장음표시 사용
422. Strata viarum in strata vias,' pave Streeta, the en being deScriptive or explanat ory se l. 3Io above. The expression is borrowedfro Lucretius i. 315 iv. I 5), ho Se simila sermations. e. g. exStructa rogorum,' clausa domorum, caeli serena, munita viai, daedala verborum, etc. CP Aen. i. 332, 725 v. 695, i. I O, Viii. 333 an sor neut. sing. Vii. 59.
23. voero, bulld, i. e. carr on in line os Wali: p. Hor. d. iv. 6. 23 potiore ductos alite muroS.' an ἐλαυνειν τειχος, etc. Hom. Od. i. 9, t. 86. The infinitives are historic: but ome remove the comma and connec them iiii instant in ii. 627. 24. Subvolvere, rod up sto below to the eminenc on hic the
t rench: referring apparentinio private wellings, though some tali tecto of the whole it an optaro os the solemn choice by auspices; p. iii IO9,I32, v. 755. 26. They establis iam an ossicer an a reveren senate. 1egunt by Zeugma illi iura, to hic ctare ould e more appropriate: P. iii. I 37 V. 758, here legislation is mentioned, as here, in connection illibuilding. Heyne and Ribb. rejec the line or supposed incongruit Voth. the contexi, an inconsistency ith l. 5o7, here Dido is aid iura dare: 'bu MSS. suppor it. 27. theatris Rom. Pal. Vat. theatri Med. adopte by Con be- cauSe the plural Mould berio great an exaggeration ' ut Virgil' poetical deScriptions nee notae presse s closely. The mentio of theatres at ali M also that o a senate is an anachronism, ascribin later Roman inStitution to the early Phoenicians. 28 1oCant, Med. Pal. Rom. petunt ' Ribb. seo Vat. fini hand 43o. A bee in prin time 'er the flower meadows ly their usylabour in the Sun.' 3I. Xer et, heeps constanti in motion, like satigare' l. 316 note :cP. G. iii 529 Aen. iii. 8a vi. 543, X. O8 Liv xxxix simultates nimio plure et exercuerunt eum Catonem et ipse exercuit eas. The description o bees it. 3o- 36 is reppaled, it variations from G. iv. 162 160: Cp. Milton, Par Lost, i. 768-775, of the Ssembi a Pandemonium. 32. liquentia, rom liqui Lucr. v. 3 liquentia' v. 238 Dom liquere. Lucretius has liquidus and liquidus iv. 259 where see
quia non intelligor ulli, Ecl. v. 6 Aen. i. 326, 9 . Man Supposed
52. TehuS, dative it conssctere. 453-493. Aenea.lookMum Sula ingenti tomDlo , and sees represented onthe uter alis of the temple the incident of the Trojan war. 5 . Quae fortuna, etα, wonderSohat he ity's destin ca he' which mahes it o prosperouS . 55. inter se it artificum manus inter se certantium the handi-work of rival crafismen and the efforis of thei toti.' enia adoptς intra se 'fro in his own thoughis'): hence Ribb. conjecture 'intranS,' suggesting that it was ritie originali ' intraS.'458. amtiotius, i. e. to the Atreidae o the one hand, and Priamin theother So ἀμφοτεροισι Hom. d. iv. 339, Da hin and lawns. 59. iam ' by thi time,' δ'. 'What pol is there test, Achates, hat quarter of earlli that does not ring it our troubles 3 Sees here is Priamue'en here orthindscit due reward here are ear sor human fortunes, an morta sorrow touch the eart.' 6o rerum objectiV gen. CP. i. 784 mortalia, p. Ecl. Viii. 35. 463. tibi perhaps dat ethicus, me sure this fame ill work us eat.' 64. inani, insubstantiat, a natura epithetis Dictura, ut suggestive also that the mei and things of Troy arem longe realities. 66 478. A series of pendanis ' I. the victor of the Trojans, and thatos Achilles et the death o Rhesus and of Troilus 3 two cene os Supplianis the Trojan omen a the temple o Pallas, and Priam be re Achilles; . two batile-scenes-Memnon and the Amazons. The m persect ense throughout is pictorial-Aeneas sa it ali going on, as twere, e re his yes; ut the uniformit of expression is judici ouslybroken by the introduction it. 47 - 78, 85 sqq. os deScriptive PreSentS.
469. Abest the Thracia Ling ho cameras an allyrio Priam, illi the
promis that is his horse drank hom Xanthus Troy ouldae impregnable
Hom. Il. x Eurip. Rhesus). 7o. Primo ete through,hich, betrayed in thei firsi and sorioundest, cp. i. 268, v. 857 SleeP, Tydides a makinitiis murderous at d.' 73. gustassent, Sula denotin the intention o Diomede virtualoratio obliqua.
74. Troilus is allude to Ilia xxiv. 25 as havin been hille besore
518. tinctis Pal.), here sed distributi vel in omnibus: cp. . i. a
533. uois i. e. Italus, hom Thucydides vi a calis hingos the Siculi Itali an Siculi ein varieties of one race. Italia in Vitalia, the land of catile vitulus ' , an Italus is a legendar invention subsequent an notprior to the nam o the race.
53 . io Some inserior SS. read huc, as in v. 6 sor hunc: ineach case probabi a gloss. The presen ce of such un finished lines hemistich), of vhic there are thirteen in Aen. i. ii, and fifty-Mur in the welvetioohs, has been supposed to indicate the nfinishe State of the poem but illi ver se exceptions e g. ix. 721 the ense is complete a theystand an it is qui te possibi that like hypermetri lines the are an intentiona variation o metrica uniformity.
572. Et disjunctive 'ir ould e Settie si de by fide illi me in his
573. Phom Attractio of the antecedent in to the relative clause and consequently into the case of the relative is no uncommon : ut it seldom,as here, retain iis position e re the relative. P. Ter Eun. V. 3. II Eunuchum quem dedisti, quas turbas dedit γ' and so the more usualorder, ib. nil prol. Populo ut placerent, qua secisset fabulas, Hor. Sat. i. o. Illi scripta quibus comoedia prisca viris est.' 57 Trojan an Tyria in mine eyes mihi, dat ethicus ghallae heldalike.' The exae gens os agotiis is disputeda ut it obviousi expresses the Same idea as x. Io Tros Rutulusve suat, nullo discrimine habebo.' 576. certos i. e. cretos, part os cerno'), selected an so trusty: 'c9. Cic. Fam. . . I Walson 26 quotiens mihi certorum hominum potesta erit, quibus recte dem, non praetermittam, Att. V. paucis diebus habebam epistolar imp. certos homines quibus darem literas,' Plaut. Trin. i. a. 57 tu ex amicis certis mi es certisSimus; G. i. 32;Hor. d. h. 7. 28.
conjunctive a in l. 8 I. 58O. Tumsere, it accusati Ve, a κατὰ συνεσιν construction: cloareakout rom to void. Cp. Hor. d. v. 5. Io Rectum evaganti licentiae, Prop. v. a. praescriptos evecta est pagina gyros; and se Aen. V. 438. 58 . unus, OronteS: Cp. l. II 3 aboVe, i. 334.
6oo socias, nos tibi urbe' modat ablative), biddest us hare thy ci tyand th home' referri nil to Dido' offer l. 572-574.
6 I. ne Quiodulci, etc. - ne opis Si Dardanorum quicumque sunt ubique.
explaining quid in montibus umbrae lustrarent; ' hile them conjecture lustra dabunt, ' suppi lairs' to east : P. G. i. 47I . Daseet, homLucr. i. 3 unde aether sidera pascit γ' cp. b. v. 525 , here it reser tothe ether provid in sue o nutrimen to the res of the tars: p. Cic. N. D. i. 6. II 8; ut here it has no Oint. ere it notrior his obvious Orion of the phrase, e might suppos Virgil to reflect ome old mythWhic conceived the stare asin floc gragin in the ky-simila to those of the Oxe of the Sun, o the Septem Triones.'616 immanibus, this savage coasi, wit reserence to the native LibyanS. 6 I9. Quoer, o his retum rom Troy to hi native Salamis, as expelle by his father Telamon, and o de a ne Salamis in Cypru : Hor.
gladde the day. Heyne, agn. Forb. Kenn. GOSSr. Ribb., accepi dii 'but o the whole it seem salar wit Con. to solio MS authority. 637. Omus interior i. e. the atrium; 'socii. 486. Plencticta, etc. illi instruitur, ' is et out in the splendour of hingi state.'639. VeStes Sc. Stragulae coverteis exquisitet wrough and dyed inroya purple instruuntur,' videntur, o the like, muStae Supplied. 6 O ingens, Massive ' the word implies bulla. 645. ferat, subjunctive in virtua oratio obliqua, implied by Draomittit petitio obliqua): P. i. 5I3. 6 6. Stat, regis on,' is centre in ' p. i. 63 Liv. viii. 7 qua disciplina Stetit Romana res,' ac Hist. ii. 69 apud quo virtute quam
Pecunia reS Romana melius stetit.'6 8 Pallam, a long gown or dress, wom by omen an person os
dignity also by musicians o the stage, ver the tunica, and wit orwithout pallium' or uter cloa ove it velamen, a light exterior robe or shawl, calle cyclas by Servius Juv. iii. 78 clari velamen
668. iacto tur Se reserences ora. 65 above 'iacteturque, the readingos Med. ROm. γ, b, c, etc., and Vat. and , is abandone by mos editoreas inconsistent illi the sense acertiae, Vat. Pal. ali correcte to iniquae' iniquae Med. Rom. an mos later SS, probabi frontrecollectionis viii. 292. Certiae cannot e thus accounte for, an is therelare more lihel to e original; p. notes to G ii. 382, 5Ι , Aen. i. 49. 669. nota notum is explaine as a Graecism, p. Hdi. i. 9 τὴν πεπρωμενην μοῖραν δυνατα ἐστιν ποφυγεειν καὶ θεῶ, ut e might render ali is known.' Aen. i. 3Io quoted by Con. an Cic. Mur xii. 26 GOSSrau)aremo reali parallel. 671, 672. Quo Se etc. To ha Juno' hospitalit ma turn. Juno, the patrones of Carthage had rive Aeneas thither. EeSaadit, c. uno, ghe wil notae die a Soareat a crisis' abl. os circumstance . 673. Casere, etc., a metaPhor stomaeSieging PerationS . . i. 26,
is natural to find them sonae times dispensed illi in the looser idiom of
685. laetissima, 4n the sui nes of her joy.'
P. PerS. v. 56 Hic Salus irriguo mavult turgeScere Somno, dewy, i. e.
Perspirin fleep'-but Persius may be burtesquin poetica language in Virgilland otheriit is a poetica commonplacessor diffusing. The Homeric
JuV. V. M Cic. Att. v. discubuimus omnes praeter illam, cui tamen Quintu de mensa misit. Super adv. Wit Strato, Spread pon the
7O3. Iongo, Med. Rom. γ, b, c, an mos MSS; retaine by GogSrau. Wa . Forb. Con. Ribb., etc. accepi longam' Pal. o the authorit ofCharisius, the oldest extant grammarian. AuSonius 3IO-39O . D. may have rea 'longam, cp. Id. iii 27 conduntur fructus geminum mihi semper in annum Cui non longa penus, huic quoque prompta fames longa penus' - kod sor a long time'): Gellius, however iv I) says that both reading were nown in his time 125 175 .D.) so that longam canclai no evidence of superior antiqui ty. An What is the oin here of penus longa y the whole passage Seem descriptive of ne great eaSt: Orctine longo, o the ther and is a common Virgilianism e. g. i. 766, Vi. 8a Viii. 722, etc. his ver fact no doubi, and the principi potior lectio dissicillima, would on meret externa gro d determine in savour of longam' se notes to G. i. 8a, I ). ut intema considerations os meaning, PPropriateness, etc. have algo thei place an here the are notoni Stron in themselves, ut strongi supporte by MSS, in savouris themore natura an appropriale longo.'7O . Struero, Se note to G. i. 213. flammis actolere Penates, to
7 Io flagrantes. glowing, appropriate to the go os love; p. Catuli. lxiv. I flagrantia declinavit lumina, Cic. Cael. among the SignSona anton oman ' flagrantia oculorum.'
plere mero. 73Ι loquuntur Ecl. V. 28.
735. in do e m Tyrians, grace u gathering Withoour approvat,' lit. celebrate in friendi spirit: cp. viii. 73, andis favere, V. I. 736 7 o laticum, genitive explanator of honorem, the offering os
ding himbe qui ch, 'cp. G. iv I 38 Aen. iii 45 . II imniger, etc., hebrisklydraine the oam inibowi drinking dee hom the well-fissed gold, cp. Hor. Sat. i. 5. 6 multa prolutus vappa.' his custom os drinkin a cup and passiniit on to an othe with some wishrior his health propinare poculum,' προπινειν φιάλαν survives rom mediaeva practice in the grace-cup os civi an collegiat entertainmenis: Propino tibi, domine, et omnibus Wiccamicis ' eing the formula stili in se a Ne College Oxsord. 7 Q, 7 I. The introductio of the bard crinitus, aster the fashion fAPosso is Homeric-se Od. i. 325 sqq. viii. 49 sqq. For the conceptiono Ionas and the subjectis his song, see G. ii 477, and Ecl. i. Introd. andit. 3 Sqq. the sola of Silenus). Atlas, the mythical foremnne os physical Phil OSOPhers, is cliose a the instructor of the Carthagini an bard, rom his Connectiori illi the Africa mountain. In Hom. Od. i. a hecis called ὀλοόφρουν, a Wor implying liketur wigard, fro- wissen,' to know' 'hesuspicion et is ignorant peoples of dee and mysterious knowledge See