Opera. Virgil with an introd. and notes by T.L. Papillon and A.E. Haigh

발행: 1882년

분량: 445페이지

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in l. o it is coupled wit putris. The fame hinc os sol is describe iii

meaSure.' iusto applies algorio maiores hordas the sol is to luxuriant an iis producis O rank. 254 255. taeitam, in sense adverbial se Aen. i. 8 'betray itselfinit soWn eight without further gign. Cp. Liv. i. 5o ne id quidem ab Turno tacitum tulisse ferunt without an answer rom ') and the se in legat Phrase unexpressed,' implied. English, a tacit understanding. Dromotum, easy. ' Prompta moenia oppugnanti practicabie ' Liv. xxiii. I, lacilis et prompta defensio Cic. De r. i. 56, 237. oeulis, ablat. 256. Quis Cui a double question τις τίνι; . enn takes Ui indes, Sin si quis, etc. τις τινι ), o the round that only one question is reatlyput here, vig. What is the colour of each solla' ' quis is no generalty used a indes pron excepi xvith si,' nisi,' ne; but it occur in Aen. vi I Hor Sat. i. 3. 63 ac Aran. i. 26 quantum qui damni profesSus erat, ib. Hist iii 58 quanto quis clarior.'26o 26 I. excoquere, to dry in the Sun; Lucr. i. 962 terram soleXcoquit; ' P. G. i. 6 . et . . . montes, an to leave illi renches thelarge ill-sides. Virgil inculcates a lesso of hard and thorough ork.

ante repeat multo ante' l. 259, P. Ecl. i. o. Susinatas, uptumed.'

and plante out '-i. e. the choose two Simila spois onerior a seminarium 'o nurSery the ther for an arbustum' Ecl. i. o . ozum Similem, virtualty in locorum similitudinem.'

27I, 72. Rri, the orth pote restituant, c. modum,' partem,' terga. acteo, etc. So important is habit in Outh. in teneri is ambiguouS, ei ther in teneris annis, abi os time Con.); in teneris rebus 'i. e. Uum re Sint tenerae, abi. of circumstance p. res tenerae l. 3 2, and for conStruction, G. i. III. Quintilian I. 3 rea ' a teneris, and so perhaps di Columella, ho says R. R. v. 6 plurimum enim resert ut eam Partem Caeli Spectent cui ab tenero consueverunt: cp. Hor. d. i. 6. 23 de tenero ungui,' an Cic. Fam. i. praesta te eum, qui mihi a teneris, ut Graeci dicunt, unguiculi e cognitus.'275. ensa, C. semina' or sata.' Plant them close: on closely- planted round the vine is no les proli fici non Segnior ubere, P. fertilis ubere' l. 185. lictenso sc loco ' p. in sicco m. i. 363. The meaniniis fixed by densa sere.'276. OdeS, Pal. Rom. Ver. Gud b, -Vat. anting. Ribb. and Con.



the thers. octo limito, in respectis the line cui hy ach via, oravenue. his arrangement of the arbustum is hal lin calis quincuncialis ordinum ratio. i. e. in the or os a quincunx' :.: and theresemblance of this to the batile arra os a Roman legion Dici Ant. Exercitus' suggest the simile hicli odows. p. Caes. B. G. Vii. 73 obliquis ordinibus in quincuncem dispositi S'-e. g. 279-283. in osten in ome might war heia a legion has deployed iis cohoris in long arra longa illi Oxplicuit); the colum has alte onan ope Plain and the lines are ressed, and sar and wide the ground is alla se of gleamin brass, e re theyJoin their rea encounter, hil Marsyet overs in suspense etween the hosts. The simile is o obvioustySuggeSted by the arrangement of the arbustum, that the punctuation heregi ven seem preserable to that os mos editions vi g. a fuli storia l. 278 and Colon a l. 283. explieuit, the whole anoeuvre, explaine in delati bysistit agmen and irectas Ribb. derectae' acies aero renidentii Suggeste by Lucr ii 325 totaque circum Aere renidescit tellus; see Munro, ad loc horricta miscent Droelia, p. Milion, Par Lost, ii 7I6: Stan fronto front, Hovering a pace, tili ind the signa blowTocioin thei dar encounter in mi air.'28 . Harum variousi talien I with omnia, ut the position of the word is against this; a with ctimensa, o analog os strata inrum Aen. i. a a), let ali the mensure avenues e even; 3 wit Daribus numeris a mos editions, ut in disserent senses -Con 'equa and regular Venues' in pares et numerosae viae); Forb. equa intervals numeris pedum belween the venues; Κenn 'road os correspondingsige. Might it notis in even ines i. e. ranks of avenues, LeePing Pthe militar metaphor in the semi- technica use of numeri iunit, . g. in TacituS: Cp. reliquos in numeros legionis composuerat' in to the ranks')Hist. i. 7, sparSi per provinciam numeri tro ops' Agric. I 83 I not, DRribus numeris mugii loosely used in the sense os even distributio orarrangement, pari numeratione : it an hardi reser to the sit of the

road S.

288 fastigia, depili, i. e. ownward si operi originalty the pward Slopeos a roos o gabie, an so height.' p. the disserent meaning of altus: 'an se on Aen. ii 4 4. 289. Rusim, should venture, conjunct. os modi sie statement Thisan saxim laesim Dare the ni regula furvivat in classica Latinis a series os future fornas in -so, -sim,' - sere' ind. conj., infin. , common in the olde dialec os Plautus, id laws an formularies, etc. Virgit has iusso' Aen. i. 67 , Lucretius cohibessit' iii Catullus recepso' xliv. 9 and tepefaxit' lxviii. 29 , Terence excessis' And. v. 4. I and appellassis' Phorm. v. I. 5 . Se Roby L. r. i. O 6 I9-625; an. Comp. Phil. p. 2I7-2 I9, an edition.


29o. The re is plante deeper an sarcinio or within, locative thegro d.' p. terrae infodiunt Aen. i. o5. The coincidence of terras in these passages it the so-called genitive o place' i. e. locative 'Romae' raises the question hether Such apparentisses of dative it aver implyin motion might not be reserre to the locative case theexistin traces of which - humi,' domi, ' ruri, etc.-are in or dative). The distinctio here drawn bet ween artios and vitis seem to reclude theformer ord sto application to the vine-at eas in a technica treati seliae the GeorgicS, P. V. 89. 295. volvens, roding, and o paSSing through P. Aen. i. . vinoitcturancto, conquers by lasting, i. e. ouilaSis. Virum Saeoula, generations.' p. Lucr. i. Ioa multaque vivendo vitalia vincere aecla, an onthe force of the alliteratio Munro, Notescit. Introd. P. Io6- IS ed.).299. agella, therio Ahoot of the vine Catuli lxii. 52 vitis . . . Iam iam contingit summum radice flagellum .' 3oa olea, Ribb. and ther fro Med. oleas' in s of whicli a bedue to initiat s of the nexi,ord oleae, Con. etc. fro Pal. Rom. tal in insere plant' wil olive locks a supporter in the arbustum' and mahing vites the Subject in il 3I 2, 313 so that the whole paSsage refers to vines. With olea the sense mustae urast ii stocks os oleaster Withthe olive: and the passage is then a precept against engrastin the oliveo the oleaster, ecause, is a re occurred, the olives ould una down to the grast, an only the bitte oleaster ould grow up again oliva isthen Sula. nil. II, 3IM; hicli mal ecl. 3Ι muc more to the poliat Theobjectio taken to this read in an interpretation is the wkwar transitionstom vine to olive : ut o the wholerit is the leas of two viis. 3O8. nemus, i. e. the olive grove. I vines are here referre io, it must les appropriately the arbuStum. Tuit, throw Up, se G. i. IOS,

an Virgil is lihelyrio have avoide similarit of endinii two consecutive

3IS. Coneretam, Pal. ROm. Med. 2n hand 9th cent. SS. Servius, an apparently Claudian, ho has concreta radice Cons. Hon vi. 77



concreturn Ribb. rom Med. Isti and ;- i. e. concretum gelu nom. to Datitur), concretionem suam, ' p. Lucr. v. 12 2 locis adfigere adhaesum,' to et a firm Cimon.' concrotam might perhaps e proleptic, ita ut concrescat: butaeiter in concretam gelu '- does no allo the ouia plant to attach iis storen roo to the soli.'32o avis, i. e. the Stork; CP. JuV. iv. Serpente ciconia pulloSNutrit. 321. rasidus, of the Sun, See Ecl. i. o. 323. acteo lays tres On Ver: 'tis even pring that . . . se noterio .

lapis earth is describe in a metaphor rom physica generation, Ontinue in artuaei l. 33o, an laxant Sinus . 33Ι. P. Lucr. i. 25O pereunt imbres ubi eo pater aether In gremium matris terrai praecipitavit.' The notion ad irili in arm climates, here the excegsive heata state period seeme to bring the ether down in abundant ratris,hic at

in his contexi and considering the eas with whicli lanx might e consused i seem sal to let internat weigh own externa eviderace. 343. Dossent, could bear. The referenc is no to the time o creation whicli ould require potuissent' , ut to the genera subject of springresume seo l. 335. res oneraΘ, yOung or tende producis; homLucr. i. 79 vivida tellus Tuto res teneras effert in luminis oras: ' p.

3 hypermetric verse; See o G. i. 295 ii. 69. 3 5. XoiDeret, greet, i .e aster the winter so excepit hospitio ' Dominjourney Hor Sat. i. 5. I, excipiant infantem' hom the mollier Juv. Vii. I95, excipiat tironem porta' sto a campaign ib. vi. 3; P. G. iV. O7, Aen. i. 276, iii 3I 8, v. II . The genera idea is that os receivin homsonae ther person or condition So Cic. Div. 11 quod animus arripit, aut excipit extrinSecuS.'


ptant Staris); se the doubila parallel Aen. i. 36o, and the Se os capita ritium cite sto Cato by on. Who algo quotes Aristolle de Vita 6, 7 το γαρ ανω του φυτου καὶ κες, γη Ῥίζα ἐστι. ut Cicero Seneci. 5. 5ῖ and Columella iii Io iv. 13, 7, 24, 26 use vitium capita in the



whereas it probabi besides. In the firs passage Virgil says that the

38O-38 'Tis in fac sor his crime that the goat appear at ali altar a Victim to Bacchus, hen the old plays come pon the stage, and the S Sos Theseus Athenians osse prire so the eopte in stitos a their Village an cross-road gatherings, an in thei merr drinhin bovis ance

382. in gentes, Ribb. hom ingentes Med. Pal. etc., testifie to byol grammarians, ho ook it ag one or ingentes' . his hoWeverwould have litti potnt ei ther a acc. it Dagos, o nom. it TheSictae an Ribbeck' division os the word is a better. The ordinar reading. ingeniis sor it o for mei of wit' , est on Rom. aloneri and thoughtemPling, is obviousi more likel to e a correctio sor cingentis than ingentis ' for t. reponderance of S authori ty, and the principi potior lectio difficillima, combine in favour of ingentis' or in gentis: an it ma be note that in Med. Pal. our hie authorities here the divisions belWeen ord are raret marhed, and T is osten very early I. Se thespecimens in Ribbeck' Protegg. Dagos et Compita: P. Hor. EPP. i. 9. The Roman laganalia an Compitalia' ould e the earest equivalent to the Athenian Διονυσια τα κατ dγρους but here Virgil is probabinthini in vaguel of the derivatio of κωμωδία rom κωφιη, a aboVeos τραγωδία from τράγος. 38 . O this game of ἀσκωλιασμός se Dici Ant. ἀσκωλία. 385, 386. Apparenti an allusion to the Fescennina licentia Hor. Epp. ii. I. 139-Ι5 See also Sellar, Roman Poets of the Republic ch. ii. 9 34. versibus ineomptis uncoulli' may perhaps refer to the 'horridus numerus Saturnius,' the indigenous metre o Italy Sellar, ib. p. 3o .


Troia gens missa is a forestiadowin os the Aeneid Con .h; p. Aen.

poetical , p. . iii 3 exspectatum, Aen. v. notum, Li V. i. 53 ni degeneratum in aliis huic quoque decori offecisset, vii. diu non perlitatum tenuit dictatorem, ac Hist. i. 18 observatum id antiquitus non tenuit Galbam. S in Greeli, here artici an infin naturali somsuc substantives, the participi is occasionali employed: O UIωμενον τῆς πολεως huc. i. 63. versis, i. e. Wit the back of the hoe nomus assilvis l. o ), of the trees in the arbustum.'

Oa. tque, even as, equivalent to a conjunction se note o Ecl. vii. 7.

O3 iam olim eum them; the origina gens os olim ollo' - ille' is a that time,' p. Aen. viii. 3 8 and the indefinite senses a fame time,' sormerly, Comes later. p. . iii 3oa, Aen. i. O Plaut. Trin. i. 4. Iaa olim terra quom proscinditur In quinto quoque sulco moriuntur oves' in illo tempore').4O6, 4o7. Saturni ctento, i. e. the pruningant se, it whicli Satum fg regulari represent ex ep. Juv. xiii 30 Sumeret agrestem posito diademate salcem Saturnus fugiens. Ovid Ibis et I calis him salcifer senex. 'rolictam. which he has est, i. e. he comes ac to the vine frigit, moulds' sh apes, speciali os a potier hapin clay acri ingendus sine fine rota Pers. iii a ; ence called figuluS Juv. X. 7 I. o Sqq. Virgil here imitates the hori sententiolis maxim o Hesiod, and the imperative form in bio' of the old Roman laws' Kenn.).



17. No the last vine-dresse is singin ove the completion of his rowS, i. e. canit effectos esse. The SS. exhibit great variety extremoSe eius heing the mos important v l. ut Med. Pal. Rom. agre in

extremus, an Pal. Rom. With Med. Is hand in effectos; so that there is litti reat dotibi. I9. Vis, ei ther dat os indirect reseretice so the rapes'), a G. i. I 86, o dat agentis it metuenctus by the grapes' , a G. V. 37.422. When once the have talcen root in the sol or eathere the

424. Cum omere. I Cum prepositioni conjunctioni I preposition, it must, unde in plough, cum having early the instrumenta sorce os Engli Sh Mith - rare, ut not nexamplexuse, e g. Aen. ix. I 6 bu See note there an Ennius cite by Servius here effundit voces proprio Cum pectore; an it illae opposed to sine vomere' - ,here the plough Snot Sed. I conjunction, it - oum vomero recluditur, a contraSte Withoum ctento reoluctituri but what is the opposition etween umorem and fruges ' and et cum ctonio, cum vomoro in suc cloSe proximit Seem Strange untes cum has the fame meanin in acti case With Somehesitation I solio Heyne, Forb. Ribb., enit in regardin cum ' Sconjunctio an punctuatin as bove. Con sollows Servius and agnerin the opposite interpretation writini gravida cum vomere frugeS. AnunSupporte conjecture is gravidas cum foenore fruges.' 25. oo. This is it hic nurtures the rich olive so dear to Peace.'nutritur Med. Pal. seem preserable to the ordinarii received nutritor ' Rom. , arti on the ground of Superior S authority, parti on that os sense, hicli oes no require the imperative a incit. o sqq. for in his Paragraph Virgil meret states facts bout the culti vation o olives. nutritor, however has edito ital consensus in iis savour an tio is thenabi by this means arando' vomere' , though som exples it a m there re like the Homeri τῶ cp. Hor. Sat. i. I. 45. Iazitam, ,elcome or mea to Peace: cp. Aen. v. 38. 426, 27. Omam fruit-trees. The metaphor is that of ama seelinghis limb Stron unde him. vires suas, thei prope or sud Strength.'43O, 3I RViuria, haunts of irdS, i. e. oods cp. Lucr. i. 18 frondiferasque domos avium. cytisi, lucerne, Ecl. i. 79. taectas, ine-wood sor torches o laet). 32. ignes, fires: CP. G. i. 29 I.

33. Omitte bymed an no noticed by Servius Ribbec retainiit in

the margin as oubiful. ut Pal. Rom. Gud. b c ave it et indignantis; cp. m. i. 8, i. o 7 Cic. Phil. i. 8 et vos acta Caesaris defenditis, qui leges evertitist So εἶτα Aristoph. Nub. 347, 2I4, etc. - and then, an aster this . . . .' 434 435. Riora, Such as are mentione in ii. 437 sqq. minora 'aeing SullCBS, genistact illae, pleonastic, givin additiona emphasi S: P. Aen. i. 3, V. 456, X. 385 Hor. d. v. 9 5 I.


Catuli. v. 3. Thesbox-tre grows indigenous in ariew spois in England . e. g. o the Chiltem hilis in Buckingliamshire. 439. obnoxi&. indebled: Cp. . i. 396.4 I. ior ver rent and reched by torm blasis. The rhythm is expressive of the filiu gusis of ind. animos anima' - indy.' stomy; Ov. m. impulsa est animos ianua vento, Stat Theb. ix. 459 animosaque surgit Tempestas: so of pictures i. e. sud os lise,' Prop. v. Gloria Lysippost animosa ingere signa. This ast example speciali potnis to a distinctio belween his an animosus' -

courageous animus' G. iii 8 or at an rate tori o quit distinctisses of the fame ord, the ne associaled wit the de of anima, the ther Wit that os animus. frangetiniquo fertintdua, lihe agere et ferre: 'cp. Aen. i. 37 the doubie expression enhancing the notionis violenc asin lare an carry.' 4 a fetus, producis'-not fruits, for the are steriles.'4 4. ino. ex his silvis. tympana 'drum-Wheeis of solid ood, Without spolies like thos no in Sem ratiWayS).447, 4 8. hastilibus, lance-like shoois Cp. Aen. iii. 23. Bona hollo, epithetis cornua the constructio is myrtus et comus secundae validis hastilibus. Ituraeos a literan epithet, See Ecl. i. 55, . iii 3 5. Con citeSCic Phil. ii cur homines omnium gentium maxime barbaros Ituraeos cum sagittis deducis in forum Τ' 49 neo . . . non moreOVer. The inde is here called Iovis λειξος .hut in . i. levis' ελαχυς . oves an torno rasile are emi

proleptic o rather, participiat in construction the lindelis smoothed, and the bocis planed by the Chisel.

Med. Rom. θ, ecum Pal. Rhoecum ' Ribbeck. Bentley onmor. Od. i. I9 23 decides for Rhoetus a the nam os both centaurinnygiant. 58-5 o. In his epigode the char of ea esul contemplation, of Nature in her serenes aspect an harmon with the human oui, os anethica ideat based on religious belle an nationa traditions os a lis os pure an tranquit happiness, remote seo the Clasti of aim and the pridean passion of the worid, is made presen to S in a train os continuousan modulate music, hiem ei ther Virgil himselfior an other poet hassurpassed. Sellar, Virgil, ch. vi. Pp. 56, 57 .



happineSS, are the counir sollit fortunatos, accus of exclamatio like me miserum i etc. : P. Juv. X. 22. norint, Pers. Subj. Wit PreS. mean ing the apodoSis ould sint.' 6o iustissima The arti is looked nos return in or repayin adeposit in sud ; γήδιον δικαιότατον en Cyr. viii. 3. 38. Reilem πιφθOVOV, without letis hindrance lour forth in jus return abundant Susten ance.' 6I, 462. foritius Eunertiis, descriptive of omus ulta mane salutantum, i. e. Client an other paying thei respectS. Such DP e were hel early Prima salutantes atque altera continet hora Mart. v. S. I, sollicitus ne Tota salutatrix iam turba peregerit orbem Sideribus dubiis' Juv. V. 22. toti noctilaus, drom the whole palace.'

Sua τε im duxerunt.'

73. There is religio an reverene se age. Extrema, etc. See Ecl. iv. 6.

75. ante omnia it Primum. Firs and e re ali. say Virgil, Lwould e the poetis philosophy; his conceptio of the doιδυς or bardbein an Xpo de Os nature a Iopas, Aen. i. 74 sq. . Se introductionto Ecl vi, and p. the Son Os Silenus, ib. I sqq. Quarum uera fero, i. e. Sacerdos sum ' p. Musarum sacerdo 'mor. d. iii I. 3.

478- 8 I. Iahore i another expressio sor desectus,' CP Aen. i. 74o eclipses an Changes' . Lucr. v. 75 Solis item quoque defectu lunaeque latebras obscurations ' shows Virgirs mean ing. tume Soant Thi Sarid resictant an hardi appi torii des, hic were tua nown to Virgil, Sacquainte Ont With the Mediterranean cp. Aen. X. 288, i. 624 , ut toviolent upheavais of the se in connection it earlhquakes, Me g. huc. iii 89. arctis, lingering, i. e. inter nighis; p. Lucr. V. 699 nocteS hiberno tempore longae.'

84. Digictus. Accordin to the Empedoclem theo , that the hear Wasthe seat os intellect colyblood was supposed to accompany lac os geniuS. 86- 88. o utit, etc., O Where is Spercheus illicit plains and Taygetus haurite by Bacchanal maidens of Laconia γ' aeotiata, Aen. iii. 25. Spercheu Pal. Spercheos Med. with o altere to ti by an hand), Sperchius Rom. Ribb. reads Spercheos.' convallibus Med. COnvallimus Pal. , in vallibus Rom. Gud b the lalter probabi arisin stomi. 485.