dat. p. . i.
II7-IΙ9. traham in contraham, ' dra in ' or suri; Hor. d. ii Io. 23 Contrahes vento nimium secundo Turgida vela. The rea apodosis si traham, etc. lies in forsitan sors sit an), an canorom denotes a surther Consequence depending on this- Mere it no that I am no furtin . . . maybe there might be a chance that Iciliouldio on to sing. The rose Lardens of Paestum are a common place amon Latin PoetS' Con.).12o-I2 . intutia, endive ' σέρις κηπεντη), a garden-plant, O the iidendive or Succory σέρις γρία of i. 2 o. The cucumis here describedanSWer to the cocomero serpentino, longe than the common cucumber, Wit a crooked nec an gwolle belly. Sora comantem, late flowering, 'CP. comam' l. 37 elow aeanthi Ecl. iii 45. I 25. Oebaliae arcis, i. e. Tarentum founde by a Laconia colony
Hor. d. i. 6. II. iii 5. 56 , Oebalus ein a mythical in o Sparta: so Oebalii fratres' Castor an Pollux Stat Silv. iii . . , 'Oebalii amores' o Helen ib. ii. 6. 27. arois, Ribb. fro Pal. et ProbuSPhilarg. etc. altis mos edition Do Vat. a, , Servius in hic caSe Oebaliae is a nam os Tarentum, o elSeWhere found. 127-I 29. Coryotum, of Corycus in Cilicia, samouiso gardens 'Cilicum pomeria Mart. viii. I ). Pompe transplanted some of the Cilicia pirates into Calabria relieti ruris, Waste land, i. e. nappropriate in theaMi ment iuvencis, dat Asor, i. e. inde the steers, cp. Hor. d. ii. I 5 8 olivetis Fertilibus domino priori. seges, land, cp. Ecl. X. 48 G. i. 47.13o-I33. Vel here, mi the rushwood, e plante garden-stus at intervat with white lilies round it circum olus , and vervain, an meagrepoppies, malchin in his pride the wealth faings an home retuminglate a night Ioade his able it a Das Ohought.' io, adverti orpronoun. For animis se Aen. vii 42 G. ii 3 6 sor veseum, iii. 75.13 -I38. arsere, histori infin. used to luch. Some explain t asdepending on Primus se. erat' ; p. Si l. i. 16o Primus inire manu,
POStremu ponere Martem'-where, however, the infinitive may be historie etiamnum, a variet os etiam nunc: ' p. tum,' tune. For the pros-
Prop. iv. 3. 29 nune violas tondere manu .'I39, I O. Dibus fetis, parent-bees, cp. Ecl. i. 5o. unctare, hiStori infin.
CircumSt. - quum flos novus esset. matura, uret ace With Poma 'in
gain hicli recompense. The Curetos pri est o Cybele Aen. iii Io),were sal to have idden the insant Iupiter o Mount Dicte in Crete, clashing cymbal to drown his cries, and enti cingiee to laedaim. 153, 5 . They oni have communit of offspring with a common City
are spurred by inbona love of gain, ac in iis ossice. Pope 'Postscript to Odyssey' and ther have thought it necessar to defend Virgil fromine charge os disproportion an exaggeration in the comparison o bees illigianis, a charge hicli Con thiniis an only be et by supposing that here a in l. 86 Virgil is consciousl mock-heroici But the key-note of his Whole description as it ever observe os the ways o bees is thewonderia reproductioni a mali scale of the seatures of human and eveno national lik- admiranda levium spectacula enim ' and rom hispoint of vlew the comparison of thei bus labour to that of the Cyclops isno more hock-heroic than the descriptions of thei desperate fighting ll. 67-85 oris heir ordere polit ll. 53 155 magnis sub legibuS.'
vere suo l. 22. For in nootem P. Aen. Vii. . Stabulis, a l. 14. aquantur latch water, a militar term in CaeSar, Sallust, etc. Saburram, ballast, Liv xxxvii. I .
hone and do ali the work of the hive. The queen e meet the male in the air, andio in the hive 'enc the anc expresse in l. 198, hel also b Aristolle Hist. An. v. I and Plin N. H. i. 6).2OI-2O . Quirites cives' , the distinctive ille os Roman citi genS. Te Mint, remake, is no found elsewhere, ut is intrinsicali probabie:whil Ribbeck's refigunt ' Med. Gud. Servius, etc. , though Sed by Virgil Aen. V. 36o, 27 , orace Od. i. 28. II, Epp. i. 8. 56 , and
2Io. The olde Romans, like the Greetis e. g. Aeschylus , draW their notion o absolute monarch seo the astem nations ' Con. . The Roman Empire has come and gone, an despotis in the est is atready an anachronism: ut the 'changeless East stili supplies us, as it id Virgil, it types os absolute POWer. 2II. The epithet Mectus suggestingtersia monarchy applied to therive Hydaspes elun a tributar of the Indus Ahows vague conceptionSo Eastem geograPhy.
2I3, 2I4. PuDere frequentative oriSt, a G. i. 49. orate favorum,
225-227. hue, i. e. ad deum: him, again doth ali creation earn, And solvet into iis element return
Eictoris in numerum, I to the position or dignit os a star; ' p. Cic. Phil. iii 6 homo nudo numero' of no account'), Div. in Verr. 9 cum is tibi parentis numero suisset loco parentis'): and se Aen. vi 5 5, illi thoe passages there mited Trois Seneca a like star
The Pleiad ros in Virgir time bout a 28, an set in the moming)about Nov. 9: by hicli the are sal to void the ictus Pisol aquosi, i. e. the whole ain season o winter cp. Ecl. x. 68 sub sidere Cancri'). The sun oes no actuali enter the odiaca sign Tisces tili February. 237, 238. morsitius, improperisso the Stings Con. : ut Virgil is vagueas to the bees offensive eapon. p. l. 74 bove. Here he echoes Lucr. i. I 32 of lion esses morsibus adfixae validis. in vulnero, ei ther ablativeos Circumstance, in the dea the wound ; or ablativus loci, 'in thewound, the spicula caeca bein ascit were the bee' liis.
2 I-243. Sumre, dum igate, a Lucr. v. 175 miseram taetris se sumtodoribus. ignotus aclectit, λαθε τρωγων. Atellio, Euhilia, and meus are
seis quid cantari solet Τ- Quod habes, ne habeas, et illud quod nunc non
habeas habeas malum.' In Hor. d. iii 23. I immunis manus'), iv. Iaa 3 Epp. i. 4. 33, it se empi handed, Without a munus' or gisti Plautus has an adj. munis officiosus Merc. Prol. Io Dico ejus promeritis gratum me et mimem fore: ' p. immime facinus in ingratum,'
245. Fierce homet meet their eahe stre t in fight.' imparibus armis dative, as Aen. X. 796, i. 815 , of the bees nable to ope it thelio et Othere malae it abl. with stronger orce ' ut impar suggesta Wea es o inseriority, as Aen. i. 75 impar congresSus Achilli, Hor. Od. iv. 6. ceteris maior, tibi miles impar.'2 8 249. Saroire ins o purpose, a G. iii 46 Aen. i. 527, etc.
iii 53o os deat creeping on post inde per artus Ire alios tractim gelidi Vestigia leti.
262. sollicitum, restiess: ' sollicito motu Lucr. i. 3 3, i. Io 37, sollicitae rati stom-tossed 'DOV. FaSt. V. 72O. 265. ultro, goin soriar a to, See o Aen. ii. 45. 266 fessas, languid: ' p. the se of καμνω, laboro, an Hor C. S. 63 qui salutari levat arte sessos Corpori artuS.'267-27 . gallae, gall-nut, 'an excrescence o leaves growing round theeg of an infeci ou oak-apple.' efruta ' deservitum ' , oile must, G. i. 295. Sittita, etc. G. i. 93. centaurea, centau . a bitte herb. mentione by Lucretius iv I 25 tristia centaurea' amon thing quaecumque Suo de corpore odorem Exspirant acrem ' p. b. i. o I. 27Ι-275. amello Stamori: sor constructi On cp. G. iii I 7. Silvam G.
28I-284. efecerit, o a completed habedit, o a continuin state in
future time, p. . iii 327. et 'also, in addition to previ ous topics. Ar-oacti magistri, Aristaeus G. i. So callo ei ther a a hepher Ecl. ii. 33 , o bee keePer, o teacher Ecl. V. 49 The Arcadian age.'285. insinoerus, corrupted. incerus os liat is found healthy, or clean, Ov. Mel. i. 9 immedicabile vulnus Ense recidendum ne pars sincera trahatur; Hor Sat. i. 3. 56 Sincerum cupimu Va incrustare,' Epp. i. a. Sincerum est nisi a quodcumque infundis acescit; ' Cic. Ait x. 6 nihil simplex nihil sincerum. This strange notionis generati nil bee probabi aros hom heir havin chosen the dryriheleto of som beast a hodo trees, G. i. 453 for hi ving cp. Samson' riddie in Judges iv. altius, da back.'287-293. There is manifest redundanc in his descriptionis the Delta of the Nile: et alimSS. have ali the lines, though ith ome variet osorder Possibi Some of them ere alternative lines, no ali intende tostanu in one texi and Ribbeck thiniis l. 291 293 ould have been omittedon revi Sion. O Some may have been retaliae Domin longe passage about Egypt and Cornelius Gallus who is gaid by Servius and the pseudo-DonatuSto have been the her of the secondaal of this book as originalty rillen. 29o. PerSictiS, Sed vaguel for the countries eas of Egypt including Arabia; p. medus Hydaspes' l. Ia urget, presses,' confineS; ' P. Hor. Sat. i. a. in hac urget lupus, hac cani S aiunt, and wit accuS.
heaVen obliqua tuos, o a notato admi tuo much light. ta Ventis, as a tergo, etc. see Ecl. i. 5 .
geritvi' - hoc gerendum est' or gerendum esse dicunt' . It is hard tosee ho the de of surrose ome in . 3O9 3II. An Creatures arvellousi curious sirs Withou seel, oongis te also ith whistling Wings, crow together, an assa more and more Loidi the nsubstantia air. moctis miris quali fies visericla, P. G. i. 477 Aen. i. 35 . Tun a Dectum in orba pedum Lucr. v. 84o Munro, ad loci . For Visericta P. Cic. Vat. 3 omni apparatu ornatuque visendo worth seeing ' , Plin. N. H. xvi vicina luco Si leX, et iPSa nobilis, xxxi pedum ambitu caudicis, decem arbore mittenS, SingulaS magnitudinis visendae. 3I5, 3I6. extuctit, Worked Out, G. i. I 33. experientia, activi ty, 'experiment, ' triat,' as experiens active, apto try XPerimentS, Hor. . EPP. i. 7. a Cic. Verr. i. promptissimus homo et experien S, Liv. vi. 3 Vir acer et experiens ' : p. Cic. Fam x. I agam gratia fortunae